Tuesday, March 17, 2015

PPTP VPN Client Setup in Windows Vista

Let me show you simple PPTP VPN client setup in Windows Vista, so that you can connect to XP/Vista PPTP VPN server in your home network from remote location (airport, library, office, restaurant, etc). The data packets will be encrypted if you use VPN connection, so that it won’t be sniffed by hackers using sniffing program.
Ok... Let's start, I will assume you are connected to the network, and here is how you can make it works:
1) Go to Start and right click on Network and then click Properties.
2) Network and Sharing Center window will appear, then click Set up a connection or network option.
Note: You can also click this Set up a connection or network option by going to Start->Connect To.
Set Up a Connection or Network for PPTP VPN
3) Set up a connection or network wizard will appear, proceed to selectConnect to a workplace option and then click Next.
Connect to a Workplace in Vista
4) Click on Use my Internet connection (VPN).
Note: I will assume you are connected to the network, so just choosecreate a new connection if you are asked whether to create a new connection or use an existing connection.
Use My Internet Connection VPN
5) Ok, here you need to type the IP address or host name of the VPN server computer in your home network and also name the connection. Most of the time it’s the public WAN IP of your home network’s DSL/cable Internet connection if the VPN server is located behind router. Check thiswhat is my WAN IP article if not too sure about WAN IP of your home network's Internet connection.
Note: Also tick that Don’t connect now; just set it up so I can connect later option.
Type the Internet Address to Connect to
6) Type your user name and password that is permitted to connect to that VPN server, after that click Create.
Type Your User Name and Password
7) Ok..Now the VPN connection is ready to use, just click Connect nowto establish the VPN connection.
The VPN Connection is Ready to Use
8) Next time whenever you need to establish this VPN connection, just go to Start->Connect To and you will find the connection there.
Connect to PPTP VPN

Configuring PPTP VPN Client in Windows XP

Let’s learn on how to configure PPTP VPN client in Windows XP in this article, then connect to home network’s PPTP VPN server securely. Please note if your PPTP server is behind the router with DSL/Cable Internet connection and you try to connect to it from Internet, then you need to connect to public IP of your DSL/cable Internet connection.
Here is step-by-step instruction on how to configure PPTP VPN client:
1) Go to Start and open Control Panel.
2) Control Panel window will open, then double click Network Connections icon.
3) Click Create a new connection on Network Connections window.
Create a New Connection
4) New Connection Wizard window will appear, click Next.
5) Select Connect to my network at my workplace option and clickNext.
Connect to the Network at My Workplace
6) Select Virtual Private Network connection option and click Next.
Virtual Private Network Connection
7) You can then name this VPN connection. Here I put home VPN server. Click Next again.
VPN Connection Name
8) If you have dial up connection setting on your computer, this Public Network window will appear. If you computer already connected to public network or hotspot, click Do not dial the initial connection option. If you need to dial Internet connection and then initiate VPN connection, then you need to select the other option, Automatically dial this initial connection.
Do Not Dial the Initial Connection
9) Ok, here you need to type the IP address or host name of the VPN server computer in your home network. Most of the time it’s the public WAN IP of your home network’s DSL/cable Internet connection if the VPN server is located behind router. Check this what is my WAN IP article if not too sure about WAN IP of your home network's Internet connection.
VPN Server Selection
10) Click Finish to complete the new connection wizard. Tick that Add a shortcut to this connection to my desktop option.
Complete PPTP VPN Client Setup
11) Now you can go to your desktop and double-click the new VPN connection icon, after that key in your username and password and click Connect button.
Note: If you did not create the shortcut in your desktop, you can locate this new VPN connection icon in Network Connections window.
Note: click the Properties button if you need to change the configuration.
Connect to PPTP VPN Server
12) Once you are connected to VPN server, the connected icon will be shown in Network Connections window.

Connected VPN Icon

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Virtual Private Network (VPN) Introduction

Virtual Private Network (VPN) is the technology that you can use to access the office or home network remotely and securely over the Internet, so that the communication data is protected from sniffing or hijacking by hackers.
When the VPN connection is established between 2 parties (between a VPN client and VPN gateway or between 2 VPN gateways), a secured virtual tunnel will be created with capability to encrypt the data (so no hacker can see the data content), preserve data integrity (no data change during transmission) and ensure the communication only happen between that 2 authenticated parties.
There are 2 common types of virtual private network, which are remote access VPN and site-to-site VPN.

Remote Access VPN

Remote access VPN is very common VPN service that you can set up in your office or home network. It can be implemented by setting up a VPN gateway or server and you can connect to it by using VPN client from other locations. If not, you can also subscribe to VPN service provided bya VPN provider for similar secure access too.
As you can see from the diagram below, whether at airport, library, restaurant or other public hotspots, the user can launch VPN connection by using VPN client on the computer and connect to VPN gateway. Whenever the user computer sends the data, the VPN client software encrypts that data before sending it over the Internet to the VPN gateway at the edge of the destination network. Once the VPN gateway receives the data, it decrypts the data and sends the packet to the destination computer in its private network (office or home network), after that the destination computer will encrypt the returning data as well.
The remote access VPN is supported by L2F, PPTP, L2TP and IPsec tunneling protocols.
Sometimes if the user uses the web browser instead of VPN client to connect to VPN gateway, we call this type of VPN as SSL VPN.
Remote Access VPN Network Diagram

Site-to-Site VPN

Site-to-site VPN is the VPN connection established between 2 VPN gateways that reside in 2 different networks over the Internet, so that both networks’ computers can exchange data securely. There is no VPN client needed on user computers. The VPN connection will be established between both VPN gateways. Both VPN gateways will encrypt and decrypt the communication data to ensure the security and integrity of data.
The site-to-site VPN can be supported by IPsec tunnel mode, PPTP, L2TP over IPSec tunneling protocols. Interesting? You can also take a look on these VPN products to get more info!
Site-to-Site VPN Network Diagram

Computer Security Tips

Welcome to this computer security tips section! If you are looking for tips about how to secure computer or improve network security, this is the right section!
I'm going to show you tips that can be used to secure your computer or network properly, so that to minimize the attacks from hacker, virus, worm or malware. Take some time to explore, feel free to come back to explore more, more articles will be added.
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Simple File Sharing in Windows 7

Simple file sharing in Windows 7 is pretty easy and common to be used to share file/folder with other users that use Windows XP, Vista or 7 in same workgroup. Due to other users are allowed to access the shared file/folder without doing authentication with username and password, and so we call it simple file sharing.
However please don’t enable this simple file sharing when your computer is connected to public network (at library, airport, restaurant, etc), because the other public users can also access the shared file/folder without authentication after you have enabled it. It’s not safe!
This is the way to do simple file sharing in Windows 7:
1) First you need to confirm that you have enabled file and printer sharing on network card. Let’s do a quick check. Go to Start and click on Control Panel. Proceed to click View network status and tasks in Control Panel window.
2) Network and Sharing Center window will appear, after that click change adapter settings.
3) Network Connections window will appear. Here you can right click on the network adapter (can be wireless adapter or wired Ethernet adapter) that you are using and click Properties.
Windows 7 - network adapter properties
4) Your network card’s properties window will appear, then tick File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks if it's not tick, finally click OK.
Windows 7 - file and printer sharing
5) Let’s move back to Network and Sharing Center window, make sure you have selected the appropriate network location type before enabling file sharing, mostly home network or work network type. In this case, my network location type is home network.
Note: I would also advise you to set the same Workgroup for all computers on the same network in order to ease the file sharing.
Note: You are also advised to enable network discovery too, so your computer can discover and locate other computers.
Windows 7 - network location type for file sharing
6) Now you can proceed to click on Change advanced sharing settings.
Windows 7 - enable file sharing setting
7) Here you need to locate your current set profile (home or network in this case), and turn on/off following settings. Click on Save changes at last.

Turn on file and printer sharing
Turn off password protected sharing
Windows 7 - turn on file and printer sharing
Windows 7 - turn off password protected sharing
8) Ok! Let’s start to enable file sharing in Windows 7, right click the file or folder you plan to share, select Share with and click on Specific people....
Note: If you don't see the Share with menu, you might be trying to share an item on a network or other unsupported location. It also won't appear when you select files outside your personal folder.
enable file sharing in Windows 7
9) File Sharing window will appear, and here you can select or key in the people you would like to share the file/folder with and click Add. In this case, I added user Guest and also set the Read permission level. Finally click Share to do sharing.
Note: You can set 2 different permission levels for each people you selected:
Read - Can open, but not modify or delete the file.
Read/Write - Can open, modify, or delete the file.
win7 file sharing - choose people to share with
10) The next window will tell you that your file/folder is shared, click Doneto close the window. Basically you have done file sharing in windows 7.
successful file sharing in Windows 7
11) You will notice there is no change on the shared file/folder icon, but if you right click the shared folder and click on Properties. Then go toSharing tab, it will show that folder is shared. Ok. That folder and content can be accessed from other computers now by referring to that network path. Remember to disable this file sharing after completing your tasks! :)
network path for file sharing in Windows 7
Note: If you just shared a file, right click the file and click on Propertiesand go to Details tab, it will show you the users that the file shared with.
file sharing status in Windows 7
Note: You should also click on Security tab. Check the group or user names that are allowed to access this file/folder, and make sure the user/group that you allowed to access during sharing process just now is listed here as well (usually will be added automatically when you do file/folder sharing), if not click Edit to add those missing user/group.
If the specific user/group you allowed during sharing process does not match the user/group listed here, the missing user might not be able to see that shared file/folder at all! Or the user will get prompt saying that you might not have permission to use this network resource when try to access this shared file/folder from other computer.
Windows 7 - security setting for shared file folder