Friday, September 12, 2014

The beautiful story of Prophet Nuh alaihis salam

Almighty Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala states in The Holy Quran: "Peace be upon Nooh among all nations. This is how we reward the good-doers. Verily, he was among our true believing servants." There is an entire Surah in The Holy Quran which is named ‘Nooh’. In total he is mentioned 43 times in the Quran Shareef, and his story appears in numerous places in the Holy Quran. Hazrat Nooh (alaihis-salaam) was the great grandson of Nabi Idrees (alaihis-salaam). Between the two there were 10 generations, as it is mentioned in authentic hadith narrated by Imam Bukhri and others.

Hazrat Nooh (alaihis-salaam) was sent as a Prophet to his people after they had started worshipping idols. He was therefore the first Prophet sent for this purpose., i.e. to invite people to the oneness of Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala and towards Islam. It is said that Hazrat Nooh was fifty years old when he became a Nabi. He lived in Iraq, and that was where he spent most of his time.


A famous and authentic Muslim historian and Alim, Imam Ibni Katheer (rahmatullahi alaihi), gives a detailed account of how idol-worship started in the world. We shall summarize this account for you.

Among the generations that came between Nabi Adam Alaihis salam and Hazrat Nooh (alaihimas-salaam) there lived some very pious people. Some of their names are mentioned in Surah Nooh, such as, Wadd, Suwaa', Yaghooth, Ya 'ooq, and Nasr. These people were saints who were devoted to the worship of Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala , and they had a large following. When they died, people were very sad and missed them a great deal. Some of their followers cried for days out of mourning. One day, upon seeing the extreme grief and sorrow of these followers, Shaytaan came to them in the form of a human being and offered to draw pictures of these holy men which they could keep in their homes as reminders. This was accepted and soon all of them had pictures of their pious leaders in their homes. They drew inspiration for their ibadat from these pictures and the sight of these holy man lessened their grief. It was a great means of solace for them.

When these followers died, their sons grew up and continued keeping these pictures. However, Shaytaan again came in human form and offered to transform these pictures into images, which he did upon their consent. Later he managed to convince the younger generation, who had no idea why these pictures and images were made, that their forefathers actually worshipped them.

The newer generation started to worship these images, and thus began the evil of idol-worship on earth. The exact names of these pious people, as mentioned above, were given to the idols. Shaytaan kept on appearing to them with new ideas and suggestions, such as asking things from these idols, making dua to them for rain, etc.

As time passed, these images were modified and beautified, and eventually people forgot entirely about Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala and focussed all their attention on these images. Every generation that came after them, indulged in this form of worship, until Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala decide to appoint Hazrat Nooh (alaihis-salaam) as a Messenger to save these people from this evil sin.

He therefore invited them to the worship of one Allah SubhanhuWaTha'alas, and to submit to His SubhanhuWaTha'alas Law. Needless to say, this message was rejected, because people were so deep-rooted in idolatry that they were not prepared to forsake their beliefs in these idols. Hazrat Nooh alaihis salam used different ways and methods to explain the truth to them, but to no avail. He spoke to them in public and in private, at night and during the day, and kept on reminding them of the Mercy and Forgiveness of Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala, but only a handful of people listened to him and accepted his message. These sincere ones who came from poor communities, were called mu'mineen or believers. For the rest, their hatred against Hazrat Nooh oAlaihis salamnly increased.


Hazrat Nooh (alaihis-salaam) preached the message of Islam among his people for nine hundred years. When the kuffar in those days passed away, they would leave behind a wasiyyat (instructions) to their children not to believe in Hazrat Nooh (alaihis-salaam), but to continue rejecting him. Such was the severity of their kufr. In this manner, every generation exhorted the next to commit kufr against Allah SubhanuWaTha'ala and His Rasool, Nooh (alaihis-salaam).

Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala then revealed to Nabi Nooh (alaihis-salaam) that now none of his people was going to embrace Islam, except those that already have done so. He was commanded to build a ship, but at that stage the world had never ever heard of a ship. Therefore, he was shown by Hazrat Jibreel (alaihis-salaam) how to construct a ship. Hazrat Nooh (alaihis-salaam) was therefore the first person on earth to build a ship, and through him mankind came to know about this technique for travelling over water.

The Ship

The ship was built according to specifications laid down by Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala . He built it from teak wood and both the inside and the outside was coated with a layer of tar. The ship was about 138 metres in length, 23 metres wide, and 14 metres high. It had three decks of equal height. The lower deck was for animals, the middle for human beings, and the top deck for birds. It also had a flat roof, and several windows and a door on the side. Hazrat Nooh alaihis salams was shown how to build a pointed bow at the front, so that the vessel could plough through water easily.

It took him fifty years to build this ship. Some Ulema say the reason for this lengthy period was that trees had to be specially planted and grown, then chopped down and cut up for the wood that was to be used in manufacturing the ship. The work on this ship was undertaken and completed in a small but very important and central musjid in the city of Kãfa, Iraq. This was known as the Musjid of Nooh. aslihis salam

The Kuffar in those days used to mock at him and his small band of followers who were assisting him in building the ship. When they were told that a great flood was to strike them soon, they scoffed and made even bigger mockery. For at that time there was a severe drought. Where would floods come from, they thought? Secondly, how would this ship sail when there was no river in sight? But Hazrat Nooh (alaihis-salaam) and the Muslims paid no attention to their jeering and insults. They continued with the command of Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala to build the ship.


Next to the musjid where the ship was being built, was the clay oven of Hazrat Nooh (alaihis-salaam). This oven was actually a huge hole dug into the ground, in which they used to bake their bread. Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala informed Nabi Nooh (alaihis-salaam) that when water starts gushing out from this hole, that was a sign of the beginning of the flood. Nabi Nooh (alaihis-salaam) was then to order the believers, who numbered about 80 men and women, as well as animals, to board the ship. When the level of the water rose, the ship would begin to float automatically.

When the ship was completed, the command of Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala came. It started to rain, and then Hazrat Nooh alihis salam noticed water flowing out of this clay-oven. He immediately ordered all the believers to embark, and took a male and female species of each animal and bird onto the ship was well. The drizzle of rain soon changed to a downpour. Then the rain started falling in torrents. Water flowed from every hole, spring, and fountain on earth. Soon the ship was afloat on high, raging currents of water. It is said that the level of the water rose about 10 metres higher than the tallest mountain on earth at that time! No place on earth was spared. Every area of the world was swamped in this flood and all people drowned, except for the occupants of the ship. The world had never ever witnessed a flood of this nature, nor was such a calamity ever to occur again till before Qiyamat.

When embarking on the ship, they were commanded to take the name of Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala, and when disembarking, to recite the praises of Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala for saving them from disaster. Three sons of Nabi Nooh (alaihis-salaam) were with him on this ship. They were, Saam, Haam, and Yaafith. The fourth son, Yaam, was an unbeliever, so he drowned with the rest of the kuffar. In spite of Nabi Nooh alaihis salams' pleading with him to board the ship, he refused, saying that he will take to the high mountains and be saved. But this was not to be, and he too perished. Three wives of Nabi Nooh were also saved, while the fourth one drowned because she too was among the kuffaar.

The flood started on 10th Rajab, which was the day they all embarked on the ship of Nooh (alaihis-salaam), and it subsided on 10th Muharram. So for six months this ship and its passengers sailed the flood waters. Eventually it came to rest on Mount Joodiy, which is part of a Mountain range in Eastern Turkey, close to the border of Iran. (Today this mountain is named ‘Mt. Ararat’) On this day (10 Muharram) they all got off the ship and Hazrat Nooh (alaihis-salaam) ordered them to observe a fast as thanksgiving unto Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala (subhanAllah! wa alhamdulIllah to Allah SubhanhuWaTha'ala for each and every one of his blessings and mashaAllah and Allahu Akbar!!! ). Recently excavators have discovered parts of this ship, and some Muslim countries have preserved these parts as holy relics.


After the floods Hazrat Nooh alaihis salams and his followers started civilization all over again. They built towns and settlements and had to do farming to grow fruit and vegetables. From these 80 believers different languages developed. They married among themselves and produced children. In this manner the world began to be populated once more with only Muslims. Remember that all mankind were destroyed in the floods. Hazrat Nooh (alaihis-salaam) and his people had to populate and develop the world all over again. For this reason Hazrat Nooh is known as the second Adam. Soon thereafter Nabi Nooh alaihis salaam passed away. According to the most authentic reports he is buried somewhere in the Musjidul-Haraam of Makka. His age was 950 years according to the Holy Quran.


The three sons of Nabi Nooh mentioned above were saved from the floods, and they later on became the ancestors of all mankind, the Ambiyaa and their nations.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Benefits And Uses Of Banana For Skin, Hair And Health

Ripe, rich and delicious – bananas are one of most popular fruits that are easily available all year round . However, there are some weight watchers who will raise their eyebrows if they are asked to include it in their diet. They will soon know why this awesome fruit deserves to be loved and eaten.

Bananas are exceptionally healthy as they provide numerous health benefits. It is a versatile fruit that contains many nutrients including vitamins A, B, C and E along with minerals like potassium, zinc, iron and manganese. Just as eating a banana helps in keeping your body in good health and great shape, application of this fruit on your hair and skin will help you to keep them in great condition.
banana benefits 

Health Benefits of Banana:

Now let’s take a quick look at the banana health benefits:

1. Gives instant surge of energy:

It does this by converting the natural sugars into instant energy and this is one of the reasons sportsmen consume it during intervals.  Bananas are an excellent breakfast for kids and adults as it provides required energy throughout the day. This probably the most popular health benefit of banana.

2. Helps keep blood pressure under control:

Research indicates that potassium keeps blood pressure under control and improved consumption of calcium, potassium and magnesium can also help decrease high blood pressure. Bananas are rich in potassium, calcium & magnesium, so it is a healthy option for keeping blood pressure in check.

3. Helps lower cholesterol:It is said that Pectin which is a soluble fibre in banana helps to lower Cholesterol levels.  According to researchers, fibres that are water soluble such as pectin, psyllium, beta-glucan etc., lower the LDL Cholesterol without disturbing the HDL cholesterol.

4. Supports renal health:

Bananas being a rich source of potassium, if consumed regularly in moderation, promote renal health. The International Journal of Cancer states that Bananas being a rich source of antioxidant phenolic compounds, if consumed together with cabbage and root vegetables protect renal health.

5. Improves nerve function and enhances brain power:

Banana is a rich source of B vitamins and therefore perks up nerve function.  Potassium, in banana keeps the mental faculties vigilant and boosts learning abilities.

6. Decreases the risk of stroke:

Studies indicate that regular intake of bananas in daily diet helps reduce the occurrence of stroke and this is due to the high amount of potassium.

7. Reduces the risk of cancer:

Rich in antioxidants and dietary fibre, consumption of bananas reduce risk of various types of cancer, especially bowel cancer.

8. Helps build healthy bones:

Probiotic bacteria present in bananas is said to have astonishing ability to absorb calcium in the body. Hence, consuming bananas help in building better bones.

9. Enhances digestive ability:

It is very rich in fructooligosaccharide which acts as a probiotic (friendly bacteria). It stimulates the growth and activity of probiotics in the colon and produces enzymes that enable absorption of nutrients thus enhancing the digestive ability and preventing unfriendly bacteria from harming the body.

10. Helps combat stomach ulcers:

Certain substances in bananas stimulate the cells which make up the stomach lining, this enables production of a thicker protective mucus barrier against stomach acids.  Also the substance known as protease inhibitors in banana, help getting rid of bacteria in the stomach that produces stomach ulcers, thus protecting against damage of stomach and ulcer.

11. Helps in controlling diarrhoea:

Raw bananas are astringent in nature and are effective in treatment for diarrhoea.  They also regulate fluid balance.

12. Relieve from constipation:

Pectin found in Bananas, help to alleviate constipation and improves bowel function.

13. Helps in curing piles:

Since bananas help regulate bowel movement they help cure piles.

14. Helps regulating anaemia:

Bananas are good for Anaemic patients as they contain high levels of iron which help regulate the haemoglobin levels in the body.

15. Helps alleviating heartburn:

The antacid substance in banana gives immense relief from heartburn

16. Prevents allergies:

The presence of benign amino acids in banana helps combat allergies.

17. Helps withdrawing smoking urge:

Vitamins B6 and B12 along with magnesium and Potassium in Bananas helps recover from nicotine addiction

18. Helps recovering from hangover:

Bananas when blended with honey and yoghurt cures hangover.

19. Enhance weight gain:

The combination of milk and bananas enhances weight gain.  Bananas provide the body with necessary natural sugars and milk provides protein.

20. Bananas benefits for weight loss:

Bananas contain loads of fibre and low amounts of fat and they are also easily digestible. A banana of 100 grams contains approx. 90 calories.  And taking into consideration all its benefits it will not hurt including it into your diet. So dear weight watchers don’t eliminate banana from your diet completely.

21. Prevents insomnia:

Bananas are rich in amino acids known as Tryptophan.  This substance triggers production of melatonin (sleep hormone) which induces sleep.  Eating banana a few hours before bedtime ensures a peaceful night’s sleep.

22. Reduces inflammation due to mosquito bites:

Itching and swelling caused by mosquito bites can be reduced by rubbing the inside of a banana on it.

23. Other benefits of bananas:

  • Bananas curbs morning sickness.  Snacking on bananas at regular intervals helps preventing it.
  • Vitamin B6, serotonin, tryptophan, dopamine, etc., in bananas help combat symptoms of PMS, erratic mood swings, and depression.

Skin Benefits Of Banana:

Banana fruit has nutrients that are essential for the skin. They contain significant amounts of vitamin C and B6 which plays vital role in maintaining the integrity and elasticity of the skin.
In addition, the large amount of antioxidants and manganese present in banana protect the body from damage caused by oxygen free radicals which lead to premature aging of the skin.
So a major benefit from banana is younger looking skin. Banana has about 75 per cent water by weight. Thus banana helps hydrate your skin and prevents it from drying and peeling.
Here are some benefits of banana for skin care:

24. Natural moisturiser:

Banana is a great natural moisturiser for your skin. The Vitamin A present in banana restores the lost moisture and repairs the damaged, dull and dry skin. To instantly moisturise dry and dull skin, mash a ripe banana and apply it on your face. Avoid contact with eyes. Leave it on your skin for 20-25 minutes and then wash it away with lukewarm water. You will instantly have soft and supple skin.If you have extremely dry and flaky skin, you can also add honey to this face mask.This banana and honey mask also helps in getting rid of skin pigmentation.
Another easy face mask to get moisturised skin is to mash half a ripe banana and mix it with 1 tbsp. yogurt and 1 tsp. Vitamin E oil. Apply it generously on a clean face and wash it away after 30 minutes.
banana face pack benefits 

25. Glowing skin:

Banana contains generous amount of Vitamin C that helps in maintaining the natural and youthful glow of the skin.
Here are some banana face masks that you can use to get that natural glow back on your face.
  • Mash half a ripe banana and mix it with 1 tbsp. of sandalwood powder/paste and ½ tsp. of honey. Let it stay on your skin for 20-25 minutes and wash it with lukewarm water. This face mask is beneficial for oily skin as sandalwood helps in cleaning excess sebum and oil from the skin while banana keeps it moisturised.
  • Mash one ripe banana and mix it with lemon juice form one lemon (approximately 2-3 tbsp.). Leave it on for 25 minutes. This mask is full of vitamin C which will get rid of dullness and help in reduction of spots and blemishes.
banana for glowing skin 

26. Banana skin scrubs:
Banana is full of anti-oxidants; mixed with a few ingredients, it not only helps to get rid of dead skin but also leaves it feeling rejuvenated.
Here are some banana based scrubs that you make using ingredients available in your kitchen
  • Take mashed banana and 1 tbsp. of sugar and mix them well. Apply it on your skin and rub it in circular motions. Banana will moisturise the dry skin while sugar granules will get rid of the dead skin.
  • Mash a ripe banana; add 2-3 tablespoons of oats, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon milk. Apply it on your face and leave it 5 minutes, then slowly rub it on your skin. Wash with cold water. In case you have extremely dry skin, you can substitute milk with fresh cream.
  • Take half a ripe banana, 1 tbsp. coconut milk, 2 tbsp. uncooked rice, blend everything together to get a thick paste. Gently massage your face with this paste and wash with cold water afterwards.
  • To make a body scrub, mash 2 bananas with 4-5 strawberries using a blender. Mix 3 tablespoons of sugar and use it as a body scrub when you take a bath. 
homemade banana scrub 

27. Anti-ageing:

Nutrients in banana helps in fighting wrinkles and keeps the skin youthful. For an anti-aging facial mask loaded with vitamins A and E, mash together an avocado and a banana. Leave on skin for 25 minutes and rinse. Skin will be soft and youthful. The vitamins E in avocados combined with the nutrients in bananas fight free radicals and repair damage.
Another simple face mask to fight effect of ageing is to mash 1/4 banana until very creamy and add one teaspoon of rose water. Apply it on face and neck and wash it off after half an hour.

28. Foot care:

The moisturizing property of banana can be used to get rid of cracked heels. All you need to do is mash the pulp of two ripe bananas and apply this pulp on clean, dry feet. Leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse the feet clean. The banana pulp will penetrate deep into dry, cracked skin to create soft and supple feet.
banana foot treatment 

29. Goodbye puffy eyes:

Mash half a banana and apply generously around the puffy eyes. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes and then rinsing with cool water. The puffiness will vanish instantly. The potassium rich banana draws out excess fluid from under my skin and reduces the swelling immediately.
You can also apply the banana peels instead of mashed banana. This tip can also be used whenever you apply any face pack and think about putting cucumber slices on your eyes.
banana peel for dark spots 

Hair Benefits Of Banana:

Banana is rich in potassium, natural oils, carbohydrates and vitamins which help in softening the hair and protects the hair’s natural elasticity preventing split ends and breakage. Banana creates manageability, shine, growth and controls dandruff. Just like a banana facial mask enhances the glow of your face immediately, the following banana hair masks will also improve your hair dramatically. Here are some of the banana for hair benefits.

30. Pack For Soft Hair:

Mix ripe banana with avocado and add coconut milk to the mixture. Apply it on your hair and wait for 15-20 minutes. The pack conditions damaged hair and makes the hair soft. Instead of avocado, you can also make the same mask by adding cocoa. Presence of cocoa helps in bringing out the natural colour of the hair.

31. Pack For Shine And Health:

Peel a banana and add 1/4 cup of olive oil and one egg white and put in a blender. Puree for a couple of minutes. Let it stay on your hair for 15 minutes followed by hair wash with your favourite shampoo and conditioner.

banana face pack at home 32. Pack To Fight Hair Loss:

To Treat Hair Loss, mix ripe banana pulp with yoghurt. Apply the smooth paste on your scalp and rinse with cool water after 15-20 minutes.
banana hair mask benefits 

33. Pack For Dry Hair:

Just like the way honey and banana face pack nourishes your dry skin, the same works great for your dry hair as well, mix three spoons of honey with ripe banana and apply it on your hair while it is still wet. Let the hair pack sit for 15-20 minutes followed by the usual hair wash.

34. Pack For Dry And Damaged Hair:

Another simple yet effective hair mask to repair dry and damaged hair is to make banana pulp with a few drops of almond oil. Leave it for 10-15 minutes. The vitamin A and C present in banana along with Vitamin E of the almond oil leave your hair silky and shiny not to mention extremely moisturized and soft.
banana hair care  

While applying any of the above hair masks, it is essential keep two things in mind so that you don’t end up with chunks of banana in your hair post hair wash. First, whenever you use banana for hair mask, make sure it is in pulp form and there are no chunks. Just to be sure, blend all the contents of the hair mask.
Secondly, never let these hair masks dry on your hair completely. The hair mask should still be wet when you wash your hair so that you can easily get rid of the banana which otherwise tends to stick. You might feel that your hair a little stiff when they are drying but once they dry completely; you will be able to see the results.

Benefits Of Banana Peel for Skin:

Banana is a very popular natural element when it comes to beauty as it is not just the fruit that you can use but the peel itself is full of anti-oxidants and can be used for a lot of home remedies.
banana peel benefits on skin 

35. Pack For Acne:

To treat acne with banana peel, cut a small piece of the peel. Rub the inside of the peel gently over the acne affected area. Rub for about 5 minutes or until the inside of the peel gets brown. Clean the skin around with lukewarm water but let the banana dry out on the affected area to do. Repeat this at least 3 times a day and the acne and pimples will subside within a week.

36. Treating Itchy Skin:

If you suffer from itchy and swollen skin, just rub the banana peel on the effective area and you will feel the itching and swelling subside.

37. Pack For Wrinkles:

Banana peel can also be used to get rid of wrinkles. Apply fresh peel on the affected area for 15 minutes every day and there will be noticeable change in a few weeks.

38. Pack For Treating Warts And Psoriasis:

Banana peel is also helpful to treat warts and psoriasis. Just apply the banana peel on the affected area and rub it for 10-12 minutes twice every day. The results might take time to show but this definitely works much better than artificial creams and treatments for these skin problems.

39. Bananas and Beauty Sleep:

We all know how essential a good night sleep is for maintaining the health of your skin and hair. Melatonin is the sleep inducing hormone in the human body and Tryptophan is an amino-acid that is necessary for the production of this sleep hormone.
Bananas not only contain large amounts of tryptophan and serotonin but also have very high carbohydrate content. This helps the brain to utilize tryptophan and serotonin to produce the sleep hormone. Eating banana few hours before going to bed will help you in getting that essential beauty sleep and thus a refreshed and healthy skin.
As you can see for yourself, banana has a lot of beauty benefits, especially when it comes to skin and hair. It is full of nutrients that help in keeping you healthy, not to mention how affordable and easily available it is everywhere and round the year. So make it a part of your daily diet and beauty routine and you will not only save some money but will also get beautiful skin and hair without exposing them to unwanted chemicals. So what are you waiting for?

Nutritional Value Of Banana:

  • Natural sugars: glucose, fructose and sucrose,
  • Vitamins and minerals: vitamin B6, vitamin C, Vitamin A, potassium, dietary fibre, biotin, carbohydrates, magnesium, riboflavin and manganese.
Here is a more detailed nutritive value table:
PrincipleNutrient ValuePercentage of RDA
Energy90 Kcal4.5%
Carbohydrates22.84 g18%
Total Fat0.33 g1%
Dietary Fiber2.60 g7%
Folates20 µg5%
Niacin0.665 mg4%
Pantothenic acid0.334 mg7%
Pyridoxine0.367 mg28%
Riboflavin0.073 mg5%
Thiamin0.031 mg2%
Vitamin A64 IU2%
Vitamin C8.7 mg15%
Vitamin E0.10 mg1%
Vitamin K0.5 µg1%
Sodium1 mg0%
Potassium358 mg8%
Calcium5 mg0.5%
Copper0.078 mg8%
Iron0.26 mg2%
Magnesium27 mg7%
Manganese0.270 mg13%
Phosphorus22 mg3%
Selenium1.0 µg2%
Zinc0.15 mg1%
Carotene-α25 µg
Carotene-ß26 µg
Lutein-zeaxanthin22 µg