- Open Server Manager. To open Server Manager, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then clickServer Manager.
- In Computer
Information, click Configure Remote
- In the System
Properties dialog box, under Remote Desktop, click one of the following options:
- Allow connections from
computers running any version of Remote Desktop (less secure). Use this option if you do not know the version of
Remote Desktop Connection that will be used to connect to this server.
- Allow connections only from
computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication (more
secure). Use this option if you know
that the users who will connect to this server are running
Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008.
- Review the information in the Remote Desktop dialog box, and then click OK twice.
Sunday, September 7, 2014
To enable Remote Desktop locally by using Server Manager
Installing SQL Server 2000
Installing SQL Server 2000
To Install SQL Server 2000 Basic Local
1. Insert the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 compact
disc in your CD-ROM drive (if the compact disc does not run automatically,
double-click Autorun.exe in the root directory of the compact disc), select SQL Server 2000 Components, and then select Install Database Server. Setup prepares the SQL Server Installation
Wizard. At the Welcome page, clickNext.
2. In the Computer Name dialog box, Local Computer is the default option, and the local computer
name appears in the text box. Click Next.
3. In the Installation Selection dialog box, click Create a new instance of SQL Server,
or install Client Tools,
and then click Next. Follow directions on the User
Information, Software License Agreement and related pages. In theInstallation Definition dialog box, click Server and
Client Tools, and then click Next.
4. In the Instance Name dialog box, if the Default check box is
available, you can install either the default or a named instance. If the Default check box is not available, a default instance has already been
installed, and you can install only a named instance.
To install the default
instance, click to select the Default check box, and then click Next.
To install a named
instance, click to clear the Default check box, type a new named instance in the Instance Name box, and then click Next.
5. In the Setup Type dialog box, click Typical or Minimum, and then click Next.
6. In the Service Accounts dialog box, accept the default settings, type your domain password,
and then click Next. In theAuthentication Mode dialog box, accept the default setting, and
then click Next. When you finish specifying options, click Next in the Start Copying Files dialog box.
7. In the Choose Licensing Mode dialog box, make selections according to your license agreement,
and then clickContinue to begin the
installation. In the Setup Complete dialog box, click Yes, I want
to restart my computer now,
and then click Finish.
To Install Client Tools Only for SQL Server
1. Insert the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 compact
disc in your CD-ROM drive (if the compact disc does not run automatically,
double-click Autorun.exe in the root directory of the compact disc), select SQL Server 2000 Components, select Install Database Server, and then click Next at the Welcome page of the SQL Server Installation Wizard.
2. In Computer Name dialog box, Local Computer is the default option, and the local computer
name appears in the edit box. Click Next.
3. In the Installation Selection dialog box, click Create a new instance of SQL Server, or install Client Tools, and then click Next.
4. Follow the directions on the User Information, Software License Agreement, and related pages.
5. In the Installation Definition dialog box, click Client tools only, and then click Next.
6. In the Select Components dialog box, accept the defaults or select the components you
want, and then click Next. You can select an item in the Components list, such as Management Tools, and then select items from the related Sub-Components list, such as Enterprise Manager. Click to select items that you want to
install, and click to clear the check box for the items you do not want to
install. For information about each component, select the item, and view theDescription box.
7. In the Start Copying Files dialog box, click Next to complete the
installation of the client tools.
To Install Connectivity Only for SQL Server
1. Insert the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 compact
disc into your CD-ROM drive (if the compact disc does not run automatically,
double-click Autorun.exe in the root directory of the compact disc), and then
select SQL Server 2000
2. Select Install Database Server. Setup prepares the SQL Server Installation Wizard. At the Welcome page, click Next.
3. In the Computer Name dialog box, Local Computer is the default option, and the local computer
name appears in the text box. Click Next.
4. In the Installation Selection dialog box, click Create a new instance of SQL Server,
or install Client Tools,
and then click Next.
5. Follow the directions on the User Information, Software License Agreement and related pages.
6. In the Installation Definition dialog box, click Connectivity Only, and then click Next.
7. In the Start Copying Files dialog box, click Next to complete the
Brief Biography of the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam)
"And We (Allah) have not sent you (Muhammad) except a Blessing for all the world (for all the times)." (Al-Quraan - XXI: 107) | ![]() |
"And We (Allah) have sent you (Muhammad) as a messenger for the entire mankind (for all the times). (Al-Quraan - IV: 79) | ![]() |
"Muhammad is not at all a father to any one male among you hut he is the (last) Messenger of Allah and is the finality of Prophethood." (Al-Quraan - XXXIII: 40) | ![]() |
Surely for you the life pattern of the Holy Prophet is the best modality to follow. (Al-Quraan - XXXIII: 21) | ![]() |
No Muslim male or female has any liberty (unchecked) to go by their own will when Allah and His messenger command them to do certain acts. Whosoever does not accept the command of Allah and His Messenger that one adopts a wrong way. (Al-Quraan - XXXIII: 36) | ![]() |
Whatever the Prophet prescribes get that in action. From whatever he prohibits you desist from the same. (Al-Quraan - LIX: 7) | ![]() |
City of Makkah is the birth place of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahoo Alyhe Wassallam), This city is the oldest settlement of man on earth with erection of first house of worship by Hadhrat Aadam Alyhe Salaam (Allah's Blessings on him), the first man on this earth. This city is in Arabia, a big desert land between Red Sea and Syria with barren hills, glittering and blazing sands with few green places in its Hijaz Zone. The world fame cities of Makkah, Madina and Jeddah lie in this Zone of Hijaz as cradle of Muslim civilization between Indian ocean to that side of Suez canal African Arabs.B. GENEALOGY:
Genealogy of noble Muhammad, the Holy Prophet, Sallallahoo Alyhe Wassallam (Allah's blessings and salutations on him) (571-632) is the Last Messenger of Allah. He is the son of Abdullah (545-571) Who was the son of Abdal Muttalib, the son of Hashim, the son of Abd-e-Monaf, the son of Qusayy, the son of Kilab, the son of Murrah, the son of Kaab, the son of Luwae, the son of Ghalib, the son of Fahr, the son of Malik, the son of Nadar, the son of Kanannah, the son of Khazeemah, the son of Madrakah, the son of Ilyaas, the son of Madhar, the son of Nazaar, the son of Ma'a'ad, the son of Adnaan. Upto this great grand father the genealogy of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahoo Alyhe Wassallam (S.A,W.) has been unanimously agreed by all the Muslim and non-Muslim historians by correct records. All are unanimous on this point that the genealogy of the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) commences from Prophet Issma-'eel the elder son of Arch Prophet Hadhrat Ibrahim (Allah's Blessings on both of them). It is Hadhrat Ibrahim (Allah's Blessings on him) through Genealogy of Adnann upto Hadhrat Adam (Allah's Blessings on him) is as follows:
Adnaan, the son of Aud, the son of Hamee, the son of Salaaman, the son of Thabit, the son of Jamal, the son of Qaidaar, the son of Ismail, the son of Ibrahim, the son of Aazar, the son of Sharukh, the son of Arghoo, the son of Qaane, the son of Khabir, the son of Shalikh, the son of Arfahshad, the son of Saam, the son of Noah, the son of Lamak, the son of Mutawashlakh, the son of Ak'htankh, the son of Byaar, the son of Lyall, the son of Qanytaan, the son of Anoosh, the son of Shees, the son of Adam (Allah's Blessing on him).
The name of the respected father of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (meaning the most praiseworthy) Sallallahoo Alyhe Wassallam (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) is Abd Allah (Abdullah) (meaning the devotee of Allah). He was the most handsome youngest son of Abdal Mutalib excellent in virtues with perfect attributes. (One hundred camels were sacrificed as thanks-giving to Allah) by his father and the grand father of the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam). His forehead reflected a profound illumination. He died at the age of twenty five years according to some at the age of thirty years). Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) had been in the womb of mother Aaaminah at that time for a few months. Thus the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam belongs to a genealogy of nobility.D. THE SACRED MOTHER OF THE HOLY PROPHET (SAW):
The name of the sacred mother of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahoo Alyhe Wassallam) is Aaaminah, daughter of Wahab, the son of Hashim, who was the son of Abd Munaaf. She was known as the beautiful, virtuous, modest and chaste lady. When she died, the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) was six years of age. Thus the noble mother of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam also belonged to the family of great nobility.E. THE BLESSED BIRTH:
The brightest dawn follows the darkest night in this world of living men. Arabia plunged in darkness of evils and superstitions. In such a gloomy age all around the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) was born as a bright sun on the furmament of human history in the great city of Makkah. Prophecies of his birth are still available in Bible (John: XIV = 15, 16, XVI = 7) and in Books of the old testament as stated by the Holy Quraan (III : 81). The Holy Prophet of Islaam was born during the first year of Aamel Feel (the year of the Elephant's War) on 12th Rabee-ull-Awwal; 21st April, 571 A.D, during early morning; before the sun-rise. Slaughter ceremony as thanks-giving to Allah took place on the 7th day. All the Quraysh community was invited to the feast. When people asked what is the name of the child his grand father Abdul Muttalib answered "Muhammad". He was asked as to why the child has been assigned this unique type of virtuous name in deviation of customary names? The reply was "my child should deserve appreciation and praise of the entire world" (and Muhammad means the most praiseworthy).
The Makkah pagans objected that Muhammad Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam should have born to some king. The infidels were critical that Muhammad Sallallahoo Alyhe Wassallam should have born to some chief or king. But Allah says in the Holy Quraan:
"Allah knows best with whom to place His Prophethood." Al-Quraan VI: 125.Thus Muhammad Bin Abdullah was His best choice.
The Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) was entrusted for suckling to the most virtuous Haleemah Saa'-diyah, as the great governess. When Haleemah started to suckle the infant Muhammad Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam it was so soothing for her that she tried her level best to suckle him (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) on both breasts hut he (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) never took a drop from her left side full of rich milk. This is how infant Muhammad Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam protected the right of Haleemah's son in such infancy. After two years of his (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) suckling the great Nurse Haleemah brought him (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) to his most respectable mother. But she again entrusted him upto the age of six years to nurse Haleemah for further socialization in her pure Arabic tribe.G. DEATH OF GRAND FATHER:
When the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) reached the age of eight years eight months and ten days, his (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) grand father, the most respected leader of Makkah and strongest guardian of the Ka-'aaba Hadhrat Abdul Muttalib passed away at the age of eighty four years. The grand father had a great love for the Holy Prophet as child being so lovely and the only orphaned son of so most handsome youngest son Abdullah and so virtuous daughter-in-law Aamina.H. SPONSORSHIP OF ABOO TALIB:
Aboo Talib was the real and so dear uncle of the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam). He was personally entrusted the guardianship of the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) by his grand father before his death. He now assumed the responsibility of supervision, acculturation and social training of the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) with personal care, deep love and great attachment with the orphan son of his real younger brother. It is during this period that the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) learnt the art of goat farming to the practice of retail salesmanship as an honest worker.I. BUSINESS:
On attaining the youthful faculties the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) inclined towards undertaking skilfully the family business but he (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) did not have any capital to flourish it under his resourceless uncle. A widow of a noble family Hadhrat Khadeejah, a great lady was very rich with a thriving trade and commerce. For some times the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam was entrusted her sales managership through his uncle which impressed lady Khudeejah for his honesty, straight dealings and integrated skilfulness. So she herself requested him (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) to take her goods for trading. She then allocated much of her business to him while he attained adulthood for his (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) most appreciable attributes, trustworthiness and orderly ways of life. The Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) from now onwards became a great businessman of profound honesty with integrity. Considerable profits were earned in this trade and business which further impressed Lady Khadeejah for his (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) worth and personal greatness.J. MARRIAGE TO HADHRAT KHADEEJAH R.A. (RADHI ALLAHOO TA'-'AALA ANN-HAA):
During the business deals the servant of Hadhrat Khadeejah-tull-Kuubra, named Mysarrah, always remained with the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam). He narrated to Hadhrat Khadeejah all the good attributes and magnanimity of the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) which he had observed during the business journey and his (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) tradesmanship. On hearing about these virtues, Hadhrat Khadeejah (R.A.) as the richest lady of the land made a request to the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) to get married to her. At the time of marriage the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) was a handsome young personage of 25 years of age and Hadhrat Khadeejah was a most respectable widow of 40 years. After marriage to the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) she remained alive for 25 years. Thus the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam became the Managing Director of her entire business at this prime age. After the marriage, all of His (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) time was consumed in worshipping Almighty Allah as the Supreme and the Sublime universal reality for the betterment and welfare of humanity bringing them to the folds of unity.K. THE UNIQUE WORSHIP IN THE CAVE OF HIRA:
The Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam attained the full maturity age of forty years. On 5th of Rabi-ull-Awwal, year 41 Meeladi, the day was Monday (According to 12th of February, 610 A.D.) the Arch Angel Hadhrat Roohul Ameen Jibrael came to the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) with the Divine commandment of declaring him the Last Prophet of Allah (S.W.T). The Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) at that time was engaged in supplication to Almighty Allah in the cave of Hira. Hadhrat Roohull Ameen (The Holy Spirit Hadhrat Jibrael) said "O Muhammad ! happy News to you; you are the Messenger of Allah, and I am Jibrael. Read with the Name of Rubb". But the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) told him. that he is unlettered to read any thing. Then Angel Jibrael embraced him strongly. The Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) came to the house and laid down on his bed with heavy body. He then felt fever and too much cold. Therefore, he asked Hadhrat Khadeejah (R.A.) to cover him with a cloth. After he (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) tranquillized, he said, "I have experienced such and such an incident". She took him to his cousin Warqa, son of Nofal to whom the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam narrated the entire story. After hearing it he said, "I am sure it is the same great Angel, Jibrael, who had descended on Hadhrat Moossa (Allah's Blessing on him). After a few days Roohull Ameen descended again, and the first Quraanic Message was revealed in First Five Verses of Sura Alaq Sura No. XCVI. These 5 verses are the initial ones which sanctify the Divine importance of reading and writing in Islaam."Read in the Name of your Rubb (Sustainer) Who created (every thing); created man from a blood-clot.
Read; your Rubb (Sustainer) is the Most Honorable, who taught (man) by the pen, taught man that he did not know." (Al-Quraan XCVI: 1 to 5)
Roohull Ameen (Hazrat Jibrael (Blessing of Allah on him) brought the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) to the foot of the cave Hira mountain. He himself performed the wodoo (ablution). The Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) also performed ablution in the same way. Then they offered Salaat (Muslim prayer) together. Roohull Ameen (Hadhrat Jibrael) lead the prayer (Salaat).C. COMMENCEMENT OF PREACHING:
After offering first Prayer with Jibrael A.S. the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) reached home and started preaching his so dear wife Hadhrat Khadeejah (R.A.) Radhi Allah hoo Ta-'aala annhaa (Allah is pleased with her). Thus a lady became the first Muslim wife of the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam). Hadhrat Khadeejah tull Kubra started to offer Prayer just on embracing Islaam followed by Ali (Allah is pleased with him), his cousin aged ten years, Hadhrat Aboo Bakr Siddique, his great friend (Radhi Allahoo Ta'aala annhoo, Allah is pleased with him), his personal servant Hadhrat Zaid Bin Harthah (R.A.). All of them embraced Islaam on the very first day. Their coming into the fold of Islaam was the proof of piety, virtuous life, personal dignity, dignified truth and righteousness of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam Allah Almighty Ordained him Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam to preach openly as in Sura Al-Hijr XV : 94. He was commanded by Allah to persuade to faith his kith and kins in the first instance as in Sura Us-Sho-'aaraa' XXVI: 214.D. THE INFIDELS' PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN AGAINST THE HOLY PROPHET Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam:
None can tolerate self-criticism and if some human being attains a Divine respect how can such exalted personality tolerate slightest disgrace of any one. Here is the life of the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) like an open book being the Last Ideal of Allah and a Divine Modality for the entire humanity for all the times. A worst propaganda campaign was launched against him with severe allegations by the Makki pagans opposing so bitterly his faith in Unity of Allah Almighty and negation of idolatry as well as social evils of the infidels. The allegations and condemnations of the Holy Prophet by his (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) opponents have been carried by the Holy Quraan in their words as :- ..... "that He (Muhammad) is majnun (mad man) possessed by Jinns". (Al-Quraan LXXXI: 22)
- The Holy Quraan by this Verse points out that the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam received no revelations. Thus the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam was mentally tortured but He (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) remained steadfast in his straightforward and truthful preachings of Islaam.
- ..... "that they (pagans) dub him (Muhammad) as a 'kahin' or soothsayer". (Al-Quraan LII: 29/LXIX : 42)
- ..... "that he (Muhammad) is a magician or a sorcerer". (Quraan XXXVIII: 4)
- ..... "that he (Muhammad) is a sahir that he is a poet." (Quraan LII: 30/LXIX : 41)
- "We have not taught him (Muhammad) poetry ..... but he gets the pure revelations of Allah". (Al-Quraan = XXXIV : 69)
- ..... "Muhammad is not a poet..... as a poet is a mental rambler who tries to transform into beautiful rhymes his wayward whims and emotions. Poet brings remote issues and speculation in poetic dictions which have no bearing on human problems ..... " (Al-Quraan = XXVI: 226, 325)
- "Please declare, I am only a human being like you. My Rubb (Sustainer) inspires me that your Allah is only one Allah worth worship",. (XVIII: 110)
- "Please declare, "I am only a human being like you ..... therefore remain on the straight path (as I practise) and seek His forgiveness." (Al-Quraan = XLI: 6)
- "Please declare, "my Allah be glorified. I am nothing but a human being ..... " (XVII: 93)
- ..... "they say, "why Allah has made a mortal His Messenger? Please declare, if there were angels walking in the earth secure, We had sent down for them from heaven an angel as messenger". (XVII: 94-95)
- They (pagans) say, "why an angel has not been sent in his (Muhammad's) place ..... Had We appointed an angel We must have sent him as a man ..... " (VI: 8-9)
- "Disbelievers say, "it (Quraan) is but one which he (Muhammad) has coined, and other folk, have helped him ....." (Al-Quraan = XXV : 4 to 6)
- "Only some (learned) man teaches him (Muhammad) ..... as it (Quraan) is a clear Arabic speech. Surely those who donot believe in revelations of Allah will have a painful punishment..... who disbelieve the revelations of Allah are the liars ..... " (Al-Quraan = XVI: 103, 104)
- And they (disbelievers) say, "why this Quraan had not been revealed to some great man of the two towns (Makkah/Taa-iff). (Al-Quraan = XLIII: 31)
- ..... "Why is a treasure not thrown on him? Why not he has a garden with him to eat there from? ..... you are following a man bewitched." (Al-Quraan = XXV : 7, 8)
- ..... "He it is Who has sent amongst the unlettered a messenger of their own to—
Fourthly the disbelievers wanted big miracles from him as verified by Quraan;
- "They say, ..... "bubble a spring from earth", ..... bring forth a garden of date palm and vine with spring and rivers gushing forth ..... ; let the heaven fall down upon them (infidels) "or produce God and angels descending from heaven;" bring down from heaven writing for them ready reading..... " (Al-Quraan = XVII: 90 to 93)
- Had we sent down to you (Muhammad) a writing on parchment, so that they could feel it by their hands;, those who disbelieve could have said, this is not else than a magic" ..... (VI: 7)
But the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam continued to preach the Truth from Allah making everybody understand the virtues of Islaam. He (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam), in every general assembly, every festival, every street, and every lane, used to impress upon his people the excellence of monotheism, and prevented them from paganism, adultery, idolatry, burying daughters alive and gambling. These do's and dont's have been detailed in Sura In-'aam VI: 151.
Festivals of Akkaz, Bijneeh and Zilmahaz were extremely famous in Arabia. People from distant places used to attend them. The Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) used to go to these places, and used to invite the people to the Divine fold of the great religion of Islaam and oneness of Allah (Monotheism). These addresses resulted in formation of a small group of so sincere Muslims. Allah S.W.T. then directed him (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) to preach the Quraish.F. ANTAGONISM OF THE QURAYSH:
On observing the situation posed by the Divine Truth offered to them the Quraish were extremely embarrassed for rejection of paganism by Muhammad (Sallallah hoo Alyhe Wassallam) and hence they thought it essential to block his ways. In the early stages, they first started offering minor hindrances but at last they resorted to torture him and they started a tough resistance movement to compel new-Muslims to revert to their old religion.G. HADHRAT BILAAL: R.A. (RADHI ALLAHOO TA-'AALA UN-HOO):
Hazrat Bilaal (R.A.) was an African. He was made a slave by Umayyah bin Khalaf, who started subjecting him to crushing tortures when he came to know of his conversion to Islaam but he was so sincerely influenced by Islaam that he did not care for these tortures. Indoctrinated with Divine love, he was shouting slogans of "Ahad", "Ahad" (Allah is One, Allah is One) happily. Moved by Hadhrat Bilaal's such sincerity to Islaamic faith Hadhrat Aboo Bakr (R-A.) paid the amount of his enslavement and emancipated him from slavery of his master.H. MIGRATION OF EARLY MUSLIMS TO HABASHA: ABYSSINIA: ETHIOPIA:
The infidels started tormenting the early Muslims in a serious confrontation. The Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) permitted that if any Muslim wishes to go out of Makkah and its suburbs may migrate to the country of Habasha (presently Ethiopia) for personal safety. After this permission, a small caravan comprising of twelve Muslim men and four Muslim women embarked a ship and, in darkness of the night, left the port of Jeddah and proceeded towards Abyssinia. Hadhrat Uthman Bin Affan (R.A.) along with his wife Sayyadah Rooqayyah (The daughter of the Holy Prophet) (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) and Hazrat Jaafar Tayyar (R.A.) were the leaders of this early Muslim caravan leaving their homeland by the Red Sea to Habasha. On having come to know of this the Quraish approached the court of king Najashi, (then Haill Salasee) and complained to him that these people belong to their tribe. They have escaped from their country, and that they should be handed over to them. In reply to this Hadhrat Jaaffar (R.A.) said, "Allah endowed His Mercy on us, and deputed a messenger to us with the Holy Book of the last Divine Message, the Holy Quraan. He invited us to the Unity of Allah. He asked us to desist from sins and idolatory; to pray Allah only, give alms and keep fast. Our community got disgusted from him. They started persecuting us as far as they could, due to which we were compelled to leave our beloved homeland and come here in refuge.
On hearing this the king desired that the Holy Quraan be recited to him. Hadhrat Jaafar Tayyar (R.A.) recited some verses from Surah Maryam- (AI-Quraan Chapter XIX). The king started weeping, and said, "This is the same Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) about whom Hadhrat Eessa (Allah's Blessings on him) had forecast. Thanks God that I happened to be alive during his time. In brief, the infidels did not succeed here, and they returned home.
During the sixth year of Makki preaching of Islaam the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) was delivering sermon on mount Safaa when accidently Aboo Jehl, the arch enemy of Islaam, arrived there. He was extremely annoyed on seeing the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam preaching the Divine Truth. After abusing, he hurled a stone on him (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) which resulted in serious bleeding of His (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) head. When Hadhrat Hamza (R.A.) came to know of this he approached Aboo Jehl, and struck his head with the bow so strongly that he got him wounded the same way Hadhrat Hamza was paternal uncle but also a maternal cousin of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam who had sucked the milk of some maid nurse Saubia who initially nursed the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam So Ameer Hamza was so near and so dear to Him (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam). So Hadhrat Hamaza came to the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) and said, my nephew you will be pleased to learn that Ï have avenged Aboo Jehl for you." The Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) said, "O my uncle! I shall be happy when you will embrace Islaam." On hearing this Hadhrat Ameer Hamza (Allah is pleased with him), embraced Islaam forthwith. He was a man of great conviction and became a great asset to Islaam and for the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi WasallamJ. EMBRACING OF ISLAAM BY HADHRAT OMAR THE GREAT (R.A.):
Hadhrat Omar, the great, (R.A.) embraced Islaam, three days after Hadhrat Hamza (R.A.) entered the fold of Islaam. It is a strange turning point in his life that during those troubled days he (Hadhrat Omar) determined to murder the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam). He armed himself and furiously started from the house for the purpose. In the way he came to know that his sister Fatima Bint-e-Khattaab and his brother-in-law Saeed have embraced Islaam. On hearing this he went over to the house of his brother-in-law where Hadhrat Khabaab was teaching them from the parchments of the Quraan. He beat them thoroughly to the extent that the head of his brother-in-law and his sister started bleeding. His sister, being excited, said to Hadhrat Omar (Allah is pleased with him) "We have embraced Islaam; you may do whatever you like". Hadhrat Omar, seeing them so sincere in faith desired that they should recite to him whatever they were reading from their Muslim teacher earlier. The Sura Hadeed (Steel) Rakoo (Section) was recited to him after he had undergone the prescribed Wodoo (ablution of Islaam). It so impressed him that on hearing this recitation he wept profusely due to the spiritual impacts of the Holy Quraan on his person. Thus the recitation of a great Muslim lady became the turning point in the life of the great Omar. Subsequently he approached the Holy Prophet (Allah's blessings and salutations on him) and professed Islaam reciting aloud the Kalmah Shahadat. (Confessing of faith for Muslim belief). All the Companions of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam are his (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) disciple but Omar the great is his (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) desire. Thus he confessed that Allah is one and the Holy Prophet (Allah's blessing and salutation on him) loudly declared Takbeer Allah-hoo-Akbar (Allah is Greater) Who has made Omar the great a real force for the early Muslims by strenthening them in their weakness. Hearts of the infidels were over-awed for his so brave entry to Islaamic faith and sincere companionship to the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam After announcing Islaam, he offered prayer in Kaaba, due to which the infidels were grieved tremendously.K. DEATH OF HADHRAT ABOO TALIB AND HADHRAT KHADEEJA TULL-KUUBRAA (ALLAH IS PLEASED WITH HER):
During the year of ten Hijra, Hadhrat Aboo Talib, uncle of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam died. (He was the father of Hadhrat Ali-ull-Muurtaza (Allah is pleased with him). The Holy Prophet (Allah's blessings and salutations on him) was brought up under his support and as such the Holy Prophet (Allah's blessings and salutation on him) was grieved tremendously. Uncle Aboo Talib was always a great force of love and support for him (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) against the Makki people dreadful enmity to him.
Thereafter, the beloved wife of the Holy Prophet (Allah's blessing and salutation on him) Hadhrat Khadeejah-tuIl-Kubra (Allah is pleased with her) passed away. She had expended all her belongings being the richest lady of the land for the sake of Allah. She had embraced Islaam on the first day before any one else. All the issues of the Holy Prophet (except one) were from her. She was a great lady but his so sincerely loving life mate. The angels used to convey to her the Salutation of Allah. Hadhrat Ahmad-e-MuuJtaba Muhammad-e-Muustafaa (blessings and salutations of Allah on him), Shaafa-e-Mehshar (the holder of Divine permission to seek Allah's Mercy for everyone on the Day of Judgement) suffered a yet big shock, after the death of his uncle. Hence that year was named as 'year of grief'.
The Holy Prophet (Allah's Blessing and salutation on him) now started onward 9th Nabawi preaching with more vigour after such great demises having more confidence in his conviction. He went outside of Makkah that preaching Islaam to the hostile people of this city did not impress him (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam). He thought that the people of Taa-'iff might follow him proper. During this journey his (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) personal servant Hadhrat Zayed Bin Harsa (Allah is pleased with him) was also with him. The Holy Prophet (Allah's blessing and salutations on him) preached amongst all the tribes which came in the way between Makkah and Taa-'iff. But unfortunately he was seriously injured and beaten out of Taa-'iff which was more torturous than the torture received by all the previous prophets of Allah. After gaining senses he (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) was asked by Arch Angel Jibrael to pray to Allah against them and he would crush them between the mountains. But the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam prayed to Allah in favor to show their next generations the right path. This prayer was offered by him being the Rahmate Aalam (Mercy of the Almighty for the entire universe). Later the same cruel people of Taa-'iff became the best Muslims automatically.M. IMPRISONMENT IN SHEBE ABEE TAALIB:
The Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam with all the believers (including dear wife Khadeejah and uncle Aboo Talib were fortified for three years by a severe social boycott of Makkah infidels. There they had so long a torture that the Holy Prophet (S.W.A.) and his companions had to eat leaves of trees and leather to survive. Allah saved them all from this trial and terminated the social boycott agreement of Makki pagans being outside this fortification. Thus Muslims became more sincere to their true faith.N. ISLAAM IN YATHRAB (MADINA):
Allah Almighty helps His committed people of missionary zeal by persons of sincere inclination to find the truth. The people of Yathrab (Madina) usually came to Makkah to perform the annual Hajj. The Holy Prophet used to preach people in the Hajj assemblies. In the 9th Nabawi Suwaid bin Samit, a great poet of Yathrab, highly impressed by the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam started to love Islaam. He introduced to youngsters of Madina the truthfulness of the Holy Prophet. Thus in 10th Nabawi six talented persons of Yathrab (Madina) on Haij occasion met the Holy Prophet lead by Aboo Haseem bin Taihaan. They were followed by 12 persons from Madina to embrace Islaam. Then the Chief of Auws tribe of Madina Mas'-ub embraced Islaam. Thus in 12th Nabawi 72 people of Madina came for Hajj to Makkah and embraced Islaam. Then the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam allowed Makkah Muslims to migrate to the friendly city of Madina. Then many people came on behalf of the Khazraj tribe as enemies of their Auws tribe of Yathrab (Madina) being rivals of each other. These Khazraj people wanted to enter into pact with Quraysh. But Allah Almighty has His strange ways to help His devotees in toughest circumstances. These people from a far off city of Yathrab (city of diseases which became Madina tuur Rasool) underwent a strange self-quisitiveness About Islaam. They found the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam and asked him what is Islaam? What he stands for? How this religion has the real Divine Truth as human saviour? The Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) very enthusiastically, preached them and profusely recited to them the Holy Quraan with pertinent verses on Unity and oneness Allah and his truthful mission as Messenger. Getting sincerely excited Ayaas Bin Maaz, immediately on hearing this said, "O my clan ! This is better for you to embrace Islaam now than the objective of your coming here" only for quisitiveness About this true faith against the paganism and idolatry." Thus this group of Madina became the pioneers of Islaam there.O. MEIRAAJ:
The Holy Quraan says —Glory be to Him Who took by night (Assra) from the sacred Mosque to the distant mosque, the surrounding of which His devotee — to show him His signs — (Al-Quraan = XVII = 1/L 111:2 to 8).After very hardship there is a Divine ease. And the best bestowment of Allah Suubhana-hoo Wa Ta-'aala to the Holy Prophet Sallallah hoo Alyhe Wassallam. It was his personal exaltation amongst all the prophets. It was his (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) physical and sensuous Divine tour through the sphere from earth to the heavens. First of all he went from Masjid-ul-Haraam, Makkah to Masjid-ul-Aqsaa in Palestine Divine city of Jerusalem. The he (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) personally became the Imam (leader) of the prayer of all the Prophets of Allah (total as 125000 to 140000). Thereby he enjoyed the highest respect of Allah Rubbul Aalameen as the RahmatuI-lil-Aalameen. He physically had a great journey of heavens where he observed the Paradises, the Hell and the highest seat of his exaltation on the Day of Judgement. This is his greatest miracle beyond human imagination as a supernatural bestowment of Allah which reason cannot justify. He got into immediate presence of Allah Almighty, far beyond where none except Jibrael could ascend. This is a great miracle of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam After this great Assraa (Meiraaj) Allah Almighty opened up the way of the Muslims to friendly Madina saving them from so hostile city of Makkah.
A. MIGRATION OF THE HOLY PROPHET (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam)
Very few Muslims were left in Makkah and from amongst the august companions only Hadhrat Aboo Bakr Siddique as the most trusted friend and the sincerest believer as well as the real faithful cousin Ali (Allah is pleased with them both) remained with him (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam). The Quraysh said that it was a golden opportunity to kill the Holy Prophet (Allah's Blessing and Salutation on him). In order to contemplate on the effective measures they convened a secret meeting in Daarun Nadwah (social club) of Makkah wherein all the leaders of the Quraysh participated. At last some fool proof measures were suggested in this behalf by Aboo Jehl which were unanimously accepted, and the meeting adjourned. The proposal was that from all the famous tribes of Arabs, a hand of youngmen, one from each tribe, should be selected. They should surround the house of the Holy Prophet (Allah's Blessing and Salutation on him) in darkness of the night. When Muhammad (Allah's blessings and salutation on him) at the time of morning prayer comes out, they should attack him with their swords, and kill him to pieces. In this type of blind murder of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam by such joint action of the pagan tribes on Aboo Jehl's plan none will be held responsible for such sinister act. Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quraan—- They are devising a plan against you (Muhammad) and I will devise a plan to save you" — (LXXV: 15 to 17).
- And call to mind when the disbelievers devised their plans against you to imprison you or kill you — (VIII:3).
The Holy Prophet (Allah's blessings and salutations on him) approached the house of Hadhrat Aboo Bakr Siddique R.A. (Radhi Allahoo Unhoo—Allah is pleased with him). This incident took place on 27th Safar of 13th year of the Nabwi preachings of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam at Makkah which is calculated as on Thursday 12th September, 662 A.D.
The Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam had already a definite plan to migrate to Madina. For this purpose Hadhrat Aboo Bakr R.A. had already purchased two camels. The Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam had paid him the price of the camel allocated by Aboo Bakr for him which he had to receive due to the pressure of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam).
Hadhrat Aboo Bakr (Allah is pleased with him) soon made preparations for the eventful journey on foot. Aasma, daughter of Hadhrat Aboo Bakr R.A. prepared dry food and filled a bag containing parched and ground barley meals. Both the esteemed persons (the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam and Aboo Bakr R.A.) as the all times tested bosom friends commenced their journey which became the unique turning point in the entire human history to usher-in a just society with peaceful prosperity. They reached a cave of the hillock of Thawr, situated at a distance of four to five miles from Makkah. First of all, Hadhrat Aboo Bakr Siddique R.A. fully sweeped the cave, and closed the holes with the rags which he obtained by tearing his own clothes. Thereafter he submitted to the Holy Prophet (Allah's blessing and salutation on him) to come in for rest.
On the other hand when Hadhrat Ali (Allah is pleased with him) sleeping with sheet over him which was dragged by infidels woke up from the Prophet's bed. The Quraysh killer agents came near and recognized him as Ali. They asked about the whereabouts of the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutation of Allah on him). Hadhrat Ali (Allah is pleased with him) expressed his ignorance About this. The Quraysh agents deployed to kill the Holy Prophet were ashamed to attack him (Ali R.A.). Anyhow they caught hold of him and brought him upto the shrine of Ka-'aaba but released him after some time.
Then the Quraish declared a reward one hundred red camels of best price whoso brings the head of the Holy Prophet. Suraqa Ibne-Sham was so greedy that he traced out the foot points of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam with Hadhrat Aboo Bakr and were upto Cave Sauwr. But Allah Almighty saved them both being the Third and the Supreme Power all over. The Quraan says that Allah was with them to fully protect both (Al-Quraan Sura Tauba IX: 407).
On the fourth night two she camels came from the house of Hadhrat Aboo Bakr Siddique (Allah is pleased with him), which had been pre-arranged for this historical journey. The Holy Prophet (Blessing and salutations of Allah on him) and Hadhrat Aboo Bakr (Allah is pleased with him) rode on one; and on the other rode Aamer Bin Faheera and Abd Allah Bin Laqeet as their guards. They proceeded towards Madina on the first of Rabee-ul-Awwal on Monday the 16th of September, 662 A.D.D. ARRIVAL AT THE PLACE, NAMED QABBA:
It was 8th of Rabee-ul-Awwal in the 13th year of Inauguration of Prophet hood (First year of Hijri as the starting point for Islaamic Lunar calendar the day being Monday (23rd of September, 622 A.D.), that the Holy Prophet arrived at the place known as QABBA near Madina. Here the first Mosque in Islaam was built. Allah says:"This is the Masjid (mosque) which has its foundations from the first day on piety (and sincerity). It has therefore the greatest sancity —" (Al-Quraan - IX: 108)."As soon as people of Medina heard that the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him), crowds came flocking out of Medina. They started to come every morning and wait eagerly for his appearance until noon. It was morning when the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations on him) appeared at this place. All the Muslims greeted him with shouts of Allaho Akbar (Allah is the greatest); and they gathered around him like moths. Those who had not uptil now seen the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him), had taken Hadhrat Aboo Bakr as the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam Hadhrat Aboo Bakr (Allah is pleased with him) understood the situation. He took a sheet of cloth, stood up, and shadowed over the head of the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) with this; from which every one realised that he was Aboo Bakr Siddique (Allah is pleased with him). The Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) stayed here upto Thursday. During three days the first thing which the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) did was to lay the foundations of the first Masjid in Islaam which is the profoundest mosque as stated by the Holy Quraan (Sura IX : 108). Mosques are for the worship of one Allah worth worship Who has no partner or associate or equal.
It was 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal; the day was Friday, that the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) rode from Qabaa and reached the house of Bani Salim. Here he (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) offered the first Juum-'ah Prayer as weekly Muslim congregation afternoon, as first event and the first Juum-'ah in Islaam. It is here that the pretty girls of Madina were singing the Naa'-tia (eulogizing) songs in honor of the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) with great love, affection and jubilation. All the Madinese were lining up in reception with heartfelt joy and celebration of the arrival the Divine Blessing in Madina.F. HADHRAT ALI R.A. JOINS:
During the same days, the brave Ali-uII-Muurtaza (Allah is pleased with him) approached the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations on him) approached the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam walking. In obedience of the order of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam he had stayed in Makkah for a few days in order to return the trusts kept with the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) as Al-ameen of Makkah (the most trustworthy). He returned all these trusts one by one to their respective owners.G. ARRIVAL AND MASJID NABAWI FOUNDATIONS:
The Holy Prophet on arrival in the city of Madina left open to his she camel to sit anywhere she wants and it was the house of Ahoo Ayyub Ansari the sincerest companion of the Holy Prophet at Madina- He stayed with him as his special guest of honor. Meanwhile a chun of land belonging to two orphans was purchased on which t.he Masjid-e-Nabawi was constructed with modest apartments for the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam where he shifted later.H. MARRIAGE WITH HADHRAT 'AYISHAH: (Allah is pleased with her).
Abdulla Bin Areeqat returned to Makkah. He conveyed the tiding to Hadhrat Abdulla Bin Ahoo Bakr about the safe arrival of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam at Madina. On receiving this happy News, he migrated from Makkah to Madina Munawwara along with his sister 'Ayishah (Allah is pleased with her), their mother and Talha Bin Abdullah. The Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam had engagement with her in Makkah but she was married by her mother and Father to him (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam. on her arrival to Madina.I. THE BROTHERHOOD TIES OF MOHAJIRS AND ANSAARS IN MADINA:
During the same period acting upon the commandment of Allah, the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations on him) cemented (.he ties of brotherhood amongst the Muslims of Madina who were called ANSAR, and the Mahajreen i.e. emigrants from Makkah by selecting families to live together. Allah Almighty has highly appreciated this brotherhood of Muslims in the Holy Quraan in Sura Anfaal VIII: 72.J. CHANGE OF QIBLAH:
Change in the Qiblah of Muslims took place during the month of Shabaan. Earlier the Muslims used to pray with their faces towards the Holy Mosque in Jerusalem. Commandment of the change of Qiblah was revealed to the Holy Prophet during the congregational prayer at Asr. The Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam had already completed two Rak-'ats. The verse about change of Qibla descended Rakooh' of the third Rakaat; and hence the Holy Prophet turned his face towards Ka-'aaba and all the companions also followed him suit by turning their faces from north west to south east. This has been allowed by Allah in the Holy Quraan vide Sura Al-Baqrah II :150, 143 and 177.K. THE WAR OF BADR:
The very first and the most famous war of the believers in Islaam with the disbeliever infidels was the famous war of Badr fought by Muslims to defend Madina from being smashed by Makki pagan who came fully prepared wit-h all the necessary war arsenal. The Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) commanded the Muslims and the enemy was engaged in the famous plain of Badr, some 80 miles away from Madina. Allah allowed the Muslims in 2nd Hijra to have defensive fight against the enemy as in Sura Al-Baqra 11:19. This is because Muslims defend their peaceful co-existence for Allah as in Sura Aale-Imraan 111:13 to remain grateful to Allah to establish His best, system as in Sura III :123. Allah made Muslims to look double to the enemy as in Sura III :13.
Sura Anfaal gives full account of the War of Badr being the greatest event of Islaarn and the turning point, in the History of islaam. Reference is made to Sura Anfaal VIII Verses 2 to 19, Verses 41 to 47, Verses 67 to 71.
The warning about the spoils of war of Badr snatched by successful Muslim warriers from the tally defeated infidels of Makkah has been revealed in Sura Anfaal VIII: 67 to 69 where principles have been laid down about the final phase of any defensive Muslim War. The Muslims who participate in Islaam Jahaad (sacred defensive and obligatory battles to maintain the march of truth of Allah for human co-existence, peace and prosperity have been laid down in scores of verses of the Holy Quraan. But the Sura Nisaa TV: 95 is comprehensive in brief on this subject. Sura XXII: 39 to 41 and Sura LI: 251 also prescribes to establish the system of Islaam with sincerity of purpose with integrity.
Sura Nisaa IV : 75 and Sura Anfaal VIII: 39 read with Sura Baqarah II :190 to achieve the objectives of Islaam by any sacrifice.
It was the holy month of Ramadhan-ull-Mubarak in the year of 2 Hijri that Aboo Jehl spread the rumour that their caravan, loaded with riches, was coming back to Makkah from Syria, and that Madina lies in the way. Muslims intend to plunder it. The purpose of this rumour was that all those people who had invested their capital in business, and also those whose relatives were in the caravan; and those who hate Muslims; they should get suspicious against Muslims; should unanimously get ready to wage a war against Muslims. Thus Aboo Jehl succeeded in his device to revenge the migration of Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam and his followers, unhurt. The army of Quraysh comprised of one thousand spirited warriors which included seven hundred riders of camels and three hundred horses. Aboo Jehl marched forward leading this army. The trade caravan of Makkah which had obviously served as the cause of this military expedition of Makki infidels had travelled by another path to Makkah; yet Aboo Jehl continued advancing with this army towards Madina. Now it was clear for Muslims that protection of the caravan was only an excuse. This was only an invasion on the poor Muslims for no cause of concern from them on any account.
The Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations on him), consulted the companions (Allah is pleased with them) on this matter. The Mahajirs (emigrants) gave a satisfactory reply. The Ansaar leader Sa'ad Bin Ma-'aaz said, "Perhaps the Holy Prophets (blessings and salutations on him) thinks that the Ansars do not think it their duty to help you (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam). We are under your (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) kind control and will. We shall obey as you order. The battle took place on Friday, the 17th of Ramadhan-ull-Mubarak when the Muslims were fasting despite of long journey. By help and support of Allah, the infidels were defeated. Seventy of their men were arrested. Aboo Jehl was killed by two Muslim youngsters along with several Makki chiefs.
According to war-rules of those days Hadhrat Omar R.A. along with many companions of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam wanted to kill them for revenge and to over-awe the Makki invaders it was essential that all the persons who were arrested should have been murdered. But the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) as a blessing for the entire universe, set all of them free after taking ransom and deploying them on probation/parole to teach the illiterate boys, girls and elders of Madina.
The Quraysh again attacked Madina in the next year, the third year of Hijra. They were more prepared this time. They had collected subscription publicly. The poet Aboo Ghazzala went all around and persuaded Banu Kanana to help the Quraysh. Fifty thousand Misqaal of. gold and one thousand camels, from business of Syria, which was not as yet distributed, was included in the subscription.
In short, the Makki pagans as furious enemies pounded Madina with an army consisting of five thousand warriors proceeded towards Madina. This included three hundred camels, two hundred horses and seven hundred warriors, wearing armours, and others with weaponry were afoot. The Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations on him) was of the opinion that defence may be done by being besieged in Madina,but following the opinion of Muslims majority they faced the army of the Quraysh, out of Madina; near the mount, Ohud five miles away.
Muslims numbered one thousand. In the beginning Muslims defeated the enemy; but then these victorious believers left the valley where the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam had appointed them to remain steadfast. On observing this Khalid Bin Waleed who was yet not a Muslim took a round and occupied the said valley, and brought Muslims in the centre. At that time Muslims suffered a heavy loss. Seventy companions (Allah is pleased with them) of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam were martyred. Major portion of the army was scattered. In the battlefield only seventy companions showed bravery; and stood steadfast in front of the enemy defending the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam in direct attack of the Makki infidels.
The biggest loss, among the losses of the battle was that Hadhrat Ameer Hamza (Allah is pleased with him), uncle and great friend defender and great warrior of the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations on him) was martyred. Hadhrat Maasub Bin Omair was also martyred Hadhrat, Ans Bin Nazar was also martyred. Hadhrat Talha (Allah is pleased with him) used his hand as a shield: and he checked the arrows, aimed at the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations on him), by his hand. The rumours of the martyrdom of the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations on him) extremely depressed Muslims. During this period Hazrat-Ka'ab Bin Malik happened to sight the luminous face of the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations on him) bleeding due to his broke tooth and bruised face. He shouted, "Be happy, the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) is here." The Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam asked him to keep silent. On hearing this voice, the companions gathered by his (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) side. The Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) together with his companions (Allah is pleased with them) ascended the elevation of the mountain Ohud.
From the foot of the mountain Aboo Suufyan shouted, "are Muhammad (blessings and salutations of Allah on him), Hadhrat Aboo Bakr and Hazrut Omar (Allah is pleased with them) not present?" "The Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam asked Muslims not to reply. Aboo Suufyan repeated the same question twice or thrice. On receiving no reply he was overjoyed; and he exclaimed "Long live Hobull" (One of the idols)". At this stage the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) asked Muslims to reply.
Hadhrat Omar (Allah is pleased with him) replied "AH these persons arc all alive to make your designs futile and disgrace you." Aboo Suufyaan came forward and said "the battle has ended. The clay of Ohud has equalized day of Badr. "O' Hobull be exalted. Promise of battle next year." Obeying the order of the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) Hazrat Omar (Allah is pleased with him) replied, "The same is the time limit between both of us. After this debate enemy infidels returned to Makkah and the hypocrites quite exposed returned to Madina.. The Quraish enemy female folk also participated in war of Ohud including daughter of 'Otba, mother of Ameer Mo-aavia and wife of arch enemy of Islaam to this moment Aboo Suufyaan. She had hired a specially trained slave to kill Ameer Hamza and totally disfigured his pious body to quench her grief of Badr losses. The female folks of Islaam also participated for the first time including Hadhrat Fatima, to nurse the wounded and the seriously injured Muslim warriors.
From 3rd to 4th to Hijra some small skirmishes took place. Hadhrata Fatima, so deer daughter of the Holy Prophet married to Hadhrat Ah R.A. gave birth to Hadhrat Husain so affectionate grandson of the Messenger of Allah Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam The War of Trench took place in 5th Hijra. The Jews had many agreements which they broke, so Sura Baqara II, Sura Aaal-e-Imraan III, Sura Nisaa IV and Sura Ma-idah condemn them.N. QURAAN AND THE JEWISH COMMUNITY OF MEDINA CONSPIRING AGAINST THE HOLY PROPHET:
The Jews who settled in Arabia through the ages also came to Yathrab in the 5th or sixth century A.D. and settled there. They were too much frustrated and upset to see the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam and his companions' migration to Madina. The Holy Quraan has pertinently referred to the Jewish people and their characteristics. They are still the same stiff-neck for their anti Muslim attitude. Some of the references of the Holy Quraan are as follows:- Superiority on other nations in their own times = 2:47, 122
- Allah's continuous favours on Jews = 2:47; 2:122
- More Bestowments of Allah, on Jews = 2:40 to 58, 63, 64, 122, 123; 5:20; 7:138, 141, 160; 10:93; 14:6; 20:80; 28:5; 44:30 to 33; 45:15, 17.
- Jews Reverted to idol (calf) worship on safe crossing the sea = 2:51. 54, 43; 7:138.
- Chiefs of Jews were overtaken by an earthquake for their wrongs = 7:155, 165.
- Jewish People made Apes due to their disobedience = 7:166.
- Moses ordered Jews to enter Palestine but they refused = 7:155, 165
- The Jews rejected signs of Allah, killed the Prophets and transgressed = 2:61, 65; 7:188
- dHistory of Israelites and their enmity with the Muslims at Medina = 2:40, 41, 62, 63, 66, 85. 92 to 96, 100, 102, 113, 135, 174 to 176; 3:23, 24,98,99, 110 to 112, 187. 199; 4:44 to 47, 155; 5:14, 15, 16, 18, 41 to 44, 51 to 55, 57, 64, 68, 70, 71, 77 to 82, 161; 7:159, 161 to 177; 61:118; 17:2 to 8; 58:12 to 19.
- Cruelties of Israelites - Charge sheet by Allah = 2:59, 61, 65, 66, 75 to 81, 85 to 92, 99 to 103, 119, 140, 145, 146, 211, 246; 3:19 to 23, 24, 110 to 112, 181 to 183; 4:41, 52, 60, 61, 66, 153 to 158, 159, 160; 5:21, 32, 41 to 43, 59 to 64, 70, 71, 110; 7:162, 163; 45:17; 61:5.
The Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) had a vision in sleep that he went over to Makkah and performed 'Omrah, special worship in the Holy Ka'aaba in Makkah. When he narrated this to the companions (Allah is pleased with them, they became restless due to eagerness; and they made preparations for the journey to Makkah. The Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) took all of them with him as an in-born Arab rights to visit the Ka'aaba and reached the neighborhood of Makkah. When the stiff-neck Quraish came to know this, they unanimously decided not to allow Muslims to enter Makkah. The Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) voluntarily withdrew from there and stayed at the place known as Hodybia.B. THE WELL KNOWN MIRACLE AT HODYBIA:
Hodybia is the name of a well. A vast plain is nearby in between Makkah and Jeddah toward Madina. Due to shortage of water the Holy Prophet's Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam companions (Allah is pleased with them) were distressed. There was small quantity of water in a pot but there was no arrangement to clean this abondoned well and bring it to fetch water. Everybody was thirsty. The pot containing small water was placed in front of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam He saw the quantity of water so little but all the companions so needy to quench their too much felt thirst. The Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) placed his hand in it. Water started gushing out from his sacred fingers like five springs. All the fifteen hundred companions with their animals quenched their thirst. People filled their utensils, and performed ablution. This has been narrated by Hadhrat Jaber (Allah is pleased with him). Water was available in such a huge quantity that even several hundred thousands of men would have been satiated. Then the well also gushed out fine fresh water which had run till the mid twentieth century and was closed by the present regime.C. HUDABIA PUZZLE OF THE MUSLIMS AND THE EXCHANGE OF EMISSARIES:
The Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam with great love for the self re-selected Ka-'aaba as Kibla of the Muslims and all his (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) companions (1500) with great respect to this House of worship of Allah as their Arab right had come with full preparations with their sacrificial animals in full peaceful process to perform the obligatory Hajj. But the Quraish of Makkah deprived them from this birth right. The Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam wanted to have a dialogue with the Quraish. Badeel Bin Warqa Khazaaee came to the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him). It was stated by him that the Quraysh were bent upon waging a war if Muslims donot return to Madina unconditionally. The Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) said, "We want, only to perform 'Omrah ! and the Quraysh cannot debar us from this right. He suggested to this emissary that his companions want to do 'Omrah. Therefore be Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam proposed to make a truce for a limited period. He was so impressed to see the love, attachment and obedience of the Muslims to the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam that every one was so anxious to get preserved every drop of water of Holy Prophet's ablution and even they made it as a source of tonic to their faces and body limbs as his (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) followers. On going back he narrated the whole story to the Quraish, and lie told them that the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam had not come for a fight. But the Quraish did not agree, and they did not reconcile. Thereafter Urwah Bin Masood Thaqfee approached the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him).D. THE NEGOTIATIONS:
The Muslims and the Quraish conversation started on this subject in a serious way through Suhail Bin Omroo from the Quraish side and Hadhrat Aboo Bakr Siddique from Muslim's side. The conversation cropped to exchange of harsh words of Suhail with Hadhrat Siddique R.A. that Omrah is Muslim right. But nothing was settled Suhail went back, and said to the Quraish, "I have visited courts of kings but I have not found their so subordinated subjects as much faithful and welt-wishers of king as instantly sacrificing most obedient companions of the Holy Prophet, Muhammad (blessings and salutations of Allah on him). They lovely rush to collect every bit of his (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) hair and cut out nails as well as every drop of bis perspiration with zeal that they appear to be on the profoundest love and such an attachment to fight on his order to last drop of their blood.
Then the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations on him) thought of deputing some emissary of his side to the Quraish. Hence Hadhrat 'Othmaan (Allah is pleased with him) was selected for this duty because he had several of his relatives and supporters amongst the Quraish in Makkah who had not embraced Islaam but had blood ties with him (R.A.). Hadhrat 'Othmaan approached the leaders of Quraish; and conveyed to them the message of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam They treated 'Othmaan with amicable manners; but they did not agree to allow the Holy Prophet Blessings and salutations of Allah on him) to enter Makkah.
A rumour broke out that the infidels had martyred Hadhrat 'Othmaan (Allah is pleased with him). The Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) was extremely grieved on hearing this as he was not only his (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) personal emissary, Muslim Ambassador of peace but also a great companion. Therefore under a cacia tree the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) took oath of allegiance from all the companions (Allah is pleased with them) to the effect that so long as they are alive they will avenge bloodshed of Hadhrat Othmann. The Holy Quraan has highly appreciated this Muslim pledge to keep such obedience of every believer to the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) as hall-mark of life.
The Holy Quraan says:
"Allah is pleased with the Muslims who pledged at your hands under the tree. He knew what is in their hearts. This brought a great satisfaction in their hearts and it ushered a great victory for them." (Al-Quraan : XLVIII:18)Afterwards it came to light that the news about the murdering of Hadhrat 'Othmaan (Allah is pleased with him) was altogether false.
Suhail Bin 'Omroo approached the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) and after much discussion, truce was settled on the following terms:- This year the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) and all his companions (Allah is pleased with them all) will go back without performing Hajj or Omrah.
- They will perform Hajj (Muslim pilgrimage in and around Makkah) next year provided they stay not more than three days.
- The Muslims will bear no arms in the Hajj next year except self defence sheathed swords.
- The validity of the truce was agreed to be ten years.
- The Quraysh will not fight the allies of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam and the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam will not fight the allies of the Quraysh.
- If any of the Quraysh embraces Islaam, the Holy Prophet will return him to the Quraysh; but if a Muslim turns apostate and joins Quraish, he will not be returned at any cost.
Islaam is a religion of Allah as His Final will to bring peace within and peace all around to the Day of Eternity. his was the urge of Allah Almighty through this Final Modality the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaho hoo Alyhe Wassallam) to bring peaceful existence to humanity for mankind prosperity. Therefore, a full Sura starts from this great achievement (Sura Fatah) saying:"Surely it is a great victory for you ....... " (Al-Quraan : XLVIII: 1 to 3)
- The prophet's message of Islaam beyond Arabia
- Correspondence to the foreign rulers to embrace Islaam
- The envoy to Heraclius
- Aboo Sufyan's testimony about the Holy Prophet to Heraclius
- Contents of the prophet's letter to Heraclius
- Letters of the Holy Prophet to other rulers in 6th/7th Hijra
- Khalid Bin Waleed and Amr Bin Aass in the fold of Islaam
- The conquest of Khyber and annexation of Fidak
- Emigrants of Habasha (Abyssinia)
- The prerequisite to the conquest of Makkah and 'Omrah
- The basic reason for the conquest of Makkah
- The dejection of Aboo Suufyaan
- The most peaceful entry of Muslims in Makkah
- General amnesty
- The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) enters Makkah
- The Ka'abah is purified
- Brotherhood of mankind
- The Honayn war
- The fall of Taa-iff
- The Tabuuk war: The message transworld
- Demolition of hypocrites' mosque
- Death of the chief of hypocrites of Madina
- Deputation from Taa-iff
- The Islaamic criminal justice system
- Preachers sent all over
- Hadhrut Aboo Bakr leads the first Muslim Hajj
- Embassies/strong deputations pour in from all Arabia
"Call to the way of your Rubb (Sustainer with wisdom and good exortation and argue with them in a way that is the best." (Al-Quraan XVI: 125) | ![]() |
Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quraan:
We have not sent you save as a Blessing to all the created beings. (XXI: 107).So is the case with the religion that he preached. Its message is universal and transcends all barriers of caste and colour and those created by geography:
Blessed is He Who hath sent down al-Furqan upon His servant, that he may be a warner unto all created beings. (xxv:1)
The Holy Prophet was fully aware of the responsibilities that he owed to humanity as the last Messenger of Allah. Thus in the atmosphere of general security which the treaty of Hudaybiyah had provided him, he found it a heaven-sent opportunity to turn his attention to other nations beyond Arabia in order to deliver to them the Message of Allah. Once he called and said to bis companions and addressed them in the following words:"O ye men God has sent me a blessing to all mankind. Carry the message of Islaam to all the corners of the world. Differ not as differed the disciples of Jesus, the son of Mary.""And how did they differ?" asked his companions. He replied. "Jesus called them to what I am calling you, but he who was sent on a short journey obeyed and accepted his mission and he who was despatched afar showed reluctant attitude before his Lord and the Almighty awarded them the punishment that thenceforth every one amongst them could speak only the language of the people to whom he was sent." Quoted by Aboo Jafar Muhammad ibn Jarir Tabari, Tarikh al-Rasul wa'l Muluk ed. M.J. de Geoje (Leiden 1881-82), Series I, Vol III, p. 1560.
Envoys were chosen by the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam to carry the light of Islaam to all those corners where darkness prevailed. In order to authenticate the credentials of his envoys, a silver seal was made in which were graven the words: "Muhammad the Messenger of Allah".C. THE ENVOY TO HERACLIUS:
The first mission was sent to Heraclius. When the Muslim envoy, Dihyah Kalbi, reached Palestine, he was informed that the Emperor was celebrating his victory over the Persians by paying a visit to Jerusalem - the cradle of his faith; and thus it was here that the Prophet's letter was delivered to him. The Muslim envoy was received amidst numerous ceremonies. He delivered the following introductory speech before presenting him the letter;
"O Caesar of Rome the one who has sent me as an envoy to you is better than yourself and the Exalted Allah Who has sent him to us as Prophet is the Greatest of Alt. So listen to me with full attention and give an earnest reply. If you do not pay full heed you may not be able to catch its meaning and if your answer does not come out of sincere heart, it will not be just. O King you are well aware of the fact that Jesus, the son of Mary, offered prayers."
The King replied in the affirmative.
The ambassador of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam continued his introductory speech and said, "Then I invite you." said Dihyah Kalbi. "to that Great Allah to Whom Jesus offered his prayers, prostrated himself and Who shaped him in the womb of Mary and Who created the heavens and the earth. Then I invite yon to that un-lettered Prophet whose advent has been foretold by Moses and Jesus and you have a complete knowledge of all these facts. If you accept the message preached by him you shall get Immense reward in this world and the world to come. But in case you reject it, you shall be denied of them. Believe me, there is one Great Master Who punishes the disbelievers and changes their fortunes.
Incidentally, Aboo Sufyan, who by that time had not embraced Islaam, rather still was the arch enemy of Islaam was summoned to the court and Heraclius asked him many questions about Muhammad (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) and the religion which he preached. The testimony which this avowed enemy of the Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam gave regarding the personal excellence of the Prophet's Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam character and the good that Islaam was doing to the human race, left Heraclius wonder-struck.E. CONTENTS OF THE PROPHET'S LETTER TO HERACLIUS:
Then the Prophet's Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam letter was read aloud, which rendered into English, is as follows:"Allah's Name, the Most Affectionate, the Most Merciful. This letter is being sent by Muhammad to Heraclius, the Emperor of Rome."O people of the Book come to the word that is common between us and between you that we shall worship none save Allah and that we shall not associate aught with Him and that none of us shall take others as lords besides Allah. Then if they turn away, say: Bear witness that verily we are Muslims.
"Blessed are those who follow true guidance. I invite you to embrace Islaam. If you do so, you shall be safe and secure. If you come within its fold, God will give you double reward and in case you turn your back upon it, then the burden of the sins of people shall fall on your shoulders."
The following rulers were also sent letters by the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam as his preaching of Islaam through universal correspondence for transworld spread of the messages of Allah:- Letter to Iranian monarch, the despotic Khuusro Pervaiz, Emperor of Persian Empire;
- Deputation to Habasha - Abyssinia to King Negus;
- Message to Hauza, the Chief of Christian tribe Banu Hanifah; and
- Letter to the Azeez of Misr (Egypt) who sent Hadhrata Marya who was married to the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam
- Many other emissaries to the other tribes on Arabian frontiers including Yamama Chief.
All the Arab Jews fortified in Khyber protectorate were defeated in personal dual of Hadhrat Ali (Allah ,s pleased with him). The garden and fertile agricultural land of Fidak were taken over by Muslims. The garden of Fidak, a very good fruit and agricultural land was distributed, half to the Jews and half to the Muslims. A chunk of land with gardens was taken over by the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam as it came to his share. It was made a state land for the look after of state guests.B. EMIGRANTS OF HABASHA (ABYSSINIA):
The Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) was staying in Khybar when Jaa'fer Bin Aboo Talib (Allah is pleased with him), along with other emigrants from Abyssinia returned and met. him (blessings and salutations of Allah on him). The Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam had sent them there to save their faith in Islaam from cruelties of Makki infidels. These people returned to Arabia but in Khyber. He Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam welcomed them; embraced Hadhrat Jaa'fer; kissed his forehead, and said, "I am delighted from conquest of Khyber and same is the delight of the arrival of Jaa'fer".C. THE PREREQUISITE TO THE CONQUEST OF MAKKAH AND 'OMRAH:
At the place of Hudybia, a peace treaty was signed with the Qurayah two years ago but they broke the promise, and thereby nullified many of the conditions of this peace treaty by their different re-actions during Holy Prophet's Omrah of the Ka'aaba. The Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him), therefore, ordered to prepare a strong force as expedition to Mauta where many companions were martyred which had grieved him a lot. It was due to the evil designs of the Quraish. Thus the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam had to teach a lesson to Makki Quraish. The Quraysh got ashamed, and sent Aboo Sufyaan to apologize, and desired that peace treaty may be renewed; but it was too late and so violated that his intervention was of no avail. Aboo Suufyaan was ashamed. He went back to Makkah frustrated. Tlie Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) appointed a blind companion Ahdullah Ibne Oome Maktoom as the Governor of Madina. He himself (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) set out to Makkah with an army often thousand strong.
On the other hand, Hadhrat Abbass (Allah is pleased with him) the real uncle of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam who had embraced Islaam and migrated to Madina had several relatives in Makkah who had not yet embraced Islaam. He wanted that somehow or the other they may be informed so that they may either come and apologize or embrace Islaam, and thus may be saved. As such he rode the mule of the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him), and came out of the army camp outside Makkah. He met Aboo Suufyaan and made him understand how the Makki people should face the fact and narrated the whole situation to him. Hadhrat Abbas then gave him protection and brought him to the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him). At that time Aboo Suufyaan half heartedly embraced Islaam with some reservations. Hadhrat Abbass (Allah is pleased with him) requested the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) that since Aboo Suufyaan was the Chief of the Quraysh, he may be specially favoured, so that his lofty position amongst the Quraish could be maintained. But it was now too late so the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam did not react.
According to the terms of the treaty of Hudybiyah, the Arab tribes were given the option to join either of the parties with which they desired to enter into treaty alliance. As a consequence Banu Bakr joined the Quraish, and Khuza-'ah joined the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam Banu Bakr, without caring a bit for the conditions of the treaty, attacked Banu Khuza-'ah. The Quraish helped them with men and arms.
When the aggrieved party sought justice from their Muslim allies, the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam as their leader, demanded an immediate redress for not only violating the treaty but also slaying his men in the sanctified area. Three demands were made, the acceptance of any one of them was stressed:
- to pay blood money for the victims of Khuza-'ah;
- to terminate their alliance with Banu Bakr' or
- to consider the truce to have been nullified.
Aboo Suufyaan was dejected over the imprudence of his people and came to Madina for a renewal of the truce. He went to the house of his daughter Umm Habibah (wife of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam). But as he went to sit on the Prophet's Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam carpet she folded it up. "My daughter." said he, "I hardly knew if you think that the carpet is too good than me or that I am not good for the carpet." She replied, "It is the Prophet's Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam carpet and you are an unclean polytheist."
This reply of the wife of the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) speaks eloquently of the great love and the profound respect which his partner of life had for him. Can an imposter command such affection from one who has a free access to the most guarded sectors of his life? It is the sincerity, the deep love, great attachment and the genuine sincerity of the followers with Muhammad (blessings and salutations of Allah on him).
For twenty-one long years the Quraish had been committing atrocities on the Muslims. They tortured them, inflicted injuries upon them, dragged them in the fire and on the burning sand of blazing Makkah, in fact, made their very existence impossible. Hard pressed by these shameless acts, the Muslims left their native place in order to seek shelter at Madina. But the revengeful Makkans allowed them no rest even in that city. They attacked them even in their new abode.
After making full preparations the Holy Prophet, Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam proceeded to Makkah at the head often thousand soldiers on the 10th of Ramadan, 8th Hijjrah. He encamped at a place known as Marr al-Zahran. The Quraish were quite unaware of the development. But the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam did not like to take them by surprise. He, therefore, ordered his men to kindle fire on all sides for cooking purposes. The idea behind this was that the Quraish should be afforded full opportunity to assess the situation correctly in which they were pitchforked and should not endanger their lives by leaping blindly in the battlefield. The Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam wanted to avoid bloodshed as far as possible and was anxious that the wiser counsel should prevail upon the haughty Makkans and they should weigh the pros and cons of the matter before coming forward for an encounter. Abbas, the Prophet's Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam uncle, like his brother Aboo Taalib, had always been friendly to his nephew, Muhammad Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam He had been giving him timely warning of the Makkans attack on Madina. He met the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam on the way and discussed the situation with him. Abbas had tender feelings for his kith and kins in Makkah and was desirous that they should realise the gravity of the situation and yield before the irresistible tide of the Muslim army.
Abbas was fully aware of the change of heart of the majority of the Makkans and he succeeded in convincing Aboo Suufyaan on this state of affairs. The Peace Treaty of Hudybiyah had provided them a respite to see and think in a calmer atmosphere, and, with cool-head feelings and in a rational frame of mind, the teachings of Islaam and the great spiritual and moral revolution which it had brought about amongst those who had accepted it. Their hearts bad attested (he truth of the Divine mission which Muhammad (Sallallahoo Alyhe Wassallam) h;nl drought. Only their proofing in words was to be made.
It, was, therefore, in the best interests of Makkah that Islaam should be allowed to take hold of the city without the least resistance and should he accented as an incontestable truth. Through the intercession of Abbas and the conviction of Aboo Suffyaan, the way had been paved for this "peaceful conquest."
None could be more anxious to avoid bloodshed than Muhammad Sallallahoo Alyhe Wassallam. He, therefore, proclaimed amnesty to the people who had persecuted and tortured him and his followers and had even made several attempts on his life. But he is the Rahmat-ull-lil Aalameen. The Blessing unto the worlds, and even his deadliest enemies were to be forgiven. "There shall bo no retaliation against you this day," he declared. He asked Aboo Suffyaan, once his arch enemy to proclaim: "he who takes refuge in the house of Aboo Sufyaan is safe: whoso closes the door of his house, the inmates thereof shall be in safety, and he who enters the Sacred Mosque of the Ka-'abah is safe."
It was in this spirit of clemency that the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam was to enter the city of Makkah.
C. THE PROPHET (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) ENTERS MAKKAH:
After having entered the city, the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam offered prayer of thanks in the Masjid-ull-Haraam to the Almighty God Who, out of His immense grace, had granted him a most splendid and most peaceful victory over a cruel enemy. A tent was pitched for him near the Haraam at a spot where he was obliged to spend his days in a secluded quarter.D. THE KA'ABAH IS PURIFIED:
The Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam in unison remembrance of Allah got up and proceeded towards Ka'aabah, the Sacred House. It was to be cleaned and made for ever an emblem of the oneness and Supremacy of Allah as well as the unity of transworld Muslims. It was unfortunately infested with 360 idols. He Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam knocked them down with the help of Ali (R.A.) and recited the verse of the Holy Quraan: "Please declare, the Truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Surely falsehood is ever-vanishing". (Al-Quraan - XVII - 81)
One by one the stone-gods were dismantled from outside the Ka'abah. Images and effigies were deleted from its outer walls. He then prostrated himself in worship within the Ka'abah. He sitting down within sent Bilal to summon 'Othmaan Bin Talhah possessing the key of the Ka'abah. Asceding the steps of the threshold and unlocking the door he ordered that idols should be destroyed and images obliterated from its within with complete overhaul with the help of Ali (Allah is pleased with him). He in the sacred hall performed devout prostrations. He then returned to the door-way the Isstelaam, and, standing upon its elevated step, gazed in thank-fulness on the thronging multitude below. It was the 20th of Ramadan, the eighth year of Hijrah, when, on the gate of Holy Ka'abah, and with its key held in his hand, he delivered the following address:
"There is no god but Allah alone. He has no associate. He made good His promise that He held to His bondsman and helped him and defeated all the confederates along. Bear in mind that every claim of privilege, whether that of blood, or property, is under my feet, except that of the custody of the Ka'abah, worship in it and supplying of water to the pilgrims. Bear in mind anyone who is slain, even thought, uninternationally, may be with club or whip, for him the blood wit is very severe: hundred camels, forty of them to be pregnant. O people of Quraish surely God has abolished from you all pride of the time of ignorance and all pride in your ancestry, (because) all men descended from Adam, and Adam was fashioned out of clay".
Then he recited to them the Verse:
"O mankind verify We have created you of a male and a female and We have made you nations and tribes that you might know one another. Surely the noblest of you with Allah is the one who most fears from Him. Surely Allah is All Knowing, All Aware (Al -Quraan.l".He further added:
"O you people of Quraish what do you, think of the treatment that I am about to accord to , you?"They replied:
"O noble brother and son of a noble brother we expect nothing but kindness from you".Upon this he said:
"I speak to you in the same words as Joseph spoke unto his brothers";Then he asked Hadhrat Bilaal to climb up the Ka'abah to loudly give the call for prayer and he gave the Aadhaan on top of the Ka'abah.
"This day, there is no reproof against you".
Go your way, for you are freed ones".
After the peaceful conquest of Makkah the neighborhood tribes had embraced Islaam but some people were still clung to idolatry elsewhere in Arabia who were to be brought under the umbrella of Islaam as Holy Prophet's (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) basic mission. Meanwhile the strong Huwazin tribe tried to retaliate but the Holy Prophet (Allah's blessings and salutations on him) took 12000 troops to face them in the Hunayn battle. This was the all times biggest army with Holy Prophet Sallallahoo Alyhe Wassallam, so far. A big cattle wealth was captured here.
Sura Tauba (Repentance) is the testimony to the crushing defeat of this Arab infidels last force. (Sura Tauba IX: 25, 26).
Then Taa-iff, where in Makki life .the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam was given the toughest tortures in 9tb Nabawi surrendered to Muslims in 9th Hijiraa. A big booty came to Muslim hands from Taa-iff as war spoils which were so judiciously distributed.C. THE TABUUK WAR: THE MESSAGE TRANSWORLD:
Muslim expedition to Tabuuk in Syria where the Arab Christians and Roman Christians had gathered to attack the Muslims and wanted to conquer Madina. The journey was so long and the season was burning. The Sands bell bound were so wide that this expedition was impossible without special horse/camel force. The hypocrites of Madina and associate Arab tribes detracted. The companions like Hadhrat Aboo Bakr sacrifice every belonging to the last article on the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him). Allah totally rejected those who hesitated the hottest season of this expedition in Sura Tauba (IX : 49, 81 and 96).
The Holy Prophet Sallallahoo Alyhe Wassallam assembled a historical 30,000 strong army with full preparations and commitment. The Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam reached in this toughest weather with this greatest army of his times and reached Tabuuk on the Syrian border. Plenty of shade, orchard, water and life was available here. It became a peaceful show-down of the biggest empire of time, the Roman Empire which had defeated the super power of Persian Empire.
The fifth columnist hypocrites built a mosque not for remembrance of Allah but for conspiracies against Islaam and for the damage of Muslim solidarity. After the successful expedition of Tabuuk the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam returned to Madina. Sura Tauba (IX : 107) exposed these enemies of Islaam. Their this conspiracy centre mosque of creating disunity amongst Muslims was demolished by him Salallaho Alaihi WasallamB. DEATH OF THE CHIEF OF HYPOCRITES OF MADINA:
Abdullah Bin Obyye died in 9th Hijra when the Holy Prophet Sallallahoo Alyhe Wassallam returned from Tabuuk mission which this hypocrites' Chief severely opposed. His sincerely faithful Muslim son submitted to him (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) for leading his funeral prayer. The Holy Prophet led it. Allah disapproved it in Sura Tauba (IX : 80, 84) that he was enemy of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam
On arrival at ZaI-Halaifa, he (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) put on pilgrims' garb, entered Makkah with great serenity and dignity and made seven circuits around Ka'aba. He (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) reached the valley of Namrah at sunrise on 9th of Zulhajjah. On one side of this valley is situated Arafaat, and on the other Muzdalfa. After the decline of the sum, the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) started from here and readied Arafaat. All the plain was crowded with people to its full capacity; and every one was busy in glorification, and sanctification of Allah and that there is no one else worth warship except Allah Suubhanahoo Wa Ta-'aala. The Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) rode his she-camel Qaswah and delivered the famous Fare Well Sermon as his address of the Hajj-uII-Widaa'. This is the fundamental human rights 1,400 years much upto date than the 1948 Human Rights Charter of U.N.O. On the slaughtering day the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) sacrificed sixty three camels with his own hands symbolizing perhaps the 63 years of his physical life herein. Thirty seven animals were sacrificed on his behalf by Hadhrat Ali (Allah is pleased with him). This sacrifice was enacted in Minnaa'araa near Makkah. After finishing this, the Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) came to the Ka-'aaba and made seven circumambulances (Tawaaf-e-Afadha) of the Ka-'aaba. Then he went towards Madina Tayyaba. Since he (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) had lead this Hajj for the first and the last times, preached for the last time, therefore it is called Hajja-tull-Widaa (the Last Hajj) and Hajja-tull Balagha (Pilgrimage of preaching).
The Holy Prophet Sallallahoo Alyhe Wassallam was so glad to receive a big deputation from Taa-iff after Ramdhan-ull-Mubarak of 9th Hijrah. These were the people who severely tortured him 18 years ago who are to day the deputationists being served by with love being good belervers.D. THE ISLAAMIC CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM:
Fornication, prohibited sex and adultery was banned. It was subjected to severest punishment by the Holy Quraan (Sura Noor XXIV : 3 and Sura Bani Israel XVII : 32)
Usury or interest was prohibited vide Sura Al-Baqarah II ; 278.
Intoxicants, liquor, gambling, stone alters and divining by arrows was also totally banned and made punishable. (Al-Quraan Sura V : 90)
The Holy Prophet deputed the companions of great calibre like Ma-aaz Bin Jabal and those who were trained by him (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) at his Suffa, the open university which graduated as many as 13000 companions for mission, the world over - from Rome to China.E. HADHRAT ABOO BAKR LEADS THE FIRST MUSLIM HAJJ:
When the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam was to leave for Tabuuk he Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam appointed Hadhrat Aboo Bakr (R.A.) to lead the first Muslim Hajj congregation for pilgrimage in and around Makkah. Hadhrat Ali Radhi Allah hoo Unhoo (R.A.) was deputed later on to announce 40 verses of Sura Tauba cancelling the treaties with the border tribes who were hypocrites as in Sura IX : 1 to 8.F. EMBASSIES/STRONG DEPUTATIONS POUR IN FROM ALL ARABIA:
- Last sermon of the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) (blessings and salutations of Allah on him)
- The text
- Monday
- The first Muslims
- Hadhrata Ayshah (R.A.)
- Hadhrata Hafsah (R.A.)
- Finality
- The miracles
- The Holy Prophet for the entire mankind for all times
- The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)
- Treasure of the traditions
- The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)
- About the respected wives of the Holy Prophet (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam)
- About the early death of the male children of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)
He announced his self leading his (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) the first and the last Hajj. People came in great numbers that it was attended by 120000 to 140000 faithfuls. Allah declared the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam the noblest being, the most pious (Sura XLIX : 13).
"O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether, after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore, listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and take these words to those who could not be present here today."
"O People, just as you respect this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. Remember that you will indeed meet your Lord and that He will indeed reckon your deeds. Allah has forbidden you to take usury (interest). Therefore, all Interest obligation shall henceforth be waived."
"O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have rights over you. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers. And it is your right that they do not make acquaintance with any one of whom you do not approve and that never will commit adultery."
"O People, listen to me in earnestness. Worship only Allah, offer your five times daily prayers (Salaat), keep fast during the Holy month of Ramadhan, and give your wealth in Zakaat. Perform Hajj if you can afford it. You know that every Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. You are all equal. Nobody has superiority over other except by piety and good action.
Remember, one day you will appear before Allah and answer for your actions and deeds herein. So beware- Do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.
"O People, no Prophet or Apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born. Reason well, therefore, 0 People, and understand my words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Quraan and my example, the Sunnah. If you follow these you will never go astray."
"All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those others to next ones and so on."
The last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me nearby directly.
Be my witness O Allah, that I have conveyed your Message to your devotees."
Surely a Messenger has come amongst you from amongst yourselves. If (any of) you falls in a trouble it hurts him grievously as he is ill the time desirous of your welfare. To the believers he is so compassionate and so merciful." (Al Quraan IX - 128) | ![]() |
"This Day I (Allah) have perfected for you your faith, and completed My (Allah's) favours upon you. And have chosen Islaam as your religion (as the best religion for all times to come)." (Al-Quraan = 111 : 5)Then he (Blessings and Salutations of Allah on him) said, I leave with you the Holy Book, -Quraan from Allah, and my Sunnah for your all times guidance",
"Here is a devotee of Allah whose hard labor has provided him option from his (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) Rabb (Sustainer) the life of this transitory world against that life which is everlasting, eternal and so dear to the Creator.""This devotee has chosen the latter." When Hadhrat Aboo Bakr (Allah is pleased with him) heard this, tears started rolling down his cheeks, and he correctly realised that when the religion has been perfected, then the Holy Prophet (Blessings and Salutations of Allah on him) has no concern with this physical world and whatever it contains."One month before the departure from this world to the eternal life Hereafter the Holy Prophet (Blessings and Salutations of Allah on him) used to advise his companions in such a way that they used to think of his departure from this temporary life to eternal world.
The Holy Prophet (Blessings and Salutations of Allah on him) remained somewhat sick for fourteen days, due to physical weakness could not join the congregation prayers lead by Hadhrat. Aboo Bakr on his (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) orders. When Hadhrat Aboo Bakr (Allah is pleased with him) stood up for the first prayer Imaamut (leading) on the praying place of the Holy Prophet (Blessings and Salutations of Allah on him), he and other companions were so much swayed by passions and overpowered with grief of his (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) not being in sight. They had so tender feelings not to find him (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) for this first prayer that they started weeping. When the voice reached the sacred ears of the Holy Prophet (Blessings and Salutations of Allah on him) he was having tranquillity, satisfaction and confidence that his (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) orders will be carried by his (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam), companions without his physical presence. He took the final bath and came into the mosque; sat on the left side of Hadhrat Aboo Bakr (Allah is pleased with him) and led the prayer. On completion of this double led prayer he (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) said, "O Muslims ! I entrust you to Allah; Allah's care, supervision and help. I am going to separate from this physical world and I am going to leave it".
In the morning of the last day be moved the curtain of his Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam apartment belonging to his Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam beloved wife Aysha (Allah is pleased with her) which was so adjacent and by the side of his Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam Holy Masjid. He Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam personally observed all the Muslims busy in praying. On seeing the prayer rows in order, signs of great, satisfaction appeared on his sacred face, and he (Blessings and Salutations of Allah on him) smiled. Then the Holy Prophet (Blessings and Salutations of Allah on him) advanced; and offered morning prayer as with Hadhrat Aboo Bakr Siddique (Allah is pleased with him). After this prayer, the Holy Prophet (Blessings and Salutations of Allah on him) did not physically offer any other prayer in this world, except his Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam sincerest, profoundest and humble remembrance of Allah Almighty in humility. (This was narrated by Bukhari on the authority of Hazrat Ayisha Siddiqah, page 62).
After reaching home, the Holy Prophet (Blessings and Salutations of Allah on him) faced the transition of his Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam soul to the Khaliq (Creator). A bowl, full of water was placed towards the head of the Holy Prophet (Blessings and Salutations of Allah on him). He (Blessings and Salutations of Allah on him) personally dipped his right hand fingers in water and gently rubbed his pious face again and again. His head was in the lap of Hadhrata' Aysha (Allah is pleased with hen. She was placing wet cloth on his Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam holy forehead. He was reciting verses of the Holy Quraan:
"In the company of those on whom is the grace of Allah." (Al-Quraan = IX : 69)On observing this situation his so dear daughter Hadhrata Fatima (Allah is pleased with her) started weeping. The Holy Prophet (Blessings and Salutations of Allah on him) called her (R.A.) nearer to bis (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) holy mouth and wiped out her tears. He said to her as she (R.A.) reported later, that she will be the first to meet him (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) in the eternal world from amongst all the Muslims. Then he (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) called near him (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) his so dear grandson Imam Hassan and Hadhrat Imam Hussain (Allah is pleased with them). He kissed their faces and caressed them and bequeathed about their esteem. He (Blessings and Salutations of Allah on him) also called his (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) wives and advised them. The Holy Prophet (Blessings and Salutations of Allah on him) them called Hadhrat Ali (Allah is pleased with him) and continued conversation with him for some time. He (Blessings and Salutations of Allah on him) then emphasized in low voice to all those present about the prayer regularity and tile preservation of the rights of the subordinates (servants and slaves) to be cared. Then he (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) brushed his teeth. Then he (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) was heard saying, "My Rabb (Sustainer) grant me Pardon and join me to the companionship on the highest echelon."
In the final he uttered "Baluur Rafeequll Aalaa" - "Blessed is the companionship of the Being on the highest." Hadhrata' Aysha (r.a.) (Allah is pleased with her) says "then his Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam head fell in her (R.A.) lap and the pupil of his Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam eyes closed;" and his luminous soul turned out from the sacred body. It was Monday the 12th of Rabi-ull-Awwal, in the year 11 A.H. at the age of 63 years and four days at. break fast. time in the broad day light clear morning.
Indeed; we are all for Allah and we have to return to Him. May Allah shower His choicest Blessings and profoundest. Salutations on him (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) for his highest exaltation on the Day of Resurrection alongwith his pious noble family and his great companions."
HOLY PROPHET Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam TO THE MANKIND
2. THE FIRST MUSLIMS were the dearest wife Hadhrata Khadijah, his dearest friend Hadhrat Aboo Bakr, the nearest brother in kinship Hadhrat Ah, the most. obedient servant Zaid Bin Harissa (liberated by the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) and the still to be got liberated slave of Aboo Jehl, the most pious Bilaal.
3. HADHRATA AYSHAH (R.A.) was the youngest wife of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam who was the most talented, the most intelligent, the most diligent, tlie most obedient, the most educated and specially inducted Muslim lady who is a source to one third of knowledge of Islaam.
4. HADHRATA HAFSAH (R.A.) was tlie most straightforward, pious, strict to her words, and most. trustworthy wife of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam She was entrusted the authenticated copy of the Holy Quraan by the Holy Prophet. Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam himself after being calligraphed in his (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) own supervision and repeatedly verified as correct version listening its recitation from many companions, R.A. who had remembered it by heart.
5. FINALITY of the Messengership of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam as the Last and the great Prophet of Allah with complete divine Message in the permanently authenticated revelations from the Creator for human welfare for all times to come as Last Divine Guidance cannot he challenged by anyone in any form in any age. The Quraan will remain always fresh in its contents and the preachings of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam, will always remain Divinely enshrined to lead the humanity to perfect peace, tranquillity and prosperity based on piety.
6. THE MIRACLES of the Holy Prophet Sallallahoo Alyhe Wassallam run into 10,000 but the most important are 45 mentioned in the Holy Quraan, 200 mentioned in Hadith and others observed but not related. A few are as follows:
- The Holy Quraan with 6666 Verses revealed by Allah in 7 Manzils, 30 Parts, 114 chapters, 540 sections and 323760 alphabets. Its lengthiest Sura - Sura Baqarah and Smallest Sura -Sura Kauthar. The Holy Quraan gives the most authentic history of 26 Prophets of Allah and the great nations of the past, The Holy Quraan can be divided on all the modern natural, social, medical, agricultural and human sciences but its division on subjects of most, practical nature can be:
- 1000 verses on Do's;
- 1000 verses on Donot's;
- 1000 verses for rewards;
- 1000 verses for awards;
- 1000 verses for precedents;
- 1000 verses for historic facts;
- 500 verses for permissible deeds, eatables and fruits as well as prohibited articles and deeds;
- 100 verses on remembrance methods; and
- 66 miscellaneous verses — Total 6666 verses. (Refer to Al-Quraan - XXIX : 48 to 58; X: 38; XVII: 88; LII: 33, 34; XLII : 52: XV:9: LVI: 77, 78; LXXXV:21, 22)
- the Modality of Allah Almighty as His Last Ideal: The Life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Sallallahoo Alyhe Wassallam is the greatest miracle itself as he is Quraan in practice for all times to come.
- The Mairaaj which placed the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam on the highest echelon by leading the congregational prayer of all the Prophets of Allah in Jerusalem dome of the rock and then Ins Ascension to the celestial words with a few moments of a holy night putting the entire universe to stand still position for his bodily personal inspection. (Al-Quraan - XVII : 1; LIII:8 to 10)
- Splitting of the moon into two (AI-Quraan - LIV:1, 2) and bringing back the sun while it had set (famous Ahadith).
- Other few miracles mentioned in the Holy Quraan - Prophecy of Roman empire victory over Persian empire (Sura Ruum - XXX : 1 to 6); Birds of Flight to destroy Abraha (Sura Al-Feel - CV : 1 to 5); Shara-e-Sadr — the oral surgery of the heart of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam for its expansion/greatness (Sura VIC : 1 to 4); Quraish conspiracy to murder the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam and his migration to Madina-tuur-Rasool (Sura Anfall VIII : 30); the Badr victory (Sura Anfall — VIII Verses 9. 11, 17, 43, 44 & 45; Sura Aale Imraan III-Verses 13. 124 to 125: Sura Al-Ahzaab XXXIII - Verse 9; Sura Tauba IX Verse 25; Prophecy of peaceful victory of Makkah - Sura XXVIII: 85, Sura LXI verse 13, Sura IIL : 1, 27, Prophecy of sad demise of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam at the age of 63 - Sura Nasr CX : 1 to 3 (Many miracles mentioned in the authentic hooks of Ahadith).
8. THE HOLY PROPHET Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam is the Light of Divine Truth in the darknesses of the human excesses and the exploitations of the underworld: the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam is the symbol of unity of humanity based on equality, piety and peaceful equity; the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam is a symbol of written treaty of Madina, treaty of Hudybia the treaty of Makkah and the Farewell Sermon as human rights charter, still unique in the world; the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam gave equal status to the women preserving their rights, abolished slavery, gave rights to the down trodden, ushered in corrective aproaches for the offenders/inmates and the innocent children; it is the Holy Prophet. Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam who removed inequality classes and caste/creed distinctions of human beings for the first time in history of mankind and gave a system to the Day of Resurrection free from all such exploitations; his politico-administrative and socio-economic system is the best if implemented in letter and spirit.
9. TREASURE OF THE TRADITIONS of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam runs into hundreds of thousands but the Sihah Sitta - six most authentic hooks of Hadith with Sahih Bukari are the purest.
10. THE HOLY PROPHET Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam is the real modality of Allah Almighty as His Last Ideal for human welfare. He is the beacon house of peaceful co-existence of mankind with tranquillity to property based on equality free from disunity and immorality.
11. ABOUT THE RESPECTED WIVES OF THE HOLY PROPHET, Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam: A bitter criticism has been levelled about the family life of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam by the agitating minds irrationally opposed to him (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam). Many of the non-Muslims have been perturbed for the number of marriages of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam that some of the so called Muslim scholars also have been perturbed. The orientalists and the Western Scholars have advanced highly objectionable controversies about his polygamy. Some of them consider him (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) to be over-sexual taking those multiple marriages as something abnormal. Such scholars are confused to column his so pious, righteous and straightforward life of nobility with the lustful despotic kings and ignoble rulers who contract expanded marriages with the virgin daughters of different tribal chiefs to expand the sphere of their sovereignty annexing through such relations their State territory.
There is not, at all such sort of situation with the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam His marriages with the noble females, most of whom were widows or slaves or the wives of the companions of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam martyred in different battles during their noble mission for the spread of Islaam. The Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam was not at all a prince born to a king of a vast kingdom with golden spoon in mouth enjoying a blank cheque of multiple sexual relations. He was just an Orphan of a very noble family of a very gentle and modest origin. He was born in Makkah-tull-Mukarrama, which according to the Holy Quraan is a place without much greenery and devoid of agricultural activity giving a desolate look.
His (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) first marriage with the richest lady of the land Hadhrata Khadij'a-tull-Kuubra (Allah is pleased with her) was at his prime age of 25 when she was 40 and was widowed two times for death of her Christian husbands. She had from them female children of teen ages as her liability. It was the honesty, integrity, diligence and the pious deal of the Holy Prophet as a young tradesman on her behalf from the age of 18 to 25 years that she was so impressed by his so straightforward and truthful commerce that she herself requested him rather persuaded him to marry her. He remained with her 15 years in Makkah before declaration of his Prophethood by Allah and then she continued to he his only wife till her death, nine years later. This was the age of perfect adulthood of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam from his 25th year to 50th year of his prime maturity. After her sad demise he was entitled to many anyone virgin he liked from the families of bis so obedient, submissive and highly motivated companions. But he preferred tlie young Hadhrat Aysha (Allah is pleased with her) daughter of his Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam great friend and the most obedient companion Hadhrat Aboo Bakr Siddique (Allah is pleased with him). She was so intelligent, brilliant and of a strong memory in her tender age that she could be an asset to the Muslim Ommah later in the tar sighted estimation of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam 1/3rd of the knowledge of Islaam and the authenticity of Holy Prophet's Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam thousands of Ahadith is due to her great memory and profound knowledge about Islaamic Shariah. What she listened from the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam and what she saw him (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) practising she verified it from the Holy Quraan. Therefore, she (R.A.) whenever asked about the modality of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam, instantly replied that it was just the real practicality of whatever Allah has prescribed in the Holy Quraan.
She was in her early twenties when the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam left her issueless. But she became a mini-university of Islaamic Fiqh to teach the Holy Quraan and interpret the Hadith of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam to the next generation of Muslim youngsters as her spiritual sons and daughters with special reference to the female rights and children protection. Hazrat Ayesha R.A. being the daughter of a great father was the only virgin lady so young in age when her marriage was solemnized to the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam in Madina. All the other wives of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam were either divorced ladies or widowed persons who wanted to be respectful female Muslims after their marriage with the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam with their personal perusal. All of his wives were great asset to Ommah in their own ways. The widowed Hafsah daughter of Hadhrat Omar, Radhi Allah hoo Unhoo, worried him too much but she being a great lady opted to marry only the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam He agreed to honor her as she was to be entrusted the authenticity of the Holy Quraan by the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam who himself Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam got this Master copy prepared after checking it from many scribers, of the Quraan and companions who were Huffaz. This Holy Prophet's Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam personally authenticated copy of the Holy Quraan in the strict custody of Hadhrat Hafsah R.A. was adopted for circulation after getting its copies calligraphed in caliphate of Hadhrat Omar the great R.A. Similarly Umme Habib, the daughter of Abu-Suffian, the Arch enemy of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam in Makkah, played a crucial role to re-establish the respect of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam amongst the Makki enemies when they fell to his feet after their defeat in the peaceful victory at Makkah. To quote another example Lady Marya from Egypt was so famous for her arrival in Madina, as a gift from the roman King. But she became an ordinary female as an household of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam, the only lady who had a son Ibrahim as the last issue of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam who died when he was only three months.
Humanity should not be confused from the permission of the Holy Quraan in Sura Nisaa' (IV : 3) for four wives at a time. That is not injunction of Allah as a Command. It is only an option in case of emergent situation only if the orphan females out-number the males. This emergent permission is specially in case of such Orphan virgin young ladies to save them from being community rejects or social neglects. Their going social waste in a so called permissive society in the hands of so called god fathers or the pimps in intolerable in Islaam. They should be taken in matrimonial respect by the richer Muslims to maintain them as a social liability of a Muslim community. The same Verse of the Holy Quraan (IV : 3) states that since you cannot do justice to more than one wife, therefore, marry only one. This clearly indicates that it is not normal Muslim practice except a negligible number of Muslim, who can maintain a profound social justice amongst more than one wives. This misunderstanding about the Muslim society must be shunned by the prejudiced Western Thinkers.
The very ideal, model and most pious life of Prophet Muhammad Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam as the Last Messenger of Allah and the great benefactor of mankind for establishing peaceful co-existent -society everywhere in each should not be over-shadowed due to his wives. It was the compulsion of all those respectful ladies (R.A.) except Hadhrat Ayesha R.A., that the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam married them on human compulsion under the doctrine of necessity. All of them were asset to the Muslim Ommah in their own rightful services to the followers. As the rightful mothers of all the believers, enjoying the same respect after 1400 years of their passing away to eternity, they still are the beacon house of light on the internal life of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam only known to them and mode public tor advantage of the Muslims of every age all the times.
12. ABOUT THE EARLY DEATH OF THE MALE CHILDREN OF THE HOLY PROPHET Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam: The infidels of Makkah taunted that the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam has been deprived by his Allah from male progeny that all of his male children died in infancy. The chiefs of Makki pagans, the enemies of Islaam and the opponents of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam taunted that the last Messenger of Allah had no lineage to be his male heirs. Allah Almighty revealed the smallest Chapter of the Holy Quraan known as Sura Kausar (CVIII) in part thirty. It gives ABUNDANCE to the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam It is a Divine assurance to him Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam that he has been bestowed from Allah the greatest treasures and the profoundest abundance in all respects that all the believers to the Day of Resurrection will not only be his sincere followers but also will be the most obedient and most loving spiritual sons and daughters. Today Muslims are 1.25 billion the world over and they really have a great inner attachment for him, much superior to their real fathers and mothers of traditional, conventional and joint families. The critical minds of a nucleus family of the so called Western free and permissive society cannot taste and cannot understand this great boon of Allah to the Holy Prophet. Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam as they are deprived from family life from infancy.
Allah Almighty gave the previous Prophets a long lineage of Prophets. The first man Aadam (Allah is pleased with him) had a long list of Prophets in his lineage up to the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam The arch Prophet Ibraheem (Blessings of Allah on him) heads a long lift of Prophets through many many generations. Prophet David was also bestowed similar honors. Tlie Holy Prophet. Muhammad Sallallah-hoo Alyhe Wassallam is the last Messenger of Allah. As such he is an ideal modality of Allah Almighty. Being the Habib Allah, the most loved last Messenger of Allah he Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam could not have been deprived from similar honors for exalting his male children to Prophethood. Since he is Blessing of Allah in entire universe to the Day of Judgement as Last Messenger, therefore, Allah Almighty has repeatedly given an injunction in the Holy Quraan that no male can claim to be the son of Holy Prophet Muhammad Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam
XIII. THE MODALITY OF THE QURAAN FROM ALLAH ALMIGHTY -A GIST OF THE LIFE OF MUHAMMAD DUUR RASOOL ALLAH / AHMAD-E-MUUSTAFAAA Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam FROM THE QURAAN: (Sallalla hoo Alyhe Wassallam " blessings and salutations of Allah on him)
"Defnitely for you the life pattern of the Messenger of Allah (Modality of Muhammad) presents the best ideal" (Al-Quraan = XXXIII : 21) | ![]() |
In the Holy Quraan Allah says: "O mankind a manifest proof (of Allah's truth in Muhammad) has come to ou from your Rabb (Sustainer) and We (Allah) have sent down to you a clear light (Muhammad-duur-Rasool Allah). (Al-Quraan IV : 174) | ![]() |
1 | Personal name assigned by mother on birth Muhammad: 3:14/33:40/47:2/48:29. |
2 | Biblical name = Ahmad: 61:6. |
3 | The Highest Title assigned by Allah = Rasool Allah/Rasool-E-Aakhar = 2:101, 143/ 3:32, 81/ 4:59, 80/ 5:67// 7:158 |
4 | The Best Modality for humanity as his Oosswa Tull Hasna = 33:22 |
5 | Rasoolull Aalam/Rasool as a Judge/Messenger to forgive/Prophet so loving/the Last Prophet/Prophecy of Moses = 8:24/ 9:61, 127// 24:48// 25:30// 33:21// 33:36, 40, 45// 49:2, 3// 57:8/ 59:7// 60:6/ 61:6/ 64:11 |
6 | Some of the eulogized names of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam assigned to him in the Holy Quraan:
(4 to 8) | Shaheed/Shaa-hid-Mataa/Raoof-fuur Raheem: 4:143// 33:45// 4:59, 63, 80/ 60:12// 9:128 |
(9 to 12) | Mubasshir/Basheer/Nazeer/Muunzir: 17:15/ 25:56/ 33:45/ 48:8// 2:119/ 5:18/ 7:188/ 34:28/ 48:8// 2:119/ 7:188/ 34:28// 13:7/ 38:4/ 50:2 /79:45 |
(13 to 15) | Siraaj/Noor/Da-ee-Illallah/Kaffa Tun-Nass: 33:46// 5:15/ 33:46// 33:46/ 34:28 |
(16 to 18) | Rahmat ull-lil-Aalameen / Muslim-e-Auowal/ Do-aa-e-Ibraheem: 21:107//6:114//2:129 |
(19 to 21) | Minallahe/ Sahib-e-Mukame Mehmood/ Abdullah: 2:129/ 3:164/ 17:79// 17:1/ 18:1/ 25:1/ 39:36// 57:9/ 72:19 |
(22 to 24) | AI-Muzammil/ Al-Mudassir/ Al-Harees: 73:1//74:1//9:128 |
(25 & 26) | Rasooluun-Nabi-Yall Ommi/ Al-Fatiho: 7:157/ 7:158// 48:1/110:1 |
(27 to 32) | Taa-haa/ Yaa-seen/ Al-Azeez/ Al-Muustafa/ Al-Muujtaba/ Al-Aoola: 20:1// 36:1// 9:128// 22:75/ 25:59// 3:179/ 22:78// 33:6 |
(33 to 36) | Mo-Allimull-Kitaab/ Mo-Allimull-Hikmah/ Al-Muujtaba/ Al-oola: 2:129/ 3:164/ 62:2// 2:129/ 3:164/ 62:2/ 2:129/ 3:164/ 62:2// 2:129/ 3:164/ 62:2 |
(37 to 39) | Sahib-e-Burhaan/ Sahib-e-Kauthar/ Sahib-e-Khyrull Katheer: 4:174// 53:2, 81:22// 108:1 |
40 | Obedience to Muhammad Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam is obedience to Allah = 4:80 |
Surely Allah and His (all the) Angels (all the times) send their Blessings on the Holy Prophet. O the people, who believe, you must also send the blessings and salutations (of Allah) on him. (Al-Quraan - XXXIII: 56) | Inn-Nallah-Ha Wa Ma-Laaa-ee-Kata-Hoo Yosa Loona 'Alun Nabee. Yaaa-Ayyoo- Hallazeena Aaamenoo Salloo Alyhe Wassalle-Moo Tasleema. (Al-Quraan - XXXIII: 56) | ![]() |
O My Allah You Bless our noble Prophet Muhammad and the progeny of our noble Muhammad and the companions of our noble and our Master Muhammad and eulogise him with Salutations and Your own profoundest Blessings. | Allah-huuma Salle 'Alaa Sayyedna Muhammadin Wa Alaa Aale Sayyed Naa Muhamma-Din Wa Ushaabe Sayyedna Wa Maulanaa Muhammadin Wa Baarik Wassallam Wa - Salle Alyhe. |
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