Saturday, August 30, 2014


Imaam Shafi’ee (R.A) was a great scholar of his time. He acquired a great amount of knowledge at a very tender age. Imaam Sahib (R.A) was highly ranked for his knowledge and understanding of jurisprudence.
He held teachings which due to their great effect, people from afar would come to attend. Imaam Sahib (R.A) respected and honoured his pupils with utmost kindness.
Imaam Sahib (R.A) did not commit himself to worldly affairs and was very intimate. He himself is the author of many momentous kitaabs, which due to their usefulness are read widely amongst people.
GENEOLOGY : Imaam Abu Abdullah Muhammed Ibn Idris Ibn Abbas Ibn Uthman Ibn Shafi’ee Ibn Saa’ib Ibn Ubayd Ibn Abd Yazeed Ibn Hashim Ibn Muttalib Ibn Abd Munaf Qurayshi Muttalibi Hashimi (R.A).
BIRTH AND CHILDHOOD : Imaam Sahib (R.A) has stated that, "I was born in 150 A.H, in a town in Syria called Gazah. When I was two years old I was brought to Makkah."
BLESSED FORETELLING : Imaam Sahib’s (R.A) mother reports of an incident before the birth of Imaam Shafi’ee (R.A) where in her dream she sighted the Jupiter star emerging from her womb and embarking in the province of Egypt. She distinguished a radiant light emitting from this star illuminating the entire city. She questioned the wise men of the city to interpret this dream, who notified her that in the near future she was due to give birth to a learned scholar whose knowledge would be beneficial far and wide.
PRIMARY EDUCATION : In Makkah Imaam Sahib (R.A) started an elementary religious school after which he gained education in Madinah. With the training of archery and horse riding and with the knowledge of religious education, he lived in the tribe of Banu Huzayl in Makkah, and he gained a high degree of Arabic poetry. Apart from this he listened to hadith narrated by his uncle, Muhammad Ibn Shafi’ee and Muslim Ibn Khalid Zanji.
ACQUISITION OF KNOWLEDGE : Imaam Sahib (R.A) states, "I was an orphan, my mother used to support me, I never even used to have enough money to pay my fees. When the teacher used to teach the children I used to listen and learn it off by heart straight away. So in the teacher’s absence I used to teach, because of this the teacher was very happy with me, so in return he agreed on teaching me free.
As it was very hard for my mother to pay for my stationary I used to choose bones, stones and palm leaves to write on. At the age of seven I knew the whole Qur’an with knowledge of its meaning and I learnt Mu’atta Imaam Maalik at the age of 10.
1. Muhammed Ibn Ali Ibn Shafi’ee, Imaam Sahib’s (R.A) uncle. He narrated a hadith from Abdullah Ibn Ali Ibn Saa’ib Ibn Ubayd. 2. Sufyan Ibn Uyaynah Makki, Imaam Sahib’s (R.A) teacher from Makkah.
3. Imaam Maalik Ibn Anas (R.A); Imaam Shafi'ee's oldest teacher from Madinah.
A few other teachers of Imaam Shafi’ee ( R.A.) : Muslim Ibn Khalid Zanji Haatim Ibn Ismail, Ibrahim Ibn Muhammad Ibn Abi Yahya, Hishaam Ibn Yusuf Sinani, Marwan Ibn Mu’aawiyah, Muhammad Ibn Ismail Dawood Ibn Abdul Rahman, Ismail Ibn Ja’far, Hisham Ibn Yusuf etc.
DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS: Imaam Shafi'ee ( R.A.) keenly practiced upon attributes that were praised within Ahaadeeth and Qur’an, and was a flawless exemplary character. Many incidents have been recorded manifesting these attributes:
INDEPENDENCE AND GENEROSITY: Imaam Shafi’ee (R.A) restrained himself from the rest of the world, he was independent, generous, broad-minded and very understanding.
Imaam Sahib (R.A) left the Yemeni Government and came to Makkah, he had 10,000 dinars with him. On the outskirts of the city there was an encamp, people came out to meet Imaam Sahib (R.A), amongst them there was a group of poor, needy people. He distributed the whole amount to them and after entering Makkah he asked for a loan.
Rabi’ has related that Imaam Sahib (R.A) used to give Sadaqah daily and in the Holy month of Ramadhan he used to give away clothes and large amounts of money to the poor and indigents.
INTELLIGENCE AND ELOQUENCE: Abu Ubayd has related that, "I have never seen anyone as knowledgeable and talented as Shafi’ee (R.A), and no-one as perfect as him." Haroon Ibn Saeed Ayli states that if Imaam Sahib (R.A)
wanted to prove that a stone pillar is a stick, it would be possible for him.
DESCRIPTION AND APPEARANCE: Muzani has narrated, "I have never seen anyone as handsome as Imaam Shafi’ee (R.A). The complexion of his cheeks was fair, and when he used to stroke his beard it was never more than a handful. Imaam Sahib (R.A) used to dye his hair with ‘henna’. He liked scent. Whichever pillar he used to lean against whilst teaching, the fragrance would linger onto the pillar."
WORSHIP AND MYSTIC EXERCISE: Every night Imaam Sahib (R.A) used to complete the Qur’an, and in Ramadhan throughout the day and night he used to complete the Qur’an twice. It is stated that in Ramadhan he used to finish the Qur’an 7 times in salaah.
AGE AND DATE OF DEATH : 58 years of age: 204 A.H. in the month of Rajab on Friday, in Egypt.
BURIAL : Imaam Sahib (R.A) spent his last days in the world with Abdullah Ibnul Hakam.
The Governor of Egypt led the Janazah prayers. His two sons Abul Hasan Muhammad and Uthmaan were present for the funeral rites. Imaam Shafi’ee (R.A) who has followers all over the world was buried near Mount Mukatram. 


maam-e Daarul Hijrah; Imaam of Madina Munawwarah was the appellation of lmam Maalik (RA.). As well as being a great muhaddith (Scholar of the sayings of the Prophet Muhammadpeace and blessings be upon him ) and mujtahid, Imaam Maalik (RA) was also renowned for his pious, abstinent God fearing, and truthful ways.
A great number of scholars and muhadditheen have spoken and referred to Imaam Maalik’ S (RA) great knowledge and literary works. Amongst his various literary compilations ‘ kitaabul Mu’atta’ is the most eminent. 
Imaam Shaafi’ee (R.A.) has stated regarding ‘Kitaabul Mu’atta’: ‘On the face of the earth there is no kitaab more authentic than Mu’atta." It should be borne in mind that Imaam Shafi’ee (R. A.) passed away in the year 204 A.H. before the compilation of Sahih Bukhari. Today, it is a unanimously agreed opinion that Sahih Bukhari is ranked as No.1 in this field. 
He was born in the era of Taabi’een, Imaam Maalik (R.A.) acquired knowledge from many famous Taabi’een, jurists and muhadditheen. 
Due to Imaam Maalik’ s (R.A.) intelligence, efforts, zeal and determination, upon reaching the age of 17, he had acquired a vast amount of Islamic knowledge which was of great standard and it was at this very age, with the approval of his teachers and scholars that Imaam Maalik (R.A.) commenced teaching and conducting theories (Fataawaa). 
NAME & GENEOLOGY \LINEAGE:Maalik Ibn Anas Ibn Maalik Ibn Abi Aamir Ibn Umar lbnul Haarith Ibn Gaymaan Ibn Jushayl lbn Amr Ibnul Haarith Al - Asbahi.. 
RENOWNED ADDRESS \ OTHER NAMES:Abu Abdullah Imaam Daarul Hijrah.
YEAR AND PLACE OF BIRTH: The most authentic recording is 93 A.H in a place within the state of ‘Jarf’ called ‘Zee Marwah’. 
SPECIAL ATTRIBUTE: Imaam Maalik (RA.) was a Tabe’ Taabi’ee. hence, he acquired a great amount of knowledge from Taabi’ een. 
ACQUISITION OF KNOWLEDGE: From infanthood Imaam Maalik (R. A.) was surrounded by the very gardens of Madinah Munawwarah. Imaam Maalik (RA) did not set foot outside Madinah Munawwarah for purposes of acquiring knowledge. His own household was a resort of knowledge. 
Imaam Maalik (R. A.) acquired Qur’anic teachings from Naafe’ and Abdur Rahmaan Other than Naafe’, Imaam Maalik (RA) sought knowledge from others too. Namely, Abdur Rahmaan Ibn Hurmuz, Safwaan Ibn Sulaym, Ibn Shihaab Zuhri etc. 
Rabee’atur Raa’ iNaafe’ Maulaa Ibn Umar, Muhammad Ibn Muslim Ibn Shihaab Zuhri, Aamir Ibn Abdullah Ibn Zubayr, Zayd Ibn Aslam, Saeed Maq’baree, Abu Haazim, Salma Ibn Deenar, Shareek Ibn Abdullah Ibn Abu Numayr, Saalih Ibn Qay’ saan, Abuz-zinaad, Muhammad Ibn Munkadir (May Allah be pleased with them all). 
Within Imaam Maalik's (RA.) teaching groups, the number of students is great. Qaazi Ayaadh (R.A.) has recorded over 1300, amongst this group were Imaam Maalik’s (R A.) own teachers, scholars, peers and subordinates - Namely a few are Ibn Shihaab Zuhri, Yahyaa Ibn Saeed Al-Qaari, Yazeed Ibn Abdullah, Sufyaan Thawri, Awzaa’i, Sufyaan Ibn Uyaynah, Abdur Rahmaan Ibn Mahdi, Abdullah lbn Mubarak, Imaam Shaafi’ee, Ibn Qaasim, Abu Aasim etc. etc. (May Allah be pleased with them all).
Qaazi Ayaadh has given the following list : 
1. Kitaabul Mu’atta. 
2. Risaalatu Maalik Ilaa Ibn Wahab Fil Qadr. 
3 Al-Mudawwanatul Kubraa 
4. Risaalatu Maalik Fil Aq’dhiyah. 
5. Risaalatu Maalik Ilaa Gassaan Ibn Muhammad Ibn Mutarrif Fil Fatwaa. 
6 . Risaalatu Maalik Ilaa Haaroonir Rasheed Al’ Mash’ hooratu Fil Aadaabi Wal 
Mawaa’ iz 
7. Tafseeru Ghareebil Qur’ aan 
8 Kitaabus Sirr 
9. Risaalatu Maalik Ilaa Layth Fi Ijmaa’i Ahlil Madinah. 
-Imaam Maalik ( R. A.) was very cautious in procuring fatawaa.
-Imaam Maalik (R. A.) was very active within the conduct of Sunnah
-Imaam Maalik (R. A.) loathed innovations (bidaah).
-Matters of belief( aqaaid ) were very religiously followed by way of Qur’an and sunnah.
- Although during Imaam Maalik’ s ( R. A.) era there were many sects that arose, yet Imaam Maalik (RA.) refrained from enjoining with these.
- When the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was mentioned, the colour of Imaam Maalik’ s (R.A.) face would change.
- Imaam Maalik (RA.) never recited a hadith without ablution.
- Caliph Harun Rashid requested that Imaam Maalik’s kitaab, Mu’atta, should be displayed in the Kaaba, and that all Muslims be imposed to follow Imaam Maalik within all jurisprudential matters. Imaam Maalik (R.A.) refused saying " Refrain from this as the Companions of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam themselves held opposing views within subsidiary masaail. The common folk already follow these differing views. All are upon the righteous path."
Imaam Maalik (RA) would appoint his specific writer; Habeeb, to recite Ahaadeeth from Mu’atta (a prestigious hadith kitaab compiled by Imaam Maalik (RA) ). The other students and participants would silently listen attentively, due to the fear and respect of lmam Maalik (R.A). No student would look into his kitaab or ask any questions. If Habeeb would make an error within the recital, Imaam Maalik (R. A) would promptly rectify the error. If the door was crowded with students lmam Maalik (R. A) would call them inside. Occasionally, Imaam Maalik (RA) would read himself from Mua’tta. Yahya Ibn Bukayr has stated: ‘I have heard the kitaab Muatta recited directly by Imaam Maalik (RA) a number of 14 times.," 
Imaam Maalik’s (R.A) daughter Fatima had memorised the kitaab Mu’atta; during lessons she would stand behind the door, if the recitor made an error, she would tap her nails on the door. Imaam Maalik (R. A) would understand her action and rectify the error. 
Imaam Maalik’ s (RA) son Yahyaa later grew to become a great man of knowledge. He also journeyed to Egypt and conducted lessons of Ahaadeeth. 
Ibn Hazm (R.A) has written : ‘Imaam Maalik (RA) had two boys; Yahyaa and Muhammed. One grandson Ahmed Ibne Yahyaa Ibne Malik.’ 
Imaam Malik (R.A) also had a daughter named Fatima. 
IMAAM MAALIK’ S FATEFUL DEATH:During the last few years of his life, Imaam Maalik (RA) preferred to remain alone. He never even used to attend the Jamaa’ at Friday prayer and used to say that not everyone can openly explain themselves. 
According to another statement, Imaam Maalik (RA) imparted that he had a weak bladder. In this condition he found it to be disrespectful to visit Masjid-e-Nabawi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). He further stated that he did not wish to voice his illness as it would be likened to complaining upon that which Allah had procured him with. Hence, Imaam Maalik (RA) remained ill for a number of 22 days. On Monday 14th of Rabi-ul-Awwal 179 A H., Imaam Maalik (R.A) took leave from this world. 
(To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return).
Ibn Kanaanaa and Ibn Zubyr performed Ghusl. Imaam Maalik’s son; Yahyaa and his student (calligrapher) Habeeb poured the water, and as Imaam Maalik (R.A) had willed, he was shrouded in a white cloth. Ameere Madeenah Abdul Azeez Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ibraheem led the Janazah prayer. Before his death, Imaam Maalik (R.A) recited Tashah’hud (verification of the oneness of Allah) and then said: 
‘With Allah is the command in the past and in the future’ .(Surah Ar Rum : part verse 4)
Imaam Maalik (R.A) was buried in Jannatul Baqee’ in Madinah Munawwarah. 

Imam e Azam Abu Hanifa

Imaam of Imaams; Lamp of the Ummah; Leader of the Jurists and Mujtahideen; Hafize-Hadith Hadhrat Imaam Abu Hanifah (R.A) was a prestigious Mujtahid, Muhaddith, authoritative person, truthfully spoken, abstinent, wise, and pious.
A great many Muhadditheen and Hanafi, Shafi’ee, Maaliki and Hanbali Ulamaa are in unison with regards to Imaam Sahib’s strengths and virtues. Thousands of literary works have been compiled by Imaam Abu Hanifah (R. A.). Amongst the Imaams ‘Imaam-e-Aazam’ (Greatest of the Imaams ) was the address of Imaam Abu Hanifah (RA.) alone. A great group of Ulamaa and Muhadditheen remained the followers of Imaam Abu Hanifah (RA.), and more than half of the Ummah ofProphet Muhammed Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam are, till this day, followers also. 
 He was born in the era of the Companions may Allah be pleased with them. Abstinent, God fearing, generous, knowledgeable and virtuous are all attributes collectively found of Imaam Abu Hanifah (R.A.). 
 His origination is in Kufa, which at the time, was the greatest centre of ahaadith. As, in Kufa thousands of Companions may Allah be pleased with them of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam had resided there; more than one thousand jurists were born in Kufa of which one hundred and fifty were Companions of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Kufa, was where the ranked Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud may Allah be pleased with him and Hadhrat Abu Hurairamay Allah be pleased with him had previously resided. 
Imaam Sahib’s upbringing and education was achieved in such a reputed educational centre, and he reaped much advantage from the Ulamaa of Haramain. 
LINEAGE :Nu’maan ibn Thabit Ibn Zuta Ibn Maah\ lbn Marzubaan. (Difference of opinion lies only in choice of wording not name.) 
YEAR & PLACE of BIRTH:80 A.H. Kufa, Iraq. 
RENOWNED ADDRESS : Imaam-e-Aazam \ Abu Hanifah (R. A.). 
SPECIAL ATTRIBUTE: It has been unanimously agreed that Imaam Abu Hanifah (RA.) was a Taabi‘ee. There are various differing quotes concerning the number of Companions seen by Imaam Sahib. Sahib-e-Ikmaal narrates a total of 26, whilst Hafiz Ibn Hajr quotes 8. The most opposed view is that of Hafiz Almizzi whom has stated 72 Companions (R. A.). 
ACQUISITION OF KNOWLEDGE:Primary, basic Islamic teachings were acquired as a child, which were short lived due to Imaam Abu Hanifah’ s father’s death. Subsequently, he supported the family business. 
ADVANCEMENT OF KNOWLEDGE: At the age of 22 years much spare time was spent in debating. In this period of time Imaam Sha’bee (R. A.) advised Imaam Abu Hanifah ( R.A.) to associate himself with a scholar. 
Being unable to answer a query regarding the correct Sunnah procedure of divorce, Imaam Abu Hanifah began to join the gatherings of lmam Hammad (R. A), (student of Hadhrat Anas (RA.) ), disposing of his works as a debator. For the next ten consecutive years he remained the student of Imaam Hammad (R.A.). After two years, for a period of two months Imaam Hammad took a sudden leave to Basra ( due to his relative’s death) leaving Imaam Abu Hanifah (R. A.) to continue his works in Kufa. Imaam Abu Hanifah (R. A.) remained Imaam Hammad’s student for a further 8 years. 
Imaam Hammad (R A)
Imaam Aamir Sha’bi (R. A.). 
4,000 Ahaadeeth in which 2,000 Ahaadeeth from Imaam Hammad ( RA.)alone. 
1).Since the initial day of hearing the hadith it is remembered in its correct form to the very time of narration. 
2). The hadith must have been projected by the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and narrated onwards via wholly reliable persons. 
3). Any Ahaadeeth which contradicted the Qur’an or other famous Ahaadeeth were unacceptable. 
A SMALL GLIMPSE OF IMAAM ABU HANIFA’S (R.A.) TEACHERS: Aamir Ibn Shurahbeel, Sha’abi Kufi, Alqama Ibn Marthad, Ziyaad Ibn Ilaqa, Adi Ibn Thabit, Qataada Basri, Muhammed Ibn Munkadir Madni, Simaak Ibn Harb, Qays Ibn Muslim Kufi, Mansoor Ibn Umar etc. etc. 
A SMALL GLIMPSE OF IMAAM ABU HANIFA’S (R.A.) STUDENTS: Qazi Abu Yusuf, Muhammad Ibn Hasan, Zufar Ibn Huzayl, Hammad Ibn Abu Hanifah, Abu Ismat Mugheera Ibn Miqsam,Yunus Ibn Is‘haaq, Abu Bakr Ibn Ayyaash, Abdullah Ibn Mubarak, Ali Ibn Aasim, Ja’ far Ibn Awn, Ubaydullah Ibn Musa etc. etc. 
IMAAM ABU HANIFAH’S (R.A.) LITERARY WORKS: ‘Kitaab-ul-Aathar’ - compiled from a total of 70,000 Ahaadeeth, ‘Aalim-wal-muta ‘allim’, ‘Fiqhe Akbar’, ‘Jaami’ul Masaneed’, ‘Kitaabul Rad alal Qaadiriyah’ etc. etc. 
a). Impartiality: Imaam Abu Hanifah (R. A.) has never accepted a favour from anyone and so was never indebted to anyone. 
b). Humanitarian ways& generosity: On seeing Imaam Abu Hanifah (R. A.) a passer by avoided him and took a different path. When Imaam Abu Hanifah (R.A.) questioned as to why he did so, he replied that he was ashamed of himself as he was Imaam Abu Hanifah’s debtor of 10 000 Dirhams. The man’s humbleness over took Imaam Abu Hanifah (R.A.) and so he forgave the repayment of the debt. 
c). Kind heartedness: Once, whilst sitting in a Masjid Imaam Sahib learnt of someone who had fallen from a roof. Immediately, Imaam Sahib departed from the gathering, barefooted, and ran to the place of accident. Until the injured recovered, Imaam Sahib paid daily visits to nurse him. 
d). Disposition Imaam Sahib would never speak unless it was necessary to do so. Someone mentioned before Sufyan Thawri (R.A.) that he had never heard Imaam Sahib back biting. Sufyan (R.A.) replied, "Abu Hanifah (R.A.) is not such a fool that he will destroy his own good deeds." 
e). Abstinence & God Fearing Ways:
i). Sharik has stated, "I have never once observed Imaam Abu Hanifah reposing within the nights hours." 
ii). Abu Nu’aym states, "Even before observing salaah Imaam Hanifah (R. A.) would weep and supplicate before Allah." 
iii). There is no such Surah within the Qur’an which I have not recited during Nafl prayers." - Abu Hanifah (R. A.) 
iv). Kharija lbn Mus’ab has stated that 4 religious leaders have completed the recitation of the entire Qur’an in one rakaah of salaah alone. Uthmaan Ibn Affaan (RA.), Tameen Daari (RA.), Sa’eed Ibn Jubair (R. A.) and Imaam Abu Hanifah (R. A.). 
v). There was once acknowledgment of a stolen sheep. Imaam Abu Hanifah inquired and researched as to how long a sheep lives. After finding out, he never ate sheep for 7 years, fearing that the meat may be from the stolen sheep. 
vi). For 40 consecutive years Imaam Sahib observed a nocturnal practice of performing Fajr salaah with the ablution of Esha. 
Trial No.1: During the reign of Ibn Hubaira Imaam Abu Hanifah ( R.A.) rejected his request of the post of Chief Justice. (As Imaam Sahib did not want to collaborate with the corrupt). 
Consequence of Rejection Tormented by passing through the city mounted upon a horse, whereby he was whipped 10 times a day for eleven consecutive days. 
 Trial No.2: During the reign of Abu Jaafar Mansoor again the above request was pledged, yet again rejected. 
Consequence of Rejection No.2: Imprisoned and violently beaten. 
Prolongation of Trial: Khalifa Abu Ja’far Mansoor again urged that Imaam Sahib should reconsider. Finally, Imaam Sahib swore by Allah that he would not accept. 
Consequence: Imaam Sahib was lashed, shirtless 30 times, drawing blood that seeped to his heels. He was again imprisoned, with restricted rations for 15 days, after which he was forcefully made to drink a poison that led to his martyrdom. 
STATE OF DEATH:In the state of prostration. 
AGE & DATE OF DEATH: 70 years of age : 150 A.H. in the month of Rajab. (others have stated Sha’baan and Shawwaal also). 
BURIAL: Six Janaazah salaah were conducted in order to cater for more than 
50,000 people whom had collected. His son, and only child; Hammad, lead the last Janazah salaah.