(37) It is on the authority of Abu Qulaba (radi Allahu anhu) that the Holy Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, “I have been sent as the Opener of the doors of Mercy and I have been sent as the seal of Prophethood.” (Baihaqi)
(38) The Holy Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, “I am closer to every believer, even more than his own life. If one leaves a debt unpaid, then to fulfill it is upon me.”(Nasa’i)
(39) Hazrat Zaid (radi Allahu anhu) says, The Holy Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) informed us of all which had occurred and all that which was to occur.”(Muslim Shareef)
(40) Hazrat Abu Huraira and Zaid bin Khalid (radi Allahu anhum) say, “We were with the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) when he said (to two men), "I shall judge between you according to Allah's Book (Laws)." (Bukhari)
(41) Hazrat Anas bin Maalik (radi Allahu anhu) said, once the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) had a letter written or intended on having a letter written. The Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) was told that they (rulers) would not read letters unless they were sealed. So the Prophet got a silver ring made with "Muhammad Allah's Rasool" engraved on it. It was as if I was just observing its white glitter in the hand of the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam). (Bukhari)
(42) Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (radi Allahu anhu) says the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) forbade Al-Wisal (Continuous fasting). The people said (to him), "But you practice it?" He said, "I am not like you, for I am given food and drink by Allah."(Bukhari)
(43) Hazrat Aisha (radi Allahu anha) reported: “Never had the family of Muhammad (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) eaten to the fill since their arrival in Madinah with the bread of wheat for three successive nights until his (Holy Prophet's (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam)) passing away.” (Muslim)
(44) Hazrat Ali (radi Allahu anhu) says, “Whosoever respects the Meelad Shareef and is a means of motivating a Meelad gathering, He will take from this world the gift of Imaan and He will enter Jannat without any questioning.” (An Ne’matul Kubra)
(45) Sayyidah Saffiyah (radi Allahu anha) the aunt of the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam)said, "I was at the home of the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam)at the time of his birth and I saw that his Noor had become more powerful than the light of the lamp." (Shawahidun Nabuiwat)
(46) Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (radi Allahu anhu) says, "Whosoever spends one dirham on the birthday (Moulood) of the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam), he will be with me in Jannat." (An Ne’matul Kubra)
(48) It is on the authority of Hazrat Abdullah ibn Amr (radi Allahu anhu) that any person who sends Durood once upon the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) will be blessed with Allah and the Angels sending seventy blessings upon him." (Ahmad)
(49) The Holy Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "One who sends one thousand Duroods upon me, will not die without seeing his place in Jannat." (At Targheeb Wat Tarheeb)
(50) It is on the authority of Hazrat Anas (radi Allahu anhu) that the Holy Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "When a person recites Durood Shareef upon me once, then Almighty Allah creates a white cloud from the breath of the reciter. Allah then commands the cloud to rain and it rains. From every drop of this rain which falls on the ground, Almighty Allah causes gold to be created, from every drop that falls on a mountain, Allah causes silver to be formed and for ever drop that falls on a kaafir (unbeliever), Almighty Allah causes him to attain the gift of Imaan (becomes a Muslim). (Mukashifatul Quloob)
(51) The Holy Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "Those who send Durood upon me will be blessed with a powerful Noor (Light) on Pul Siraat and those who receive this Noor on Pul Siraat will attain salvation from Hell."
(52) The Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "One who recites Durood upon me fifty times daily will be blessed with this blessing, that I will make musafaha (shake hands) with him on the day of Qiyaamat. (Al Qaulul Badi’)
(53) The Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "For as long as a person sends Durood upon me, the Angels of Allah continue to shower him with mercy. Now, it is up to you, whether you recite more or less Durood upon me." (Alqaulul Badi’)
(54) The Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "Anyone who recites Durood upon me in abundance, I will intercede for him on the day of Qiyaamat." (Alqaulul Badi’)
(55) The Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "When you forget anything, then read Durood upon me, (insha Allah) you will remember it." (Sa’adate Daarain)
(56) The Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "One who has forgotten to read Durood upon me has forgotten the path to Jannat." (Al Qaulul Badi’)
(57) The Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "One who hears my remembrance and does not send Durood upon me is the greatest miser." (Mishkaat)
(58) The Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "That person who reads one hundred Duroods upon me on a Friday will be blessed with such a powerful Noor (Light), that if it (Its light) had to be distributed, it would be sufficient for the entire creation." (Dala’il-e-Khairaat)
(59) "When Thursday comes, Almighty Allahs sends down Angels who have paper made from pure silver and gold pens with them. They write the names of all those who send Durood in abundance on a Thursday and eve of a Friday on the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam)."(Sa'adatud Daarain)
(60) The Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "That person who used to send the most Durood upon me in his life, will be blessed with this, that at the time of his death, Almighty Allah will command all his creation to make dua -e-maghfirat for him."(Nuzhat)
(61) The Holy Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "Three people will be deprived of my ziyaarat (seeing me) (1) One who is disobedient to his parents (2) One who does not act on my Sunnah and (3) that person in front of whom my Zikr is made and he does not send Durood upon me." (Al Qaulul Badi’)
(62) The Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "One who recited Durood upon me has opened upon himself seventy doors of Mercy and Allah will place his love in the hearts of the people. Only that person will have enmity with such a person, in whose hearts there is hypocrisy. "(Kashful Ghum'ma)
(63) The Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam), "Every good thing that one does is empty from blessings if it is not commenced with Durood." (Mutali'ul Musaraat)
(64) Hazrat Sahl ibn Sa`ad (radi Allahu anhu) narrates: The Beloved Rasool (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) came out and met Abu Talha. The latter rose and went to him saying: "My father and mother be sacrificed for you, O Rasoolullah (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam)! I see joy and delight in your expression?" The Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said: "Yes, for Jibraeel (alaihis salaam) has just come to me saying: O Muhammad (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) , whoever among your Community invokes blessings upon you once, Allah records for Him ten meritorious deeds, erases from his register ten evil deeds, and raises him ten degrees because of it." (Al-Sakhawi)
(65) The Holy Prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) says, "Definitely there are many Angels of Allah that move on the earth and bring the Salaam of my Ummat to me".(Nasa’i)
(66) Hazrat Alqama (radi Allahu anhu) says, “Whenever I enter the Musjid I say, “Salaams be upon you O Prophet of ALLAH, and the Blessings and Mercy of ALLAH.” (Ash Shifa)
(68) Imam Nasfi, Imam Suyuti and Imam Qurtabi (radi Allahu anhum) have stated the following concerning the verse of the Holy Quran, “And verily it is near that your Creator will give you so abundantly that you may become pleased”. When this verse of the Holy Quran was revealed then the Holy Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "Now I will never be pleased until every single one of my Ummah is removed from the fire of Hell." (Qurtabi)
(69) Hazrat Auf bin Malik (radi Allahu anhu) states that the Holy Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) has stated, "A certain person came to me on behalf of my creator and he gave me the option of either half my Ummah entering Jannat or my intercession so I accepted the intercession and this is for every such person except those who commit shirk" (Mishkaat)
(70) Hazrat Ali Murtuza (radi Allahu anhu) has stated that the Holy Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "I will intercede for my Ummah until my Creator summons me by saying, "O Muhammad! (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) Have you been pleased" and I will say, O’ my Creator! I am pleased." (Roohul Bayaan)
(71) Hazrat Abu Hurairah (radi Allahu anhu) reports that the Holy Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "One special Dua of every Nabi is accepted and every Nabi was swift in making Dua and I have kept this Dua for the day of Qiyamaah for the Shafa'at of my Ummah and this Dua of mine is one that will reach that person in my Ummah who died without making shirk with Almighty Allah." (Tirmizi Shareef)
(72) Hazrat Abi bin Ka'ab (radi Allahu anhu) reports that the Holy Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "On the day of Qiyamaah I will be the Leader and Khatib of all the Ambia (Alaihimus Salaam) and I will be the master of their intercession and I do not say this out of pride." (Mishkaat Shareef)
(73) Hazrat Abu Hurairah (radi Allahu anhu) reports that the Holy Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "On the day of Qiyamaah I will be the leader of the children of Hazrat Adam (Alaihis Salaam). I will be the first to rise from my grave. I will be the first to start interceding and my intercession will be the first to be accepted." (Mishkaat Shareef)
(74) Hazrat Uthman bin Haniff (radi Allahu anhu) says that a blind man came into the court of the Holy Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) and said, "O Messenger of Allah! Pray for me that I may regain my sight", so the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "Go and perform ablution and read two rakaats of Nafil Namaaz and read this Dua: “O Allah! Verily I ask of You and towards You I use the mediation of Nabi Rahmat my Muhammad Mustafa (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam). O Muhammad (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam)! Verily I turn via your Wasila to your Creator for my needs so that my needs may be fulfilled. O Allah, accept the intercession of Muhammad (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) for me. (Ibn Majah)
Note: He got his eyesight back with this dua.
(75) Hazrat Abu Huraira (radi Allahu anhu) reported the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) as saying: “I shall be most excellent amongst the descendants of Adam on the Day of Resurrection and I will be the first intercessor and the first whose intercession will be accepted (by Allah). (Muslim)
(76) Hazrat Abu Said Al Khudri (radi Allahu anhu) reported that he heard the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam)when somebody mentioned his uncle (i.e. Abu Talib), saying, "Perhaps my intercession will be helpful to him on the Day of Resurrection so that he may be put in a shallow fire reaching only up to his ankles. His brain will boil from it." (Bukhari)
(78) It is on the authority of Hazrat ibn Abbas (radi Allahu anhu) that the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "One, who gives Azaan for seven years only with the intention of gaining sawaab (reward), will have salvation from Hell written for him.(Tirmizi)
(79) It is mentioned in Bukhari Shareef on the authority of Hazrat Huzaifa (radi Allahu anhu) that he saw a person who was not performing his ruku and Sujood correctly. After he had completed his Namaaz Hazrat Huzaifa (radi Allahu anhu) said (to him), “You did not perform your Namaaz.” The narrator says, “I think that Hazrat Huzaifa (radi Allahu anhu) told that person, ‘If you had to die in this state, then you will not pass away on the Sunnah of the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam).’ (Bukhari)
(80) It is mentioned in Bukhari Shareef on the authority of Hazrat Zahri (radi Allahu anhu).He says, “I presented myself in the Damascus at the blessed court of Hazrat Anas ibn Maalik (radi Allahu anhu). I saw him crying and I asked, what is your reason for crying? He replied, ‘I did not recognise anything from the era of the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) besides this Namaaz, and this too has been destroyed.’”(Bukhari)
(81) Hazrat Anas bin Maalik (radi Allahu anhu) reports that the Holy Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, “That Namaaz which is performed in its appointed time, and the wudhu for it is completely correct and in the Namaaz there is humility and sincerity, and the Qiyaam (standing) and the Ruku and Sujood is done properly, then the Namaaz of that person comes out white and shining and says, ‘May Allah protect you like you have protected me and for those who read Namaaz in the incorrect time and who do not make proper wudhu and who not read with humility and who do not performt the Ruku and Sujood correctly, then his Namaaz comes out black and dark and says, ‘May Allah destroy you, like you have destroyed me’ Then when it reaches there where Allah Wills, it is wrapped up, just like how old clothes are wrapped and it is then thrown onto the face of that Namaazi.” (Tibrani)
(38) The Holy Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, “I am closer to every believer, even more than his own life. If one leaves a debt unpaid, then to fulfill it is upon me.”(Nasa’i)
(39) Hazrat Zaid (radi Allahu anhu) says, The Holy Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) informed us of all which had occurred and all that which was to occur.”(Muslim Shareef)
(40) Hazrat Abu Huraira and Zaid bin Khalid (radi Allahu anhum) say, “We were with the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) when he said (to two men), "I shall judge between you according to Allah's Book (Laws)." (Bukhari)
(41) Hazrat Anas bin Maalik (radi Allahu anhu) said, once the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) had a letter written or intended on having a letter written. The Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) was told that they (rulers) would not read letters unless they were sealed. So the Prophet got a silver ring made with "Muhammad Allah's Rasool" engraved on it. It was as if I was just observing its white glitter in the hand of the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam). (Bukhari)
(42) Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (radi Allahu anhu) says the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) forbade Al-Wisal (Continuous fasting). The people said (to him), "But you practice it?" He said, "I am not like you, for I am given food and drink by Allah."(Bukhari)
(43) Hazrat Aisha (radi Allahu anha) reported: “Never had the family of Muhammad (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) eaten to the fill since their arrival in Madinah with the bread of wheat for three successive nights until his (Holy Prophet's (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam)) passing away.” (Muslim)
(44) Hazrat Ali (radi Allahu anhu) says, “Whosoever respects the Meelad Shareef and is a means of motivating a Meelad gathering, He will take from this world the gift of Imaan and He will enter Jannat without any questioning.” (An Ne’matul Kubra)
(45) Sayyidah Saffiyah (radi Allahu anha) the aunt of the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam)said, "I was at the home of the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam)at the time of his birth and I saw that his Noor had become more powerful than the light of the lamp." (Shawahidun Nabuiwat)
(46) Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (radi Allahu anhu) says, "Whosoever spends one dirham on the birthday (Moulood) of the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam), he will be with me in Jannat." (An Ne’matul Kubra)
(47) It is on the authority of Hazrat Abu Hurairah (radi Allahu anhu) that the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, “Allah will reveal ten blessings upon him, who reads Durood Shareef upon me once." (Muslim)(48) It is on the authority of Hazrat Abdullah ibn Amr (radi Allahu anhu) that any person who sends Durood once upon the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) will be blessed with Allah and the Angels sending seventy blessings upon him." (Ahmad)
(49) The Holy Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "One who sends one thousand Duroods upon me, will not die without seeing his place in Jannat." (At Targheeb Wat Tarheeb)
(50) It is on the authority of Hazrat Anas (radi Allahu anhu) that the Holy Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "When a person recites Durood Shareef upon me once, then Almighty Allah creates a white cloud from the breath of the reciter. Allah then commands the cloud to rain and it rains. From every drop of this rain which falls on the ground, Almighty Allah causes gold to be created, from every drop that falls on a mountain, Allah causes silver to be formed and for ever drop that falls on a kaafir (unbeliever), Almighty Allah causes him to attain the gift of Imaan (becomes a Muslim). (Mukashifatul Quloob)
(51) The Holy Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "Those who send Durood upon me will be blessed with a powerful Noor (Light) on Pul Siraat and those who receive this Noor on Pul Siraat will attain salvation from Hell."
(52) The Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "One who recites Durood upon me fifty times daily will be blessed with this blessing, that I will make musafaha (shake hands) with him on the day of Qiyaamat. (Al Qaulul Badi’)
(53) The Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "For as long as a person sends Durood upon me, the Angels of Allah continue to shower him with mercy. Now, it is up to you, whether you recite more or less Durood upon me." (Alqaulul Badi’)
(54) The Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "Anyone who recites Durood upon me in abundance, I will intercede for him on the day of Qiyaamat." (Alqaulul Badi’)
(55) The Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "When you forget anything, then read Durood upon me, (insha Allah) you will remember it." (Sa’adate Daarain)
(56) The Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "One who has forgotten to read Durood upon me has forgotten the path to Jannat." (Al Qaulul Badi’)
(57) The Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "One who hears my remembrance and does not send Durood upon me is the greatest miser." (Mishkaat)
(58) The Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "That person who reads one hundred Duroods upon me on a Friday will be blessed with such a powerful Noor (Light), that if it (Its light) had to be distributed, it would be sufficient for the entire creation." (Dala’il-e-Khairaat)
(59) "When Thursday comes, Almighty Allahs sends down Angels who have paper made from pure silver and gold pens with them. They write the names of all those who send Durood in abundance on a Thursday and eve of a Friday on the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam)."(Sa'adatud Daarain)
(60) The Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "That person who used to send the most Durood upon me in his life, will be blessed with this, that at the time of his death, Almighty Allah will command all his creation to make dua -e-maghfirat for him."(Nuzhat)
(61) The Holy Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "Three people will be deprived of my ziyaarat (seeing me) (1) One who is disobedient to his parents (2) One who does not act on my Sunnah and (3) that person in front of whom my Zikr is made and he does not send Durood upon me." (Al Qaulul Badi’)
(62) The Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "One who recited Durood upon me has opened upon himself seventy doors of Mercy and Allah will place his love in the hearts of the people. Only that person will have enmity with such a person, in whose hearts there is hypocrisy. "(Kashful Ghum'ma)
(63) The Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam), "Every good thing that one does is empty from blessings if it is not commenced with Durood." (Mutali'ul Musaraat)
(64) Hazrat Sahl ibn Sa`ad (radi Allahu anhu) narrates: The Beloved Rasool (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) came out and met Abu Talha. The latter rose and went to him saying: "My father and mother be sacrificed for you, O Rasoolullah (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam)! I see joy and delight in your expression?" The Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said: "Yes, for Jibraeel (alaihis salaam) has just come to me saying: O Muhammad (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) , whoever among your Community invokes blessings upon you once, Allah records for Him ten meritorious deeds, erases from his register ten evil deeds, and raises him ten degrees because of it." (Al-Sakhawi)
(65) The Holy Prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) says, "Definitely there are many Angels of Allah that move on the earth and bring the Salaam of my Ummat to me".(Nasa’i)
(66) Hazrat Alqama (radi Allahu anhu) says, “Whenever I enter the Musjid I say, “Salaams be upon you O Prophet of ALLAH, and the Blessings and Mercy of ALLAH.” (Ash Shifa)
(67) Imam Bukhari states that the Holy Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) was asked concerning the Maqaame Mahmood and He said, "That is a point of intercession” (Jaami Tirmizi pg)(68) Imam Nasfi, Imam Suyuti and Imam Qurtabi (radi Allahu anhum) have stated the following concerning the verse of the Holy Quran, “And verily it is near that your Creator will give you so abundantly that you may become pleased”. When this verse of the Holy Quran was revealed then the Holy Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "Now I will never be pleased until every single one of my Ummah is removed from the fire of Hell." (Qurtabi)
(69) Hazrat Auf bin Malik (radi Allahu anhu) states that the Holy Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) has stated, "A certain person came to me on behalf of my creator and he gave me the option of either half my Ummah entering Jannat or my intercession so I accepted the intercession and this is for every such person except those who commit shirk" (Mishkaat)
(70) Hazrat Ali Murtuza (radi Allahu anhu) has stated that the Holy Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "I will intercede for my Ummah until my Creator summons me by saying, "O Muhammad! (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) Have you been pleased" and I will say, O’ my Creator! I am pleased." (Roohul Bayaan)
(71) Hazrat Abu Hurairah (radi Allahu anhu) reports that the Holy Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "One special Dua of every Nabi is accepted and every Nabi was swift in making Dua and I have kept this Dua for the day of Qiyamaah for the Shafa'at of my Ummah and this Dua of mine is one that will reach that person in my Ummah who died without making shirk with Almighty Allah." (Tirmizi Shareef)
(72) Hazrat Abi bin Ka'ab (radi Allahu anhu) reports that the Holy Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "On the day of Qiyamaah I will be the Leader and Khatib of all the Ambia (Alaihimus Salaam) and I will be the master of their intercession and I do not say this out of pride." (Mishkaat Shareef)
(73) Hazrat Abu Hurairah (radi Allahu anhu) reports that the Holy Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "On the day of Qiyamaah I will be the leader of the children of Hazrat Adam (Alaihis Salaam). I will be the first to rise from my grave. I will be the first to start interceding and my intercession will be the first to be accepted." (Mishkaat Shareef)
(74) Hazrat Uthman bin Haniff (radi Allahu anhu) says that a blind man came into the court of the Holy Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) and said, "O Messenger of Allah! Pray for me that I may regain my sight", so the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "Go and perform ablution and read two rakaats of Nafil Namaaz and read this Dua: “O Allah! Verily I ask of You and towards You I use the mediation of Nabi Rahmat my Muhammad Mustafa (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam). O Muhammad (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam)! Verily I turn via your Wasila to your Creator for my needs so that my needs may be fulfilled. O Allah, accept the intercession of Muhammad (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) for me. (Ibn Majah)
Note: He got his eyesight back with this dua.
(75) Hazrat Abu Huraira (radi Allahu anhu) reported the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) as saying: “I shall be most excellent amongst the descendants of Adam on the Day of Resurrection and I will be the first intercessor and the first whose intercession will be accepted (by Allah). (Muslim)
(76) Hazrat Abu Said Al Khudri (radi Allahu anhu) reported that he heard the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam)when somebody mentioned his uncle (i.e. Abu Talib), saying, "Perhaps my intercession will be helpful to him on the Day of Resurrection so that he may be put in a shallow fire reaching only up to his ankles. His brain will boil from it." (Bukhari)
(77) It is on the authority of Hazrat Anas (radi Allahu anhu) that the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "The first thing that a person will be questioned about on the day of Qiyaamah, is Namaaz. If this is in order, then all his other deeds will be in order and if this is damaged, then everything else is damaged." (Tibraani) (Note: This means after Imaan, the most important action is Namaaz)(78) It is on the authority of Hazrat ibn Abbas (radi Allahu anhu) that the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, "One, who gives Azaan for seven years only with the intention of gaining sawaab (reward), will have salvation from Hell written for him.(Tirmizi)
(79) It is mentioned in Bukhari Shareef on the authority of Hazrat Huzaifa (radi Allahu anhu) that he saw a person who was not performing his ruku and Sujood correctly. After he had completed his Namaaz Hazrat Huzaifa (radi Allahu anhu) said (to him), “You did not perform your Namaaz.” The narrator says, “I think that Hazrat Huzaifa (radi Allahu anhu) told that person, ‘If you had to die in this state, then you will not pass away on the Sunnah of the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam).’ (Bukhari)
(80) It is mentioned in Bukhari Shareef on the authority of Hazrat Zahri (radi Allahu anhu).He says, “I presented myself in the Damascus at the blessed court of Hazrat Anas ibn Maalik (radi Allahu anhu). I saw him crying and I asked, what is your reason for crying? He replied, ‘I did not recognise anything from the era of the Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) besides this Namaaz, and this too has been destroyed.’”(Bukhari)
(81) Hazrat Anas bin Maalik (radi Allahu anhu) reports that the Holy Prophet (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) said, “That Namaaz which is performed in its appointed time, and the wudhu for it is completely correct and in the Namaaz there is humility and sincerity, and the Qiyaam (standing) and the Ruku and Sujood is done properly, then the Namaaz of that person comes out white and shining and says, ‘May Allah protect you like you have protected me and for those who read Namaaz in the incorrect time and who do not make proper wudhu and who not read with humility and who do not performt the Ruku and Sujood correctly, then his Namaaz comes out black and dark and says, ‘May Allah destroy you, like you have destroyed me’ Then when it reaches there where Allah Wills, it is wrapped up, just like how old clothes are wrapped and it is then thrown onto the face of that Namaazi.” (Tibrani)