Monday, September 1, 2014

Hazrat Umar Farooq Razi Allah Ta’ala anhu


Hazrat Umar (R.A) belonged to the Adi family of Quraish tribe. In the 8th generation, his lineage joins with Rasulallah (s.a.w).
He was born in 583 A.C., about forty years before the great Hijrah. The early life of Hazrat Umar is not known in detail. In his youth he was a famous wrestler and orator, and a spirited person. He was one among the few people in Makkah who knew how to read and write. His main occupation was business.

When the Rasulallah (s.a.w) recieved the revelation and invited people to Islam, Hazrat Umar initially became the sworn enemy of Islam and Rasulallah (s.a.w), and did not hesitate to harm the Muslims at every opportunity.
Hazrat Umar's acceptance of Islam
It was the sixth year of Rasulallah (s.a.w)'s mission when the leaders of Quraish called a meeting and asked for volunteers for the assassination of Rasulallah (s.a.w). Hazrat Umar offered himself for this job and everybody in the meeting exclaimed that he was the right person for it.
While he was on his way, with a sword in his hand, he met Hazrat Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas who enquired of him about where he was going. Hazrat Umar told him that he was going to murder Rasulallah (s.a.w). After some discussion Hazrat Sa'd said, "You had better take care of your own family first. Your sister and brother-in-law both have accepted Islam".

Hearing this, Hazrat Umar changed his direction and went straight to his sister's house. When Hazrat Umar knocked at the door, they were being taught the Holy Qur'anby Hazrat Khabbab (R.A). His sister Fatima was frightened on hearing Hazrat Umar’s voice and tried to hide the portion of the Holy Qur'an she was reciting. When Hazrat Umar entered the house he enquired about their Islam and on finding that they had accepted Islam, he first fell upon his brother-in-law and beat him severely. When his sister intervened he smote her so violently on her face that it bled profusely. On this his sister burst out: "Do whatever you like, we are determined to die as Muslims".

When Hazrat Umar saw his sister bleeding, he cooled down and felt ashamed. He loved Fatima very much but could not tolerate her conversion to Islam. However, deeply moved, Hazrat Umar asked her to show the pages on which the Holy Qur'an was written. But she was, after all, Hazrat Umar’s sister and told him straight, "You can not touch it unless you take a bath and make yourself clean".

He then took a bath and read the scripts. It was the beginning of Surah Ta Ha (Chapter 20 of the Holy Qur'an). Finally he came to the verse:
"Lo! I even I, am Allah, there is no god save Me. So serve Me and establish Salat for My remembrance."(Holy Quran - 20:14)
At this, Hazrat Umar exclaimed, "Surely this is the Word of Allah. Take me to Muhammad (s.a.w)".

On hearing this Hazrat Khabbab (R.A), who had hidden himself in the house, came out from inside and said, "O Umar! Glad tidings for you. It seems that the prayer of the Rasulallah (s.a.w) which he said last night has been answered in your favour. He prayed to Allah: "O Allah, strengthen Islam with either Umar b. Khattab or Umar b. Hisham, whomsoever Thou pleaseth".
Hazrat Umar then went to Rasulallah (s.a.w). On seeing him, Rasulallah (s.a.w) asked him, "Umar! what brings you here”? He said, "I am here to accept Islam".
Hearing this the Muslims shouted with joy, "Allahu Akbar! (Allah is the Greatest)" and the sound echoed though the air of Makkah.

As a matter of fact, Umar’s conversion to Islam was a terrible blow to the morale of the disbelieves. Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas'ud, a great Companion, says, "Hazrat Umar's conversion to Islam was a great triumph, his emigration to Madinah a tremendous reinforcement and his accession to Caliphate a great blessing for the Muslims".
Hazrat Umar gets the title of Al-Farooq

The conversion of Hazrat Umar (R.A) strengthened Islam.
Before this, Muslims had lived in constant fear of the disbelievers, and most of them were concealing their faith. The Muslims were now able to offer their Salat publicly. When Hazrat Umar (R.A) became a Muslim, he declared his faith openly before the Quraish chiefs. Though they stared at him, they could not do any harm to him. Then once he had been granted permission from Rasulallah (s.a.w), he led a party of the Muslims to the Kabah to offer Salat. Hazrat Hamza, who had accepted Islam a few days before Hazrat Umar (R.A), carried another party of the Muslims to Kabah.
When all the Muslims gathered in the Kabah, they offered their Salat in congregation. Rasulallah (s.a.w) led this, and it was the first public Salat in the history of Islam. For this courageous and bold action of Hazrat Umar (R.A), Rasulallah (s.a.w) gave him the title of al-Farooq i.e., the one who makes a distinction between the right (haqq) and the wrong (batil).
Migration to Madinah

When the Muslims were ordered to migrate to Madinah, most of them left Makkah quietly and in secret, but Hazrat Umar (R.A) declared it openly.
He put on his armour and first went to the Kabah. After performing the Salat, he announced loudly: "I am migrating to Madinah. If anyone wants to check me, let him come out. I am sure that his mother would cry for his life".
There was no man in Makkah to accept the challenge of Hazrat Umar (R.A). Then he migrated to Madinah boldly.

Hazrat Umar's services to Islam

Hazrat Umar (R.A) had great love for Allah and Rasulallah (s.a.w). He participated in almost all the big battles: Badr, Uhud, Ahzab, Khaibar, Hunain etc. In the expedition of Tabuk, he gave half of his wealth in the path of Allah.
He was next to Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) in the sacrifice of his belongings for the cause of Allah.
Rasulallah (s.a.w) also had a deep love for him. Once he remarked, "Were a prophet to come after me, he would have been Umar".
In another Hadith mentioned in Bukhari, Hazrat Abu Hurairah (R.A) narrated that Rasulallah (s.a.w) said, "In Bani Isra'il (Israelites), there were people who were not prophets but talked to Allah. Were anyone in my Ummah like those persons, he would be Umar".

The death of Rasulallah (s.a.w) was a great shock to him, and he could not believe it until Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) reminded him of a clear verse of the Holy Qur'an on the subject. He then went to the Council Hall along with Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) where the people of Madinah had assembled to select the First Caliph.
Hazrat Umar (R.A) was the first person to pledge loyalty (Bai'at) at the hand of Hazrat Abu Bakr(R.A), and then helped him throughout the duration of his rule.
Hazrat Umar Farooq - the second Khalifa of Islam

During Hazrat Abu Bakr's illness he consulted the people about the next Khalifah, and then gave his decision in favour of Hazrat Umar (R.A) who took the charge of Khilafat after the death of Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) on 22nd of Jamadius Thani 13 A.H. (23rd August 634 AC).
Umar (R.A.) followed fully the ways of Rasulallah (s.a.w) and the policy of his predecessor, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique, with his characteristic zeal and vigour. It was his strict adherence to the Sunnah of Rasulallah (s.a.w) which helped him to subdue the mighty empires of Persia and Byzantine.

The period of Hazrat Umar's Khilafat undoubtedly is the Golden Age of Islam in every respect.
He was a man of extraordinary genius who not only moulded the destiny of the nation but made history of his own.
He followed the footsteps of Rasulallah (s.a.w) to the fullest extent. It was Hazrat Umar under whose rule Islam became an international power and the mighty empires of Persia and Byzantine crumbled before the army of Islam.
Within ten years of his glorious rule, the whole of the Persian Empire, Syria, Palestine, Egypt and a part of Turkey came under the banner of Islam and the nations entered the fold of Islam.

He was not only a conqueror but also an exemplary administrator who originated an efficient system of administration, and thus he was the real founder of political system of Islam. He enforced Divine Law (Shari'ah) as the code of a newly formed International Islamic State; he safeguarded the internal safety by introducing the police force: he gave stipends to the poor; he constructed cantonments and forts for the safety of Islamic armies; he founded new cities for the growth of Islamic culture and civilisation; he improved agriculture and economics of the Islamic State; he founded the educational system in an Islamic State; in brief he was the founder of a great Islamic State.
Fall of the Persian empire

During the time of Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A), Hazrat Khalid bin Walid conquered part of the Persian Empire known as the Kingdom of Hira. Then he was ordered by Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) to join the expedition to Syria.

At the time of his departure, he appointed Muthanna bin Harith as the commander of the Islamic army. The Persians became furious at the loss of the kingdom of Hira and the Emperor sent a large army under the command of a very famous General, Rustam the Commander-in-Chief of Persian armies.
In view of the growing pressure of Persians, Muthanna requested Hazrat Umar (R.A) for reinforcement. At that time there was a large gathering of Muslims in Madinah waiting to take pledge of loyalty (Bai'at) at the hand of the new Khalifa (Hazrat Umar). He put the matter before the Muslims but did not get any response in the beginning. Then Hazrat Umar (R.A) in his sermons stressed the importance of Jihad and a large number of Muslims volunteered to help Muthanna against the Persians. Abu‘Ubaid ath-Thaqafi was appointed as the commander of the Islamic army comprising five thousand men. In the meantime Persians attacked the places conquered by Muslims and they lost some of them. In the early stage of the battles Rustam sent his subordinates to face Muslims.
It is reported from Hazrat Ibn Umar (R.A) that Hazrat Umar (R.A) dispatched an army to Persia, making a man called Sariyya (R.A) the leader of it. It is said that one day Hazrat Umar (R.A) was delivering the Friday sermon in Madinah. In it he said loudly "Ya Sariyya al-jabal!" which means "O Sariyya, [towards] the mountain!", and then resumed the sermon.
After a month a courier came from the army bearing of good news. He said, "The people of the army heard Hazrat Umar (R.A)'s voice on that day. We all went towards the mountain and Allah made us victorious."

The severe famine and plague

In the year 17-18 A.H, Hijaz and Syria were faced by severe famine and drought. Hazrat Umar (R.A) took steps to get food supplies from Egypt, part of which had been conquered by Hazrat Amr bin al-'As (R.A). He sent three big ships of grains to Madinah which were unloaded in the presence of Hadzrat Umar (R.A). He himself distributed the grains among the needy.
Hazrat Umar (R.A) did not take any delicacy (butter etc.) during the famine period. When he was requested to take care of his health, he said, "If I don't taste suffering, how can I know the sufferings of others?"

When the famine became intolerable, he prayed to Allah in a big gathering of Muslims. It has been narrated that the prayers had not even finished when rains started to pour down.

About the same time, plague spread in most parts of Iraq, Syria and Egypt and it caused great havoc not only to civilians but also to the Muslim armies. After the plague, Hazrat Umar went to Syria to inspect the losses caused by the plague. Three important figures, Hazrat Abu Ubaidah, Mu'adh bin Jabal and Yazid bin Abu Sufyan (R.A) had passed away. He appointed Mu'awiyah bin Abi Sufyan as the Governor of Damascus in place of his brother Yazid bin Abi Sufyan.
Martyrdom of Hazrat Farooq-e-Azam (R.A)
In 23 A.H., when Hazrat Umar returned to Madinah from Hajj, he raised his hands and prayed:

"O God! I am advanced in years, my bones are weary, my powers are declining, and the people for whom I am responsible have spread far and wide. Summon me back to Thyself, my lord!"

Some time later, when Hazrat Umar went to the mosque to lead a prayer, a Magian named Abu Lulu Feroze, who had a grudge against Hazrat Umar on a personal matter, attacked him with a dagger and stabbed him several times. Hazrat Umar reeled and fell to the ground.
When he learned that the assassin was a Magian, he said, "Thank God he is not a Muslim."

The injuries were so serious that the great Khalifa died the next morning.

Before his death, the Muslims asked him about his successor and he appointed a panel of six persons; Hadrat Uthma Zubair, Talha, Sa'd bin Waqqas and Abdur Rahman bin 'Auf (R.A) to select a Khalifah from amongst them within three days after him.

He requested Hazrat Aisha (R.A) for permission for his burial beside Rasulallah (s.a.w), just as Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique expressed the same wish. Though she had reserved that place for herself, on Umar's request she gave it to him and that is where he was buried.
Character and Piety

He was extremely pious and God-fearing. His success lay in two things: fear of Allah and his love for Rasulallah (s.a.w).
He never used even oil from the Baitul Mal (Public Treasury) to burn a lamp at night for his personal needs. Whenever he finished the official work he put off the lamp. He used to patrol in the city at night to find out the needs and requirements, and conditions of the people.
He did not hesitate to take his wife to work as a midwife for a poor woman. The salary he got from the Baitul Mal was so low that it was hardly enough for him and his family's needs. When some of the eminent Muslims requested him to increase the amount he said, "Rasulallah (s.a.w) has left a standard by his personal example. I must follow him".

Hadrat Umar was one of the most just rulers in Islamic History. All the citizens, including the Khalifa himself, were equal before law.
Once he appeared before a court in Madinah to clarify his position against a complaint. The Qadi (judge) wanted to stand in his honour, but he did not allow him to do so, so that there would be no distinction between him and an ordinary person before Law.
He was really the founder of the modern democratic system.

In short, he was a perfect example of an ideal character, and was the greatest Khalifah of Islam after Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A).
He selflessly devoted his whole energy for the cause of Islam and the Muslim world will always be indebted to him for his great achievements.
Hazrat Umar as a Great Scholar

Before the advent of Islam there was no tradition in Arabia of reading or writing. There were only seventeen people amongst the Quraish who could read or write at the time when Rasulallah (s.a.w) started to receive Divine revelations.
Hazrat Umar was one of those seventeen persons. His writing and lectures are still found in some old books.
The first address he gave as a Caliph was:
"O Allah, I am strict, make me soft. I am weak, give me power. The Arabs are like refractory camels, I will endeavour to bring them to the straight path."

He was also interested in poetry and sometimes he composed verses. Hazrat Umar (R.A) was one of the most fluent of the Quraish in language.
Arabic-knowing persons can appreciate the fluency of his writings and addresses. Many of his sayings became aphorisms of literature.

He was a great Jurist and Theologian of Islam. Because of the fear of making any mistake, he did not quote many Ahadith even though he was fully conversant with them. He never allowed a person to quote any Hadith which was not well known without producing any attestator in support of it.
If somebody quoted a Hadith before him which he had never heard, he at once asked him to bring a witness; failing which he would be punished.

He was expert in deriving laws from the Holy Qur'an and the Hadith. A full volume could be complied out of the verdicts and judgements given by Hazrat Umar (R.A). As a matter of fact he opened a new door of Ijtihad (disciplined judgement of a jurist) in the history of Islamic Law and Jurisprudence, and settled a number of disputable cases during his Khilafat.
Preaching of Islam
As the viceroy of Rasulallah (s.a.w), his foremost duty was to spread and preach Islam. As mentioned above, the aim of various battles and wars was to clear the way for the Muslims for preaching Islam.
Whenever any army had to attack a place, they had to call the inhabitants of the place to Islam. Hazrat Umar was very strict in this respect and he had given standing orders to the commanders not to start war unless they had first invited the people to Islam. If they accepted it, there was no question of war and if they did not, then the war was fought only with those who were not giving a free hand to Muslims to preach the Right Path.

No person was ever forced to forsake his own faith and accept Islam.

The method adopted to preach Islam was demonstration by actual practice. For this purpose he ordered Muslims to establish their own quarters and present the practical shape of Islam before the population. Seeing the truthful way, the inhabitants of the place were attracted towards Islam. No soldier was allowed to take any property or anything by force from the conquered people.

Because of fair treatment by the Muslims, sometimes the whole army of the enemy accepted Islam.
After the battle of Qadisiya, a battalion of four thousand Persians accepted Islam. After the victory of Jalula, the chiefs of the place entered the folds of Islam along with the inhabitants. A commander of the army of Yadzgird, named Siyah accepted Islam with his battalion during a battle in Persia. All the inhabitants of the town of Bulhat in Egypt accepted Islam at one time without the use of any force only by seeing the piety of the Muslims. A rich merchant and the chief of a place in Egypt, named Shata, accepted Islam with all the inhabitants of the place only after hearing about the character and piety of Muslims at the time when Muslims had not even reached that place.

These are a few examples to show how Islam spread because of the character of Muslims at that time.
Hazrat Umar (R.A) was very strict in ensuring that no Muslims forced any non-Muslim to accept Islam. Through his advice, letters and addresses, he made it clear to all the Muslims that they had to adhere to the ways of Rasulallah (s.a.w), which was the only method to preach Islam.
Wives and children


1. Hazrat Zainab (R.A) accepted Islam but died in Makkah. She was sister of Uthman bin Maz'un. She gave birth to Hazrat Abdullah Abdur Rahman and Hazrat Hafsah (wife of Rasulallah (s.a.w)) were the children she bore to Hazrat Umar.

2. Malkiah bint Jarwal, she did not accept Islam and was divorced in 6 A.H. according to Islamic law. She gave birth to Ubaidullah.

3. Quraibah bint Abi Ummiyah, she also did not accept Islam and was divorced in 6 A.H.

The above three marriages had taken place before Hazrat Umar (R.A.) accepted Islam. After accepting Islam he contracted marriages with the following:

4. Ummi Hakim bint-ul-Harith, she gave birth to a girl named Fatimah.

5. Jamilah bint Asim, she gave birth to a son who was named Asim. She was a Muslim but was divorced for some other reason.

6. Umm Kulthum bint Hazrat Ali (R.A). She was married in the year 17 A.H. She gave birth to Ruqayyah and Zaid.

7. Atikah (R.A)

Daughters -
1. Ummul Mumineen Hazrat Hafsah (R.A) - the chaste wife of Rasulallah (s.a.w).
2. Ruqayyah - the youngest daughter of Hazrat Umar.
Sons -3. Abdullah
4. Ubaidullah
5. Asim
6. Abu Shahmah
7. Abd-ur-Rahman
8. Zaid
Hazrat Umar - the Pioneer of Islamic democracy
Hazrat Umar (R.A) was the pioneer of modern civilisation who formed a state based upon the Islamic democratic system, the system which was incorporated in the West as late as 19th and 20th centuries.
He was the greatest democratic administrator whose example is unparalleled not only in the history of Islam but also in the history of modern civilisation. A vast part of the Middle East, Persian Empire and Byzantium, was conquered during the ten years of his Khilafat which he consolidated into a state governed by Islam i.e. laws.
The constitution of Islamic Khilafat during the time of Hazrat Umar (R.A) was based entirely on the Islamic democratic system. All matters were decided after consultation with the Shura (the council of advisors).
He remarked, "It is essential for a Khalifah to consult his Shura." Once he said, "I do not desire that you may follow anything that arises from my caprice".

Hazrat Umar had clearly stated on various occasions that he should be obeyed as long as he was obeying Allah and Rasulallah (s.a.w).

Muslims and non-Muslims were treated alike. Although the Arab peninsula was declared to be purely an Islamic State, his attitude towards the non-Muslims was very tolerant. He allowed the Jews and the Christians, living in the Peninsula, to stay there if they so wished and nobody would interfere in their religious affairs. To those who desired to migrate he ensured a safe journey up to the borders. Hazrat Umar (R.A) also gave compensation for their properties and other facilities.
Introduction of the Islamic calendar

For the first time in the history of Islam, Islamic calendar was introduced in the present form by Hazrat Umar (R.A).

The date of start of this calendar was fixed as the date of the Hijrah (migration) of Rasulallah (s.a.w). Thus the calendar is also known as the Hijrah Calendar.
Rasulallah (s.a.w)'s praise about Hazrat Farooq-e-Azam
"If there were to be a Prophet after me, he would have been Umar."- (Tirmidhi)

"Amongst the nations before your time, there have been inspired people (who were not Prophets), and if there is one amongst my Ummah, he is Umar''.

Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq (r.a)

Name and parentage of Abu Bakr

Hadrat Abu Bakr, as-Siddiq, (R.A.) was born in 573 A.D. at Mecca. Thus he was two years younger than the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). He belonged to a respectable and noble family, the Bani Tamim, a branch of Quraish Tribe. H is lineage joins with that of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) six generations before. His name was Abdullah. Abu Bakr was his patronymic name (or Kuniyah) which became so famous that most of the people did not know his real name. After his conversion to Islam he received the title of "As-Siddiq" (The Truthful). His father's name was 'Uthman who was known by his patronymic name, Abu Qahafah. His mother's name was Salma but she was also known by her patronymic name, Ummul Khair.

Life before Islam

Since his boyhood, Hadrat Abu Bakr was a quiet and sincere man. He was very  honest and truthful. Because of his sterling character he was the closest friend of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) since his youth and, the friendship proved to be life-long. He was a soft hearted man and keenly felt others sufferings and miseries. He used to help the poor and the needy, the distressed and the downtrodden.

Even before embracing Islam he did not like most of the customs of the days of ignorance and never drank any liquor.

His main profession was trade. He also accompanied the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) in some of his trade missions. Because of his honesty people trusted him and often kept their money as a trust with him. His nobility and truthfulness soon made him a rich trader. Actually these qualities were soon to serve the noblest cause of Allah.

First man to accept Islam

Hadrat Abu Bakr was a firm friend of the Holy Prophet and knew him better than any other man. His honesty, nobility, truthfulness and trustworthiness, had great attraction for Abu Bakr. When the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) disclosed to him secretly about the revelation of Allah, Abu Bakr accepted it immediately without having the slightest doubt. In this way he was the first adult free man to believe in the Holy Prophet's Mission, and became his confidant. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) once spoke about this, "When I invited people towards Allah, everybody thought over it and hesitated, at least for a while, except Abu Bakr who accepted my call the moment I put it before him, and he did not hesitate even for a moment." When he accepted Islam, the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) was very pleased.

Da'wat (Invitation) towards Allah

As soon as he had accepted Islam he started the work of Da'wat (Invitation towards Allah) first secretly and then openly when it was so allowed by the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). First he went to ‘Uthman, Talha, Zubair and Said (Ridwanullah 'alaihim 'Ajma'in). They accepted Islam on his preaching. Next day he went to 'Uthman bin Maz'un, Abu'Ubaidah, Abdur Rahman bin 'Auf and some other prominent Quraish. They also accepted Islam at his hands. In the first instance eight prominent figures accepted Islam at the hands of Hadrat Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (R.A.). Among them was Hadrat Uthman, the third Caliph of Islam. In this way he was the first Muslim, after the Holy Prophet, to preach Islam and to invite people towards Allah in a very fruitful way. The main reason for his success was his popularity among the Meccans because of his honesty, nobility, trustworthiness, good morals and fair dealings.

Hardships for Da'wat (Invitation) towards Allah

Even though he was so much respected yet he was not spared, and disbelievers of Mecca did their best to harass him.

When the number of Muslims reached 39, Abu Bakr (R.A.) asked the permission of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) to invite people openly. On his persistent request the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) gave his consent and all of them went to Haram (the Holy Mosque or Ka ‘bah) for Tabligh (Preaching). Hadrat Abu Bakr (R.A.) gave a Khutbah (Sermon) which was the first ever delivered in the annals of Islam. Hadrat Hamzah accepted Islam the same day. When disbelievers and idolators from amongst Quraish heard it they fell on the Muslims from all sides. Abu Bakr (R.A.) despite the fact that he was considered to be the noblest of all the people in Mecca, was besmeared with blood. He was kicked, thrashed with shoes, trampled under feet and handled most roughly and savagely. He became unconcious and half-dead.  This is the place to observe his extreme love for the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) that when he gained consciousness and opened his eyes in the evening he first enquired. "How is the Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam)?" His deep love for the Holy Prophet, really, was the main cause of his success. His love and respect for the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu'alaihi wa Sallam) was unbounded.

On another occasion the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu'alaihi wa Sallam) was offering his Salat in the Ka'bah, Abu Jahl came and put a sheet of cloth around his neck and twisted it hard in order to strangle the Holy Prophet to death. Hadrat Abu Bakr saw this, he at once came and pushing Abu Jahl aside took off the piece of cloth around the neck of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). He then said, "Do you want to kill such a gentle person who is a Messenger of Allah and declares Allah as the Cherisher and Sustainer." Then Abu Jahl and other enemies of Islam fell upon Abu Bakr and beat him severely.

Miscellaneous services for the cause of Islam in Mecca

Hadrat Abu Bakr served Islam in numerous ways. The Quraish cruelly persecuted a number of slaves who had accepted Islam and made life difficult for them. Muslim slaves were the worst sufferers at the hands of non-Muslim masters. Hadrat Bilal (a negro), one of the best known in the galaxy of Companions of the Holy Prophet, was one among such slaves. His master Umayyah bin Khalf lashed him at night and made him lie on the burning sand during the day because of Bilal's conversion to Islam. Hadrat Abu Bakr bought him freedom and Bilal became a free Muslim. Other Muslim slaves who were bought by Hadrat Abu Bakr (R.A.), and made free were, ‘Amir bin Fuhairah, Nazirah, Nahdiah, Jariah, Bani Momil and Bint Nahdiah etc. (R.A.).

Before Hijrah Hadrat Abu Bakr spent lot of money on new converts.

When he found himself hard pressed by disbelievers he asked the permission of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) to migrate to Abyssinia in the 5th year of the Mission with other Muslims. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) permitted him but in the way he met Ibn-ud-Daghna, the chief of another tribe, Qara. On his enquiry Hadrat Abu Bakr told him about the persecution of Quraish and his intention to migrate to Abyssinia. Ibn-ud- Daghna did not want him to leave Arabia and declared to the people of Mecca that Abu Bakr was under his protection. Then nobody dared to harm him.

Abu Bakr gets the title of As-SIDDIQ

The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) had Mi'raj (Ascension) in the IOth year of his Mission. He narrated his Ascension to the people in the morning. Some of them came to Abu Bakr and said, "Have you listened to your friend (the Holy Prophet)? He is claiming that he visited Jerusalem and the Sublime Throne in the heavens last night and talked with Allah Almighty. Would you believe it?" Hadrat Abu Bakr (R.A.) immediately replied. "If he said so then it is an absolute Truth". They again said, "Do you believe that he visited all these places and came back within a small part of night?" He again replied. "Of course I believe in it and I believe in the things which are farther than it, i.e., the news of Hell and Paradise". For this the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) named him as-Siddiq i.e., the most Truthful and sincere person in Faith not having even slightest doubt. Of course Abu Bakr's faith was so

One of the Two in the Cave

When the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam decided to migrate to Medina, Abu Bakr was the only companion with him. He carried all his money, about five to six thousand Darhams, and started in the night with the Holy Prophet. They lay hidden in the cave of Thaur for three days. The Holy Qur'an describes it as follows

"When the disbelievers drove him out; he had no more than one companion. They were two in the cave. And he said to his companion: "Have no fear for Allah is with us". Then Allah sent down His peace upon him". (9:40)

Abu Bakr's slave 'Amir bin Fuhairah tended the flocks of goats near the cave during the day and supplied them fresh milk in the night. After three days when Quraish stopped the search of the Holy Prophet, ‘Amir bin Fuhairah (Abu Bakr's slave) brought two she-camels and both started for Medina. Thus, of all the companions, Abu Bakr (R.A.) had the honour of accompanying the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) in the most critical days of his life. He proved to be most trustworthy on all occasions.

Hadrat Abu Bakr at Medina

He reached Quba (a place near Medina) with the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) and stopped there. The Medinites were anxiously waiting for the Holy Prophet. At Quba there was a warm welcome. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) stopped at the place of Bani 'Amr bin 'Auf at Quba. Multitudes of people came there to see the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) and most of them mistook Hadrat Abu Bakr as the Holy Prophet. On seeing this Hadrat Abu Bakr stood up and spread a sheet over the head of the Holy Prophet to protect from him the scorching rays of the hot sun. Then the Medinites recognised the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam).

On reaching Medina he fell ill because of the change of climate and got high fever. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) prayed for him and he was restored to health. At the time of establishing brotherhood bond between an immigrant from Mecca and a Medinite Muslim the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) took into consideration the position in the society of the two persons. Hadrat Abu Bakr (R.A.) became the brother of Hadrat Haritha bin Zubair, a noted and respected Medinite.

Participation in the Holy Wars

He fought in almost all the battles along with the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). In the first battle of Islam at Badr he was with the Holy Prophet like a shadow. His own son, who had not embraced Islam by that time, was fighting on the side of Quraish. After he accepted Islam he said to Abu Bakr one day, "Dear father! I found you twice under my sword at Badr but I could not raise my hand because of my love for you". "if I had got a chance", Abu Bakr replied, "I would have killed you". It was Abu Bakr's suggestion on which the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) decided to release the prisoners of war after taking ransom.

In the battle of Uhud when some of the Muslims were running away, Abu Bakr was firm and when the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu'alaihi wa Sallam) was brought on the mountain after being injured, he was with him.

Hadrat Abu Bakr (R.A.) was the first companion to accept the peace plan of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) without any hesitation at Hudaibiyah when all the Muslims insisted upon fighting. Even a Muslim like Umar (R.A.) hesitated to accept the treaty with the non-believers of Mecca but Hadrat Abu Bakr fully supported the Holy Prophet's decision.

On the occasion of Tabuk expedition Hadrat Abu Bakr (R.A.) brought everything that he possessed. When the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) asked him, "What did you leave for your family?" Abu Bakr (R.A.) said, "I have left for them Allah and his Prophet". Even Hadrat Umar (R.A.) admitted that he could never hope to surpass Abu Bakr (R.A.) in his sacrifice for the cause of Allah and Islam.

Amir (Chief) of Al-Hajjul-Akbar (9 A.H.)

It was the 9th year of Hijrah when the first Haj took place. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) had then returned from Tabuk expedition but he was so busy that he could not himself attend the Hajj pilgrimage. He sent Hadrat Abu Bakr as-Siddiq as his deputy to lead the Hajj caravan to Mecca. Among others in the Hajj caravan were Hadrat Sa'd bin Abi-Waqqas, Jabir, and Hadrat Abu Hurairah (R.A.). The Holy Qur'an calls this Hajj pilgrimage as "Al-Hajjul-Akbar" (The Great Hajj) because it was the first ever Hajj in the history of Islam and was the beginning of a new era of Islamic period and constitution. Hadrat Abu Bakr taught the people the Hajj rites and rituals and gave a historic sermon (Khutbah) on the Sacrificial Day before the congregation. Hadrat 'Ali followed him and proclaimed severance of all connections with the heathen world. It was announced: Non-believers should not approach the Ka'bah; no person should perform Hajj naked (as was observed before Islam); and all the treaties with pagan world would cease to operate after four months. The Holy Qur'an mentions it as follows

"An announcement from Allah and His Apostle, to the people (assembled) on the day of the Great Pilgrimage (Al-Hajjul-Akbar), that Allah and His Apostle dissolve (treaty) obligations with the Pagans. If, then, you repent, it is better for you (0 Pagan), but if you turn away then you mind it that you cannot frustrate Allah. And proclaim a grievous penalty to those who reject Faith". (9:3)

Imam of Holy Prophet's Mosque

Since his arrival at Medina the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) himself led the Salats at his mosque all the time. This was really a high office and was not given to anybody in the presence of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). A few months after his return from the Farewell Pilgrimage (AI-Hujjatul-Wida’) in IO A.H., the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) fell ill. A time came when he was unable to move and could not go to the Mosque to lead the Salat. He had to appoint someone as the Imam and this honour fell to the lot of Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr's daughter, lady 'A'isha (Radiallahu Anha) was one of the most beloved wives of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu'alaihi wa Sallam). She knew that Hadrat Abu Bakr was a soft hearted man and it would be rather hard for him to replace the Holy Prophet(Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) in the Salat. So she pleaded with the Holy Prophet (Sallailahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) to excuse Hadrat Abu Bakr from this duty but the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) did not change his decision even though he was requested three times.

During those days once Abu Bakr was not present at the time of congregational Salat. Somebody asked Hadrat Umar to lead the Salat. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) after hearing the voice of Hadrat Umar enquired about the Imam and when he found that Abu Bakr(R.A.) was not leading he was annoyed and said, "Nobody will lead the Salat besides Ibn Abu Qahafa (i.e. Hadrat Abu Bakr)". Then Abu Bakr (R.A.) was called but by that time Hadrat Umar had completed the Salat. The Salat was repeated by the order of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) and Abu Bakr (R.A.) led it.

During his sickness, the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) once felt some relief and went for Zuhr Salat, supported by Hadrat ‘Ali and Hadrat ‘Abbas (R.A.). His face beamed with joy and full satisfaction on seeing Abu Bakr leading the Salat. Sensing the presence of the Holy Prophet, (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) Abu Bakr wanted to step back but the Holy Prophet stopped him and sat down by his side. After the Salat the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) gave his last address: "Allah offered one of His servants the choice of the life on this earth and a life with Him. But the servant accepted the latter". Hearing this tears came out of Abu Bakr's eyes and rolled down to his beard. He thought of the inevitable separation from his Beloved Master (the Holy Prophet). Most of the people did not understand the meaning of Holy Prophet's address and they were surprised at Abu Bakr's crying.

Early in the morning of the last day of his life, the Holy Prophet's condition became suddenly better for a while. As the apartment was just adjoining the Mosque, he raised the curtain and observed the Muslims busy in Salat under the Imamat (leadership) of Hadrat Abu Bakr (R.A.). A smile lit up the pale face of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). Seeing the sign of the Holy Prophet's recovery the people in the Mosque lost control over themselves in sheer delight. They might have fallen out of the file but the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) asked Hadrat Abu Bakr to lead the Salat and he went inside and let the curtain fall

News of the Death of the Holy Prophet

When Hadrat Abu Bakr (R.A.) found the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) in a better condition in the morning of the last day of his life, he went a few miles outside Medina to meet his wife Hadrat Kharjah bint Zuhair (Radiallahu anha). After hearing the news of the death of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam), he immediately returned and saw great rush at the gate of the Mosque. He did not talk to anybody and went straight to Hadrat  ‘ A’isha’s apartment where the Holy Corpse was lying. After taking permission he entered the apartment and kissed the Holy Face, tears rolling out of his eyes. Then he remarked, "May my parents be sacrificed for you. I swear by Allah that death will never come twice to you. You have tasted the death which was destined for you and now you will get no other." He covered the Holy Body with a sheet and came to the Mosque.

A multitude of people was crying in the Mosque. Hadrat Umar (R.A.) was in a strong emotional state and was shouting that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) had not died. Hadrat Abu Bakr (R.A.) tried to calm him but Umar did not pay any attention to him. Noting the delicacy of the situation, Hadrat Abu Bakr stood in another corner of the Mosque and gave his most effective and historical address. All the people gathered around him. He said:
"O People! If any one of you worshipped Muhammad (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) he should bear in mind that Muhammad is dead. But those who worshipped Allah should know that He is Alive and will never die. Allah says in the Holy Qur'an: "Muhammad is only a Messenger of Allah. There came down a number of Messengers before him. Then would you turn back from Islam, if he dies or is killed?"

The address of Hadrat Abu Bakr touched the hearts of the people. Hadrat Umar also cooled down. Hadrat 'Abdullah says, "It seemed that the verse of the Holy Qur'an to which Abu Bakr referred was just revealed, although we had recited it several times in the past"

Abu Bakr chosen as the First Khalifah

The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) did not nominate his successor and left the choice of his deputy or viceroy (Khalifah) to his Ummah (followers). There were two groups of Muslims in Medina viz., Muhajirin (the Immigrants from Mecca), and Ansar (Helpers i.e., Medinites). After the death of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam), Ansar (Medinites) gathered in a big Hall of Medinah known as "Saqifah-i-Bani Sa'idah" to discuss the appointment of a Khalifah. Hadrat Abu Bakr and Hadrat Umar with other prominent Muhajirin (Immigrants) were in the Mosque. When they were informed about the gathering of Ansar, Hadrat Abu Bakr and Umar also went there accompanied by a number of eminent Muhajirin like Hadrat Abu 'Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah. Since Hadrat 'Ali and Hadrat Zubair (two prominent figures among Muhajirin) were not present at the spot, they could not go to the gathering.

Much discussion was going on in the gathering of the Ansar about the selection of a Khalifah. Some of the leading Ansar wanted a Khalifah from amongst the Ansar. When Hadrat Abu Bakr heard it, he said. "We acknowledge the sacrifices of Ansar for Islam. You really deserve to have a Khalifah from amongst yourselves, but Arabs will not agree on any "Amir" (Chief of other than a person from the Quraish." Hearing Hadrat Abu Bakr another Ansari, Khabab bin Mundhar stood up and said, "Let there be two Amirs (Khalifahs) then, one from amongst Quraish and another from amongst Ansar." On this Hadrat Umar stood up and said, "This is not at all possible. There would be great confusion because of two Amirs." Hadrat Khabbab bin Mundhar did not agree with Umar and there was a hot talk between them. Hadrat Abu 'Ubaidah tried to cool them down. Then another Ansari Hadrat Bashir bin an-Nu'man (R.A.) stood up and said, "The Holy Prophet belonged to the Quraish tribe. Quraishites have preference over others. All the Arabs would agree on them. Therefore a Khalifah must be from amongst them. We do not want any dispute with Muhajirin in the matter of Khilafat. We the Medinites are Ansar (Helpers) and we would prefer to remain Helpers of Allah and His Holy Prophet (Sallaliahu'alaihi wa Sallam)." Another Ansari Hadrat Zaid bin Thabit (R.A.) also supported this view and said, "There should be a Khalifah from amongst Muhajirin (Quraishis). We Medinites were Ansar (Helpers) of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) and would remain Ansar (Helpers) of his Khalifah as well." A number of Ansar then supported this view, and there was general satisfaction in the council over the selection of a Muhajir (Quraishi) Khalifah. Seeing this Hadrat Abu Bakr (R.A.) stood up and said, "I propose the name of Umar and Abu'Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah for this post. Select anyone of these two men as your Khalifah." But both of them refused and Hadrat Umar said, "Abu Bakr is the best of all of us because Allah has mentioned him in the Holy Qur'an saying: "The one amongst two in the cave" (9:40). He further said, Abu Bakr excelled at every occasion during the life of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). He deputised the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) in leading Salats, he was appointed the Chief of Haj caravan. As such he is the fittest person to be the Khalifah." Hadrat Abu Bakr still hesitated but Umar (R.A.) and Hadrat Zaid bin Thabit Ansari held his hand and took pledge of loyalty (Bai'at). Then Hadrat Abu 'Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah and Hadrat Bashir bin an-Nu'man Ansari also took pledge of loyalty at his hands. Seeing this people from all the sides rushed to pledge loyalty to Abu Bakr (R.A.) as the first successor of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu'alaihi wa Sallam).

Next day a general pledge of loyalty (Bai'at) was taken by the Muslims in the Mosque of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). Thus Hadrat Abu Bakr assumed the greatest office, after the office of prophethood, and became the first Khalifah of Islam. He gave his first address as a Khalifah in the mosque after the general "Bai'at""0 people! I have been selected as your Trustee although I am no better than anyone of you. If I am right, obey me. If I am misguided, set me right. Of course truth is honesty and a lie is dishonesty. The weakest among you is powerful in my eyes until I do not get him his due, Insha-Allah (If it should please Allah). The most powerful among you is the weakest in my eyes until I do not make him pay due rights to others Insha Allah. Allah sends down disgrace on those people who give up Jihad in the path of Allah. Allah surely sends down calamities on such people who indulge in evils.

"I ask you to obey me as long as I obey Allah and His Messenger (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). If I disobey Allah and His Messenger you are free to disobey me. Now come and offer Salat."

In his short address, Hadrat Abu Bakr showed the role of an exemplary Khalifah of Islamic Government. No doubt Islamic Government means: "Government of Allah and His Prophet, by His obedient servants for the benefit of the people in this world and in the Hereafter."

About thirty three thousand people took pledge of loyalty (Bai'at) at the hand of Hadrat Abu Bakr in the mosque. The selection (or Election) of Hadrat Abu Bakr is a pointer towards Islamic Democracy and furnishes example for selection of a Leader for Ummat-i-Muslimah (Muslim Community) till the Day of Judgement.

Hadrat ‘Ali took pledge of loyalty a few months later because he was busy in collecting various parts of the Holy Qur'an. Some other reasons have also been given for his delay in "Bai'at'' which are ignored here.

Problems faced by Hadrat Abu Bakr As-Siddiq as a Caliph

After the death of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam), the Arabs were on all sides rising in rebellion. Apostasy and disaffection raised their heads. Christians and Jews were filled with unrest. Some Muslim tribes refused to pay Zakat to the Caliph for "Baitul Mal" (the Public Treasury). Some disbelievers declared themselves to be prophets. There were many problems and much confusion. Hadrat Abu Bakr (R.A.) faced all these with unparalleled courage and the highest degree of Iman (Faith) which is the characteristic of a "SIDDIQ". At this place I would like to point out that "SIDDIQIAT" is the highest stage of Iman (Faith) and "Tawakkul" (Trust in Allah) after prophethood as pointed out in the following verse of the Holy Qur'an

"All those who obey Allah and the Prophet are in the company of those upon whom Allah has shown favours - of the Prophets, "Siddiqin" (The Sincere), "Shuhada" (The Martyrs), and "Salihin"(The Righteous Muslims): Ah! What a beautiful company." (4:69).

In the following lines I would like to mention the main problems faced by Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (R.A.) in brief.

Usamah's Expedition

The freed slave of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) and his adopted son, Hadrat Zaid bin Harith (R.A.) was martyred at the hands of Syrians (Romans) at Mautah in 8 A.H. A few weeks before his death the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) appointed Hadrat Usamah (R.A.), the son of Zaid to lead an expedition against Syrians in order to avenge the death of his father, Zaid. When Hadrat Usamah was about to leave, the news of the demise of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) came and the departure of the army was postponed. After being chosen as Caliph, the first task before Abu Bakr (R.A.) was to send out this expedition. As a matter of fact, it was the most critical time in the history of Islam. The entire peninsula was in a state of unrest and disorder. Some of the new converts thought Islam would come to an end with the Holy Prophet's life. Many of the tribes had entered the fold of Islam only a short time before and were not firm in Islam. About this the Holy Qur'an has already predicted

"The wandering Arabs (Bedouins) say: We have (firm) faith. Say (to them O Muhammad): You believe not (firmly), but rather say "We submit", for the Faith has not entered into your hearts." (39:14).

At the same time news came to Medina that apostates under the command of some false prophet were planning to invade the town. Hadrat Abu Bakr(R.A.) was really facing a difficult situation. In the circumstances, the companions approached him to withdraw the expedition of Hadrat Usamah bin Zaid. In their opinion it was unwise to send troops out of Medina because they were needed at home.
Here was the test of Abu Bakr's (R.A.) faith in following the ways of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). He got through in his test and proved to be the most firm among all of his companions including Hadrat Umar. Abu Bakr (R.A.) said he could never alter the decision taken by his master (the Holy Prophet). He firmly replied to his companions, "How can I fold up the flag which was unfurled by the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu'alaihi wa Sallam) himself?" When Muslims saw that Hadrat Abu Bakr was firm they requested him to change the command of Hadrat Usamah because he was too young and inexperienced -- not yet twenty, thus was not fit to lead the expedition. Hearing this Hadrat Abu Bakr was much annoyed and said, "Do you want me to dismiss a man appointed by the Messenger of Allah?"

At last the army led by Hadrat Usamah left after three weeks of Holy Prophet's death. Hadrat Umar (R.A.) was also included in the army. Hadrat Abu Bakr sought Usamah's permission to leave him in Medinah, and he agreed. Hadrat Abu Bakr himself bid him farewell and went to some distance out of Medina. The young commander of the army was riding a horse and the great Caliph was walking by his side. After forty days Hadrat Usamah returned to Medinah with a great victory, the victory of Abu Bakr's (R.A.) firm Faith.

The success of Usamah's expedition also opened the eyes of those who thought Islam was dying out after the demise of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). Some of the tribes again came back to Islam which they had left.

Illness of Hadrat Abu Bakr and Umar's Nomination

It was the 7th Jamada-ul-Akhira, 13 A.H. that As-Siddiq al-Akbar fell ill. He had a severe fever. When the illness took a serious turn he called the "Shura" (Advisory Council) to consult about his successor, the second Caliph. Since he had seen some confusion after the demise of the Holy Prophet for the selection of a Caliph, he preferred to let the Muslims decide the matter in his presence. Following were the leading figures present in the Shura:Umar, 'Uthman,'Ali, 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Auf, Mu'adh bin Jabal, Ubaiy bin Ka'b, Zaid bin Thabit (Ridwanullah 'alaihim Ajma'in) and other leading Muhajirin and Ansar. According to some historians he first consulted some of the most prominent Companions before calling the meeting of the General Shura about this. Among these persons were 'Uthman,'Abdur rahman bin 'Auf and Usaid bin hadir etc. (R.A.) Hadrat Abu Bakr put his proposal for Hadrat Umar to be the second Caliph. All of them agreed with the proposal except for an objection by some of the Companions about his strictness. That was the only ground on which Hadrat'Ali and Talha (R.A.) also did not agree with Hadrat Abu Bakr. But Abu Bakr(R.A.) rejected their plea on the ground that the burden of Caliphate would make him milder. Since there was no opposition to Hadrat Abu Bakr's view, Hadrat Umar was declared to be the next Caliph and all the Companions, including Hadrat'Ali and Hadrat Talha, agreed to it.

At this point I would like to point out that the decision of Hadrat Abu Bakr (R.A.) for the selection (or election) of Hadrat Umar in his presence during his life was purely based on his "Ijtihad" (Personal Judgment of a Jurist) as explained by him after his nomination of Umar (R.A.) was recorded. As a matter of fact it was the need of the time and Hadrat Abu Bakr (R.A.) was totally right in his "Ijtihad". The proof of this is also the "Ijma’” (Agreement) of the Companions on his proposal to select a Caliph while he was still alive.

Although the appointment (election) of the Caliph did not take place in the same way as it happened with Hadrat Abu Bakr (R.A.), it was not un-democratic in the sense that the nomination of Hadrat Umar took place after fair consultation with the "Shura". Hadrat Abu Bakr never wanted anything which would make Islam weak after him. He knew what had happened after the death of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam) the repetition of which was to be avoided. The strength of the Muslim community lay in unity and that had to be preserved at any cost. For these reasons Hadrat Abu Bakr(R.A.) wanted an agreed person to be nominated as his successor in his presence. Therefore he took a decision by "Ijtihad" for the nomination of a Caliph after due consultation.

After the "Shura" (Advisory Council) had agreed on Hadrat Umar, Hadrat Abu Bakr asked Hadrat 'Uthman (R.A.) to write the will

"Bismillah-irrahmanir-Rahim (In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful)--This is the declaration which is made by Abu Bakr bin Abi Quhafah while he is about to leave for the next world. At this time even a non-believer starts to believe, and even a great sinner returns to faith, and a disbeliever begins to trust in Allah. I appoint Umar bin Khattab as the Caliph (Khalifah). You must follow his orders and obey him. I have done everything good for the sake of Allah, for His Holy Prophet and for the welfare of His Religion and Muslims and for myself in appointing him (Umar as the Caliph). I hope that he would be honest and just but if he changes his ways, and becomes unjust, I would have no responsibility, as I do not have the knowledge of the unseen. Everybody is responsible for what he does."

Afterwards he went up to his balcony with the help of some persons and addressed a big gathering of Muslims: "O my brothers! I have not appointed any of my relations or brothers as a Caliph, I have chosen the best person among you. Do you agree on this'? All of them replied in the affirmative. Then he called Umar (R.A.) and talked with him for a long time and gave him words of parting advice. Some of them are as under

"O Umar always fear Allah. An optional deed is not accepted unless the obligatory deed is done. The weight of your goodness would be heavy on the day of Judgement if you followed the Right Path in this world. The deeds of the persons who followed wrong Path in this world be having no weight on the Day of Judgement. They will have a terrible time. Make the Holy Qur'an and Truth your guide for success. Umar if you follow the path I propose for you, I will surely be by your side..........".

As-Siddiq al-Akbar passes away

After a fortnight's illness, As-Siddiq al-Akbar passed away at the age of 61 on Tuesday, the 22nd Jamadal-Akhira, 13 A.H. (23rd August 634 A.D.). Before his death he said to his daughter Lady ‘A’isha (Radiallahu 'Anha), "Do not use new cloth for my shroud. Wash the sheet in my use and wrap my corpse in it". His wish was acted upon. His next wish was to pay all the money he got as salary for Caliph from "Baitul Mal" (The Public Treasury) after selling his garden. He said, I did not like to take anything from the "Baitul Mal but Umar  pressed me to accept some allowance so that I would be relieved of my occupation and devote my full time to the duties of the Khilafat (Caliphate). I was left no choice but to accept the offer". After his death 'A'isha asked Hadrat  Umar to take over that garden as desired by her father. Umar remarked: "May Allah bless him. He left no chance for any body to open his lips against him".

Hadrat Abu Bakr (R.A.) was a rich merchant before his Khilafat. After he was selected as Caliph, Hadrat Umar and some other Companions put pressure on him to leave his business and accept some allowance from the Baitul Mal. He took the least possible amount which was hardly sufficient for him and his family. Once his wife wanted to prepare some sweet dish, and somehow saved something after one month. When she brought to him the money to make purchases for the sweet dish, Hadrat Abu Bakr said, "It seems that we have been over-paid, beyond our needs". He then deposited the saving in the Baitul Mal and she was not able to prepare the sweet dish. Not only this he got his allowance cut down for future by the amount saved by his wife.

As-Siddiq al-Akbar left behind a noble example of selfless service. He lived and worked for the sake of Islam to his last breath, but sought no reward.

Wives and Children

His first wife was Qatilah bint 'Abdul 'Aziz who bore to him 'Abdullah and Asma (R.A.). His second wife, Umm-i-Ruman gave birth to Lady  ‘A’ isha (R.A.), the most beloved wife of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam), and 'Abdur Rahman (Rad A.). Besides these two he also married Asma' and Habibah (R.A.).

(i) Ummul-Mu'minin Hadrat 'A'isha (R.A.)
(ii) Asma, and
(iii) Umm-i-Kulthum, born to Habibah after his death.

(i) 'Abdullah,
(ii),'Abdur Rahman and
(iii) Muhammad.

Abu Bakr, a Saviour of Islam

As-Siddiq al-Akbar took the office of Caliphate (Khilafat) at the most crucial and critical moment of Islamic history. He gave Islam a new life after the death of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). Islam, in its infant stage, when he was entrusted with the responsibility to Caliphate, was threatened by rebellions, rise of false prophets and apostasy movements. He crushed all the futile powers because of his unshakeable faith. No amount of difficulties could make him deviate from the Sunnah (Path) of the Holy Master. He brought unity among the Muslims and crushed all the rebellions. In view of his great service for the cause of Islam at that critical moment when there was a lot of confusion, Abu Bakr (R.A.) may rightly be called the Saviour of Islam.

It was in the time of Abu Bakr that Islam started to cross the Arabian borders. A major part of Iraq came under his rule and Muslim armies had captured many important cities of Syria. Thus Islam, the religion of whole mankind, started to be a world religion in his period.

Collection of the Holy Qur'an

One of the greatest services rendered to Islam by Abu Bakr (R.A.) was the collection of the Holy Qur'an. There were hundreds of Huffaz (i.e., those who committed the whole Holy Qur'an to memory) among the Companions during the life-time of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu'alaihi wa Sallam) but it had not been compiled in book form though its memorisation continued even after the death of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). In various battles which took place against rebels and false prophets, a number of Huffaz Companions were martyred. In the battle against Musailimah al-Khad-dhab about seventy Huffaz had died.

It then occurred to HadratUmar (R.A.) that necessary steps should be taken to preserve the Holy Qur'an intact in its original form against every kind of danger and it was not wise to depend exclusively upon those who had learnt it by heart. Therefore, he urged Hadrat Abu Bakr (R.A.) to put it in black and white in the form of a book. Other Companions also agreed with Umar’s opinion but Hadrat Abu Bakr hesitated in the beginning because it was not done by the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). However after some discussion he agreed to it and appointed Hadrat Zaid bin Thabit (R.A.) for this work who was hesitant at first but later, he changed his mind and started the work. Hadrat Zaid bin Thabit was the best qualified person for this work because he had acted as an amanuensis to the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam), and was one of the Companions who had learnt the Holy Qur'an directly from him. Moreover, he was also present on the occasion when the Holy Prophet recited the whole of the completed Holy Qur'an to angel Gabriel. Hadrat Zaid bin Thabit adopted the same order of the various chapters of the Holy Book as was revealed to the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). In the compilation of the Holy Book a number of prominent Companions assisted him. The compiled copy of the Qur'an was kept in the house of Umm ul-Mu'minin, Hadrat Hafsah (Radiallahu 'Anha) who was one of the wives of the Holy Prophet and daughter of Hadrat Umar. It was proclaimed that anyone, who desired, might make a copy of it or compare with it the copy one already possessed.

The collection of the Holy Qur'an in a book form was not an act against the Sunnah (Ways) of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam), because the Holy Qur'an declares itself "A BOOK" at a number of places e.g., in the very beginning it says
"This is the Book........." (2:2)
During his caliphate Hadrat 'Uthman sent copies of the same compilation of the Holy Qur'an, collected during the period of Hadrat Abu Bakr (R.A.), to various places of his caliphate.

In this way we see that Hadrat Abu Bakr (R.A.) kept doing the great work of his Holy Master (Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam). With unshakeable faith and full courage he had struggled to the utmost. Islam is for ever grateful to its greatest hero, the next to prophets, for the great services he rendered to it.
Hadrat Abu Bakr's caliphate lasted for only two years, three months and ten days (according to Islamic calendar).

Frequently Used Equations of Physics & Physics Formulas

velocityaccelerationequations of motionnewton's 2nd law
v̅ = Δs
a̅ = Δv
v = v0 + at∑ F = m a
x = x0 + v0t + ½at2
∑ F = dp
v = ds
a = dv
v2 = v02 + 2a(x − x0)
 = ½(v + v0)
weightcentrip. accel.momentumefficiency
W = m g
ac = v2
p = m v
ℰ = Wout
dry friction
ƒ = μNac = − ω2 r
J = F̅ ΔtF̅ Δt = m ΔvW = Δs cos θΔs cos θ = ΔE
J = 

dt = Δp
W = 
F · ds

F · ds = ΔE
kinetic energypotential energypower
K = ½mv2
ΔU = − 
F · ds
 = ΔW
P = dW
gravitational p.e.
ΔUg = mgΔhF = − ∇U = F̅v cos θP = F · v
angular velocityangular accelerationequations of rotation2nd law for rotation
ω̅ = Δθ
α̅ = Δω
ω = ω0 + αt∑ τ = I α
θ = θ0 + ω0t + ½αt2
∑ τ = dL
ω = dθ
α = dω
ω2 = ω02 + 2α(θ − θ0)
ω̅ = ½(ω + ω0)
v = ω × ra = α × r − ω2 r
torquemoment of inertiarotational workrotational power
τ = rF sin θI = ∑ mr2W = τ̅ΔθP = τω cos θ
τ = r × F
I = 
 r2 dm
W = 
 τ · dθ
P = τ · ω
rotational k.e.angular momentumfrequencyhooke's law
K = ½Iω2L = mrv sin θ
ƒ = 1
F = − k Δx
L = r × pelastic p.e.
L = I ωω = 2πƒUs = ½kΔx2
universal gravitationgravitational fieldgravitational p.e.gravitational potential
Fg = − Gm1m2 r̂
g = − Gm r̂
Ug = − Gm1m2
Vg = − Gm
orbital speedescape speeds.h.o.simple pendulum
v = √ Gm
v = √ 2Gm
T = 2π √ m
T = 2π √ 
densitypressurepressure in a fluidbuoyancy
ρ = m
P = F
P = P0 + ρghB = ρgVdisplaced
volume flow ratemass flow ratevolume continuitymass continuity
φ = V
I = m
A1v1 = A2v2ρ1A1v1 = ρ2A2v2
bernoulli's equationaerodynamic dragkinematic viscosity
P1 + ρgy1 + ½ρv12 = P2 + ρgy2 + ½ρv12R = ½ρCAv2
ν = η
dynamic viscosityreynolds numbermach numberfroude number
η = /A
Re = ρvD
Ma = v
Fr = v
η = F/A
young's modulusshear modulusbulk modulussurface tension
F = E Δℓ
F = G Δx
F = K ΔV
γ = F
Thermal Physics
solid expansionliquid expansionsensible heatideal gas law
Δℓ = αℓ0ΔTΔV = βV0ΔTQ = mcΔTPV = nRT
ΔA = 2αA0ΔTlatent heatmolecular constants
ΔV = 3αV0ΔTQ = mLnR =Nk
maxwell-boltzmannmolecular k.e.molecular speed
− mv2
p(v) = 4v2
K⟩ = 3 kT
vp = √ 2kT
v⟩ = √ 8kT
vrms = √ 3kT
heat flow ratethermal conductionstefan-boltzmann lawwien displacement law
Φ̅ = ΔQ
Φ = dQ
Φ = kAΔT
Φ = εσA(T4 − T04)
λmax = b
internal energythermodynamic workfirst lawentropy
ΔU = 32nRΔT
W = −
P dV
ΔU = Q + W
S = k log w
efficiencycoefficient of performance
real = 1 − QC
ideal = 1 − TC
COPreal = QC
COPideal = TC
Waves & Optics
periodic wavesfrequencybeat frequencyintensity
v = ƒλ
ƒ = 1
fbeat = fhigh − flow
I = P
power levelinterference fringes
β = 10 log I = 20 log P
nλ = d sin θ
nλ ≈ x
index of refractionsnell's lawmirrors and lensesspherical mirrors
n = c
n1 sin θ1 = n2 sin θ2
1 = 1 + 1
ƒ = r
critical angle
sin θc = n2
M = hi = di
Electricity & Magnetism
coulomb's lawelectric field
F = k q1q2
E = Fe
E = k ∑ q r̂
E = k 
dq r̂
field and potentialelectric potential
 = − V
V = k ∑ q
V = k 
E = − ∇V
capacitanceplate capacitorcylindrical capacitorspherical capacitor
C = Q
C = κε0A
C = 2πκε0
ln (b/a)
C = 4πκε0
(1/a) − (1/b)
capacitive p.e.electric current
U = 1 CV2 = 1Q2 = 1 QV
 = Δq
I = dq
ohm's lawresitivity–conductivityelectric resistanceelectric power
V = IR
ρ = 1
R = ρℓ
P = VI = I2R = V2
E = ρ J
J = σE
resistors in seriesresistors in parallelcapacitors in seriescapacitors in parallel
Rs = ∑ Ri
1 = ∑ 1
1 = ∑ 1
Cp = ∑ Ci
magnetic force
FB = qvB sin θFB = q v × BFB = IB sin θdFB = I dℓ × B
biot-savart lawsolenoidstraight wireparallel wires
B = μ0I
ds × r̂
B = µ0nI
B = μ0I
FB = μ0I1I2
motional emfelectric fluxmagnetic fluxinduced emf
V = BvΦE = EA cos θΦB = BA cos θ
ℰ = − ΔΦB
ℰ = − dΦB
ΦE = 
E · dA
ΦB = 
B · dA
gauss's lawno one's lawfaraday's lawampere's law
 E · dA = Q
∯ B · dA =0
∮E · ds = − dΦB
∮B · ds = μ0ε0 dΦE + μ0I
∇ · E = ρ
∇ · B =0
∇ × E = − ∂B
∇ × B = μ0ε0 ∂E + μ0 J
Modern Physics
time dilationlength contractionrelativistic massrelative velocity
t' = t
√(1 − v2/c2)
ℓ' = ℓ √(1 − v2/c2)
m' = m
√(1 − v2/c2)
u' = u + v
1 + uv/c2
relativistic energyrelativistic momentumenergy-momentummass-energy
E = mc2
√(1 − v2/c2)
p = mv
√(1 − v2/c2)
E2 = p2c2 + (mc2)2E = mc2
relativistic doppler effectphoton energyphotoelectric effectphoton momentum
λ0 = ƒ = √ 
1 − v/c
λƒ01 + v/c
E = hfKmax = E − ϕ = h(ƒ − ƒ0)
p = h
schroedinger's equationuncertainty principlerydberg equation
iℏ  Ψ(r, t) = − 2 ∇2Ψ(r, t) + V(r)Ψ(r, t)
Δpx Δx ≥ ℏ 
1 = −R 
1 − 1
Eψ(r) = − 2 ∇2ψ(r) + V(r)ψ(r)
ΔE Δt ≥ ℏ 
half life
N = N02t

One Dimensional Motion

Time and Distance

By one dimension we mean that the body is moving only in one plane and in a straight line. Like if we roll a marble on a flat table, and if we roll it in a straight line (not easy!), then it would be undergoing one-dimensional motion. There are four variables which put together in an equation can describe this motion. These are Initial Velocity (u); Final Velocity (v), Acceleration (a), Distance Traveled (s) and Time elapsed (t). The equations which tell us the relationship between these variables are as given below.

v = u + at

2 = u 2 + 2as Physics Calculator click for calculator

s = ut + 1/2 at 2

Two and Three Dimensional Motion

Scalar or Vector?

To explain the difference we use two words: 'magnitude' and 'direction'. By magnitude we mean how much of the quantity is there. By direction we mean is this quantity having a direction which defines it. Physical quantities which are completely specified by just giving out there magnitude are known as scalars. Examples of scalar quantities are distance, mass, speed, volume, density, temperature etc. Other physical quantities cannot be defined by just their magnitude. To define them completely we must also specify their direction. Examples of these are velocity, displacement, acceleration, force, torque, momentum etc.

Parallelogram law of vector addition

If we were to represent two vectors magnitude and direction by two adjacent sides of a parallelogram. The resultant can then be represented in magnitude and direction by the diagonal. This diagonal is the one which passes through the point of intersection of these two sides.

Resolution of a Vector

It is often necessary to split a vector into its components. Splitting of a vector into its components is called resolution of the vector. The original vector is the resultant of these components. When the components of a vector are at right angle to each other they are called the rectangular components of a vector.

Rectangular Components of a Vector

As the rectangular components of a vector are perpendicular to each other, we can do mathematics on them. This allows us to solve many real life problems. After all the best thing about physics is that it can be used to solve real world problems.
Note: We will show all vector quantities in bold. For example A will be scalar quantity and A will be a vector quantity.
Let A x and A y be the rectangular components of a vector A
A = A x A y this means that vector A is the resultant of vectors A x and A y
A is the magnitude of vector A and similarly A x and A y are the magnitudes of vectors A x and A y
As we are dealing with rectangular components which are at right angles to each other. We can say that:
A = (A x + A y1/2
Similarly the angle Q which the vector A makes with the horizontal direction will be
Q = tan -1 (A x / A y)

Laws of Motion

Newton's laws of motion

Through Newton's second law, which states: The acceleration of a body is directly proportional to the net unbalanced force and inversely proportional to the body's mass, a relationship is established between
Force (F), Mass (m) and acceleration (a). This is of course a wonderful relation and of immense usefulness.

F = m x a Physics Calculator click for calculator

Knowing any two of the quantities automatically gives you the third !!


Momentum (p) is the quantity of motion in a body. A heavy body moving at a fast velocity is difficult to stop. A light body at a slow speed, on the other hand can be stopped easily. So momentum has to do with both mass and velocity.

p = mv Physics Calculator click for calculator

Often physics problems deal with momentum before and after a collision. In such cases the total momentum of the bodies before collision is taken as equal to the total momentum of the bodies after collision. That is to say: momentum is conserved.


This is the change in the momentum of a body caused over a very short time. Let m be the mass and v and u the final and initial velocities of a body.

Impulse = Ft = mv - mu Physics Calculator click for calculator

Work, Energy and Power

Work and energy

As we know from the law of conservation of energy: energy is always conserved.
Work is the product of force and the distance over which it moves. Imagine you are pushing a heavy box across the room. The further you move the more work you do! If W is work, F the force and x the distance then.

W = Fx

Energy comes in many shapes. The ones we see over here are kinetic energy (KE) and potential energy (PE)

Transitional KE = ½ mv 2

Rotational KE = ½ Iw 2

here I is the moment of inertia of the object (a simple manner in which one can understand moment of inertia is to consider it to be similar to mass in transitional KE) and w is angular velocity

Gravitational PE = mgh Physics Calculator click for calculator

where h is the height of the object

Elastic PE = ½ k L 2

where k is the spring constant ( it gives how much a spring will stretch for a unit force) and L is the length of the spring.


Power (P) is work( W) done in unit time (t).

P = W/t

as work and energy (E) are same it follows power is also energy consumed or generated per unit time.

P = E/t

In measuring power Horsepower is a unit which is in common use. However in physics we use Watt. So the first thing to do in solving any problem related to power is to convert horsepower to Watts. 1 horsepower (hp) = 746 Watts

Circular Motion

Circular Force
In the diagram v is the tangential velocity of the object. a is the centripetal (acting towards the center of the circle) acceleration and F is the centripetal forcer is the radius of the circle and m is mass of the object.
as work and energy (E) are same it follows power is also energy consumed or generated per unit time.

a = v 2 / r

F = ma = mv 2/r


Kepler's Laws

Towards the end of the sixteenth century, Tycho Brahe collected a huge amount of data giving precise measurements of the position of planets. Johannes Kepler, after a detailed analysis of the measurements announced three laws in 1619.
1. The orbit of each planet is an ellipse which has the Sun at one of its foci.
2. Each planet moves in such a way that the (imaginary) line joining it to the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal times.
3. The squares of the periods of revolution of the planets about the Sun are proportional to the cubes of their mean distances from it.

Newton's law of universal gravitation

About fifty years after Kepler announced the laws now named after him, Isaac Newton showed that every particle in the Universe attracts every other with a force which is proportional to the products of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of their separation.
If F is the force due to gravity, g the acceleration due to gravity, G the Universal Gravitational Constant (6.67x10-11 N.m2/kg2), m the mass and r the distance between two objects. Then

F = G m 1 m 2 / r 2

Acceleration due to gravity outside the Earth

Here let r represent the radius of the point inside the earth. The formula for finding out the acceleration due to gravity at this point becomes:

g' = ( r / re )g

In both the above formulas, as expected, g' becomes equal to g when r = re.

Properties of Matter


The mass of a substance contained in unit volume is its density (D).

D = m/V

Measuring of densities of substances is easier if we compare them with the density of some other substance of know density. Water is used for this purpose. The ratio of the density of the substance to that of water is called thepecific Gravity (SG)S of the substance.

SG = D substance / D water

The density of water is 1000 kg/m 3


Pressure (P) is Force (F) per unit area (A)

P = F/A

Specific Heat

You may have noticed that metals, for example copper, heat faster than water. You would require 4186 J of heat to raise the temperature of water by 1 degree Celsius. On the other hand 1 kg of copper would zoom to this temperature after it receives only 387 J of heat. It is known that every substance has a unique value of amount of heat required to change the temperature of 1 kg of it by 1 degree Celsius. This number is referred to as the specific heat of the substance. Let Q be the heat transferred to m kg of a substance, thereby changing its temperature by dT. The specific heat c of the substance is defined as

c = Q/mdt

Juggle the expression, and we get the heat transferred from a body to its surroundings or the other way around. This is given by.

Q = m c dT

For example the heat required to increase the temperature of half a kg of water by 3 degrees Celsius can be determined using this formula. Here m, mass of water is 0.5 kg and the dt, the temperature rise = 3 deg C and we know the specific heat of water is 4186 J/kg. So here the heat required will be
Q = 0.5 x 4186 x 3 =6280 J
It is as simple as that !!
he table below gives the specific heat of some common substances
J/kg. o Ccal/g. o C



According to Ohm's Law electric potential difference(V) is directly proportional to the product of the current(I) times the resistance(R).

V = I R

The relationship between power (P) and current and voltage is

P = I V

Using the equations above we can also write

P = V 2 / R


P = I 2 R

Resistance of Resistors in Series

The equivalent resistance (R eq) of a set of; resistors connected in series is

eq = R 1 + R 2 + R 3 + - - -

Resistance of Resistors in Parallel

The equivalent resistance (R eq) of a set of resistors connected in parallel is

1/R eq = 1/R 1 + 1/R 2 + 1/R 3 + - - -