Tuesday, October 14, 2014

How to enable private browsing in Firefox,Chrome and Explorer?

Private browsing is becoming a necessity with every individual these days. We don’t want others to look about or to know about our browser history, or the cookies that are generated automatically. Privacy is a must thing we have to maintain, either in office, or in home, or with friends and moreover with girlfriends.

Why to privately browse your computer?

Once you go into the private browsing mode, you can browse the internet without leaving a trace of it. In private browsing, your history gets delete, your cookies get destroyed, and so no trace is left for the other user to find anything. Even any new password is not saved with private browsing. But, if you use bookmarks, it is saved for the next time you come back.
Note:-Private browsing doesn’t protect you from keyloggers or spywares If it is installed previously on the computer.
Everyone have an idea how important is this private browsing. Perhaps, on Raksha Bandhan, you want to gift your sister a beautiful watch online from the same laptop that you are sharing with her. Or in office, you don’t want your co-workers to share the same information. Whatever may be the reason, private browsing will maintain your secrecy.
Below are the tricks to enable private browsing with Mozilla Firefox 23.0Internet Explorer 9, and Google Chrome 29.

Enable private browsing with Mozilla Firefox

1. Open the bright orange Firefox menu on the top left corner of your browser. Click on “New private Window”.

2. A new window will open showing a bold private browsing heading and the orange Firefox Buttonwill turn purple. The title bar will display private browsing with the icon of a mask.

3. You can open a link in new private window by right clicking on the link->Open link in new Private Window.
4. To stop private browsing, simply close the Window of private browsing, and you have done a successful private browsing.

 Enable private browsing with Internet Explorer

1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. A little gear like icon will be present on the right-side corner. Click on the gear-like icon. If you are filling difficulty, see the snapshot below.
3. Next go to Safety->InPrivate Browsing
4. Like Mozilla Firefox, it will open a new window. In the left of the address bar, “InPrivate” icon will be displayed by dark blue color.
5. Close the private browsing window when you are done with browsing.

Enable private browsing with Google Chrome

1. Open up the Settings menu. The settings menu is present on the top right corner of the Window. Click on New Incognito Window.
2. You can easily open a private browsing window with Ctrl + Shift + N.
3. A new window will open up with the incognito icon on the top left corner. Your older Window will remain in the background.

How to create a seperate user profile in Google Chrome or firefox

Creating a separate user becomes important when your PC/Laptop is shared by many peoples. Creating a different user don’t make your browser secure nor your personal data such as emails and passwords. This is just an alternative for a separate browser. The users will have a different browser experience having their own bookmarks, history, and saved passwords.

Create a separate user in Google Chrome

You can easily create separate profiles for other users in Chrome.  But, that won’t enhance your privacy or security. This is just for convenience who would already be sharing Chrome on the same account.
To make a new user account in Chrome, Open up the Settings menu. The settings menu is present on the top right corner of the Window. Go to Users->Add New User..
You have to choose a picture and enter a name. You can use name Guest, if you want to make separate browsing profile for all guests. You can select on “Create a desktop shortcut for this user” below, which will make a desktop shortcut for the new user.
Once created, you can switch between different users within Chrome to access it.

Create a separate user in Mozilla Firefox

The feature of making new users in Firefox is somewhat hidden. To make a new user inFirefox, close all Firefox Windows, go to Start Menu and type run.
In the run prompt, type the following dialogue:
firefox.exe –p
The Firefox profile manager will open up. Click on Create profile button to create new user profiles.

If you want to choose between profiles, you can launch Firefox by typing firefox.exe  –p in the run prompt. If you want to choose a user profile each time you open Firefox, you can uncheck the Don’t ask at Startup box . Every user profiles would have their ownbookmarkshistorycookiessettings, and other user data.

How to lock a file/folder without any software?

Following are the steps to create a password protected folder
  1. Create a new folder where you have to keep all of your files need to be protected.
  2. Open and navigate into the folder, right click anywhere and go to new—-> text document.
  3. In the text document, copy paste the text given below.
title Folder Private
if EXIST “HTG Locker” goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER
echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p “cho=>”
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Private “HTG Locker”
attrib +h +s “HTG Locker”
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to unlock folder
set/p “pass=>”
if NOT %pass%==PASSWORD  goto FAIL
attrib -h -s “HTG Locker”
ren “HTG Locker” Private
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Private
echo Private created successfully
goto End

4. Change the password above to your desired password. Save the file to “anyname.bat” without quotes(like name.bat).
5.  Then delete the document file after the bat file have been saved.
6.  Now, double click on the batch file(or .bat file) . The batch file will create a new folder namedprivate. This is the folder  where all the password protected files will be kept.
7.   Now, start adding files and folders to the private folder. Once, you have added all the files and folders in your private folder, click on the batch file again.
8.   A command prompt will appear which will ask for the confirmation.
Now press “Y” and hit enter to lock the folder.
llock the folder
As you press enter, the private folder disappears and the folder is password protected.
9.  If you want to see the hidden and password protected files, folders then click on the “anyname.bat” file again. A   command prompt menu will open up asking you the password. Enter the same password which you have kept above, and   your file will be shown again in the private folder.