Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Simple Resignation,Email,Immediate and Database Administrator Resignation Letter

Mr K W Malik
Managing Director
Some Made Up Company Ltd
Blue Area Islamabad
22 September 2014

Dear Mr K W Malik
It is with regret that I tender my resignation as IT Manager with AJM Ltd. This follows my appointment as Office Manager with ABC Ltd. As I am required under my contract to give you one month’s notice, I understand that my last day of employment will be on the 22 October 2014.
May I take this opportunity to thank you for all of the invaluable help, advice and encouragement that you have given me during my one year with AJM Ltd. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here but I feel the moment is now right for me to take up new responsibilities and challenges.

Yours  sincerely

Shah Jee
IT Department
Head Office.

Email Resignation Letter

To: Manager e-mail address
Subject: Resignation Letter

Dear Mr./Ms. Manager Name:

This is to inform you that I have accepted a position in another company. Therefore, I would like to offer my resignation dated [date].

I appreciate the professional development and growth from [Company Name], and in particular, from you. Your mentoring support has encouraged me, and I hope that we will continue our relationship as I move forward in my career.

I wish you, and [Company Name] continued growth and success in the future.


Your name

Immediate Resignation Letter

Today’s Date
Manager's Name
Manager's Title
Company Name

Dear Mr./Ms. Manager:

Please accept this letter of resignation from the position of [Job Title], effective immediately.

I have accepted a position with another company that will further my growth and development in my career. I have enjoyed working at [company name] and will miss my colleagues. However, this new position will challenge my growth and further my career.

Best regards,

Your signature
Your typed name

Database Administrator Resignation Letter

Today’s Date

Manager's Name
Manager's Title
Company Name

Dear Mr./Ms. Manager:

This letter is to notify you that I am resigning from [Company Name] as a database administrator
.  [Date] will be my last day of employment.
This wasn’t an easy decision, because I am grateful for the rewarding employment I’ve had with [company name].  But after long hours of consideration, my decision is now final and I have accepted a position with another company.

Please contact me if I can make the transition process proceed more smoothly.

Yours respectfully,

Your signature
Your typed name

The rights of the wife if she knows that her husband married another woman

  • In Islam the (old) wife has the right to know of the new marriage
  • The woman can put a condition in the marriage contract that her husband would not marry another woman, so if he did then the contract can easily be cancelled if she requires that and she can be divorced (and will have all the rights of the divorced woman)
  • The (old) wife has the right to ask for a divorce if she refuses that her husband marries another woman. She can not stop him from marrying another but she sure has the right to ask for a divorce.
There is a famous hadith (saying of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him) in Al-Bukhari where prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, refused that Ali Ibn Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him, would marry another woman beside Fatima, may Allah be please with her, the daughter of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.
The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said :"I will not allow Ali Ibn Abi Talib and I repeat I will not allow Ali to marry another woman except if he divorces my daughter. She is part of me and what harms her harms me" (Al-Bukhari, al-Jami' al-Sahih, p 453, book 67, chapter 109).
So the noble Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, did not deny Ali’s right to marry another woman but he told him that he would have to divorce his daughter first. Of course Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, chose the Prophet’s daughter and did not even consider marrying another woman as long as Fatima, may Allah be pleased with her, was alive.
In Islam there is no distinction no nobility over commoners, no black over white, no rich over poor. Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him said : “Verily the people before you were destroyed because they would dismiss the punishment of noble person who stole, and if a weak person stole, they would carry out the punishment. I swear by Allah, if Fatimah, daughter of Muhammad stole, I would have cut her hand”.
Precious as she is to her father, Fatimah the daughter of the noble Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, the rules of Islam were applied without discrimination between Muslims. From that story we can conclude that it is the right of the woman to ask for a divorce if she knew that her husband intends to marry another woman.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Letter For Bank Acoounts Opening

Date – 


The Branch Manager,

Sub : Salary Account opening


The below mentioned employee working with -------------------. We request you to open their salary account with ------ Bank and this letter issued for the purpose of opening salary account not for any other.

EmpName : xxxxxxxxx

Emp Code : zxzzzzz 

D.O.B : xzxz

For ----------------

Authorized Signatory