Sunday, September 14, 2014

Blessed wives of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam)

There is difference in opinion concerning the blessed wives of the Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), but all unanimously agree up to eleven blessed wives. We will thus present a brief table with a list of the Azwaaj-e-Mutahiraat.
BLESSED BAANDIS : Hazrat Maariyah Qibtiya - Hazrat Raihana - Hazrat Nafisa and one more whose name is not known. (Allah be pleased with them all).
HIS BLESSED CHILDREN : It is accepted by all the great scholars, that Huzoor (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) had seven children : Hazrat Qaasim (lived for only seventeen days), Hazrat Ibraheem (passed away at 17 or 18 months), Hazrat Abdullah (passed away during childhood), Sayyida Zainab, Sayyida Ruqayya, Sayyida Umme Kulthoom, Sayyida Fathima (ridwaanullahi ta aala alaihim ajmaeen).
No.Blessed NameYear of NikahAge of
Served Huzoor forBlessed
Age of Huzoor
at Nikah
1Bibi Khadija25yrs
25 years
25 years
2Bibi Sauda10 an7214 yearsMadinah50 years
3Bibi Aisha1 ah639 yearsMadinah54 years
4Bibi Hafsa3 ah598 yearsMadinah55 years
5Bibi Zainab bint khuzaima3 ah303 monthsMadinah55 years
6Umme Salma4 ah807 yearsMadinah56 years
7Bibi Zainab bint Jahsh5 ah516 yearsMadinah57 years
8Bibi Juwairiyah5 ah716 yearsMadinah57 years
9Umme Habiba6 ah726 yearsMadinah57years
10Bibi Safiyah7 ah50Just over
3 years
Madinah59 years
11Bibi Maimoona7 ah80Just over
3 years
Near Makkah59 years
Abbreviations on Table : Milad : since birth of Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam), an : after announcement of Nabuiwat - ah: After Hijrat

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